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MOF # 5 From China With Love

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#1 General Kirkov

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Posted 07 October 2009 - 16:19

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Michael and Nichole had spent their honeymoon touring Europe (well at least in the countries where they knew the language anyways. From each new stop they sent a postcard to the team in England, they stopped in Italy, Germany, Austria, Finland, Switzerland, Russia and decided to go to China (without being able to speak a word of Mandarin).

“Hun take out the camera and take a few pictures of the forbidden palace” Nichole insisted. Several pictures were taken with both members of the elite team taking various poses as they did in all the other countries they visited and that’s when they saw a battalion of PLA troops storming the plaza.
“Sweet! I have to get a few pictures, of these guys…” Caboose said out loud.
The only problem was that the troops weren’t doing a drill, they were coming for the newly married couple and they weren’t going to be nice…

Back at the MOF HQ, the team was starting go get worried, they had received each postcard exactly two weeks apart, this last one was 3 weeks overdue, not to mention the honeymoon was supposed to be over…
“Were the fuck are they? Seriously we got 6 from country X with love postcards, which was probably Caboose’s idea, the only funny one was the From Russia one, the rest was well kinda lame.” Steiner grumbled.
“The whole fucking thing was lame.” Garson agreed, “but you know I don’t think it was Mike’s idea sounds more of a Nichole thing, she’s a tad nerdier anyways, probably corrupted him.”
“Where were they supposed to go to last of their ‘world tour’?” Harrison inquired.
“China I think…” Brookfield replied.


Chapter 1

“You are Michael J. Caboose of the MOF?” A military officer enquired.
“Maybe, who the fuck are you?” The sniper replied.
“I am Colonel Jian Ping of the PLA, and we need your help…” The officer replied
“Well fuck you, you don’t tackle two tourists haul them into a deuce and a half then say pretty please help us, your so awesome…” Caboose started but a quick jab to the ribs by Nichole stopped him.
“Besides we don’t do work pro-bono.” He finished
“The Premier’s son has been kidnapped, we wish you to rescue him. We will pay both of you handsomely upon your success.” The colonel responded.
It was now Nichole’s turn to speak; “You do realize we are part of a bigger team right? We can’t launch a rescue mission just the two of us, and before you object we aren’t going to team up with your special ops people either, I want to talk to our team leader.”

“We will see.” The Chinese colonel replied as he walked out the cell.
“Uh Nichole, while you were an officer in a former life, you are a junior member in this team and the Chain of Command is William Harrison, Mark Garson, Myself, Brookfield, Steiner then you. I think I’ll do the talking.” Michael said.
“Uh uh, I’m also your wife and when I’m pissed I outrank you and colonel douche bag whose listening outside the door, HEY FUCKER GET ME A GODADAMN PHONE!”

“William Harrison MOF,” the team leader answered the phone, hoping to talk to Mike or Nichole. “Ah so you arrested two members of my team to get us to fly over to China to help you out? And if I say go fuck yourself? Ah they both chose the left ear if I said that, umm well I guess were on our way. Two conditions… wait what? No, we are flying in on our plane will land on your military airstrip and will bring our own weapons and ammunition… no that’s non-negotiable. Be there in 12 hours.” Harrison hung up.

“OI get your shit together were going to China, yeah bring Mike and Nichole’s stuff too.”

Well hey I'm back, school's been hectic my HD on my laptop got wiped including pretty much all of the Red Storm work I had been re-writing (about 7 new chapters at 1500 words a piece) so pretty depressed about that, so I decided to chug out a new MOF episode, complete with an lame title and everything. So I have the prologue and 1st chapter up for your reading enjoyment.

This one should be relatively short due to academic time restraints, but should non the less pleasing and interesting to most of you who followed my past work and to new readers to whom I strongly recommend a glance at the first 4 to get a basic understanding of the series.

As usual comments, suggestions, inquiries, insults, death threats and pictures of cats in serious situations are welcome!

Edited by General Kirkov, 17 January 2010 - 15:37.

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#2 General Kirkov

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Posted 17 October 2009 - 15:54

Chapter 2

The G-5 touched down on an unmarked airstrip in central China presumably on the base where their team members were being kept, but they weren’t taking any chances. They had their BDUs on, weapons were loaded and, Garson had packed several M-72s to fire at any target they could take out if the Chinese were just there to lure them in, however that seemed unlikely they hadn’t done anything to piss off the Chi-Com government. The problem was many Generals ran their own little armies in regions like this and if they had a beef with you they let you know, right before they killed you. Unsurprisingly enough they weren’t met with any overt hostility several armoured vehicles were brought up to the plane and a truck pulled up to carry their equipment first. Garson pulled out two bags, one had his P-90 and about 2500 rounds for it and his Beretta, 15 grenades, 5 flashbangs, and a pack, however in the other bag he had about 100lbs of high explosives and detonators, not to mention the 6 M-72s he had somehow managed to stuff in his gear. It was probably a good thing that the Chinese troops didn’t bother to go through his bags. Harrison had pretty much a day pack and a duffel for his AUG 7.62 and ammo, Steiner was also relatively conservative a few hundred rounds for his MP-5 and a few grenades. Brookfield however brought up the rear with his new MG-42 (highly modified with Caboose’s help) and a shit load of ammo for it. A few soldiers were sent in to pick up an additional 8 bags and they proceeded to the barracks were Caboose and Nichole were being “housed”

“I demand to speak with my team mates.” Harrison demanded.
“Certainly be careful, the woman is a tad… angry she might throw something at you, also the man has been suggesting what to throw and is having a good time I think.” The Chinese officer replied.

As Harrison opened the door a heavy binder flew over his head as he ducked; “What the fuck Nichole? I come here to rescue you two and you throw shit at me?” He dodged a metal box of some kind, this one came from Caboose.
“Couldn’t help myself Mark, you only warned Nichole.”
“Bullshit both you Cabooses have been here too long.” Harrison replied surveying the room that was littered with thrown objects. “You guys really wanted to fuck this place up uh?”
“Pretty much, they took my camera, it cost me a bundle… hey did Brookfield bring my packs?” Caboose asked.
“Yeah all ten, what the fuck do you have in there anyways? Actually wait I don’t really want to know…”

The two ‘guests’ were let out of the cell and greeted by their team members.
“Hey Caboose, I got to ask you what’s in the bags labelled “Caboose’s stuff bring in case of my absence.” Brookfield asked.
“Well my LSRW, my various rounds for it, my Beretta, my MP-9, my BDUs, our headsets, my scrim netting and uh some stuff I borrowed from Garson. Also I got some stuff to pimp your 42’ cause that’s how I roll.” Michael replied.

“Ok guess who the prime suspects in the kidnapping are?” Harrison asked.
“Ummm your mom?” Steiner joked, earning him a smack on the head from Nichole.
“Thank you Mrs Caboose… sorry I don’t think I can deal with that, I think well just stick with Nichole. Ok any other guesses, Caboose put your hand down.” Harrison dismissed the sniper immediately.
“Well it’s out Russian friends or at least that’s the impression the Chi-Com government sees it, however I’ve heard that the Premier’s son enlisted more or less so our mission is two fold; 1. rescue the boy and 2. eliminate the Russians responsible one way or another. We are being inserted near Vladivostok with the cooperation of both the Chinese and Russian governments either of which will provide an extraction for us, ok suit up!” Harrison ordered glad to have his team back together again, he had to turn several jobs down while Michael and Nichole were off. (Steiner was a miserable sniper)

"Hey who the fuck messed with my scope?" Caboose asked in that dangerous voice where if you answered incorrectly or didn't say what he wanted to hear you were pretty much fucked as he upholstered his sidearm.
"Uh while we were packing your kit the box wasn't locked and it fell out I tried to put it on the way you had it set up, sorry mate." Brookfield replied, he and Caboose were buddies and no-one knew if Michael would actually shoot someone over his rifle, well no-one except maybe Nichole but that was about 50/50.
"Ok, sorry buddy, been a bad few weeks." He replied after holstering his pistol.

“Ok set us down there we’ll walk from here on.” Steiner evaluated as he surveyed a clearing in the wooded area where an encampment had been located, lots of non-sanctioned governmental activity had been recorded near the port city.

Edited by General Kirkov, 04 November 2009 - 15:12.

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#3 General Kirkov

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Posted 20 October 2009 - 00:28

Chapter 3

“Mike do you have a visual? Can you discern armed individuals amongst the group?” Harrison asked as Caboose peered through his scope.
“Oh yeah those are our buddies, hey their doing drill, I always liked Russian drill it’s so badass.” Then what must have been a drill instructor came down on someone who must have fucked up because he got a butt stroke to the stomach. “And they are harsh on people who commit mistakes… Wait wasn’t this group composed of retired Soviet Speztnas troops?” Caboose asked rhetorically.
“Uh yeah why?”
“Because either they found the fucking fountain of youth or they have some new recruits, the guy they smacked down can’t even grow a beard yet.”
“Well the old Soviet system is appealing to some of the younger generation especially in the far regions here.” Garson confirmed.
“So what your saying is that…” Caboose began
“Oh God no, man don’t do it!” Steiner warned
“In Soviet Russia… actually I don’t have anything sorry.” Caboose finished clearly disappointed with himself.
“Don’t worry I’m sure you’ll have something by the end of the mission honey.” Nichole consoled.
“Don’t fucking encourage him!” Harrison hissed as a patrol passed nearby, “Ok lets get this fucking show on the road”

The team stretched out and made their way to a wooded hill offering good cover and a great line of sight for the team sniper and machine gunner on the enemy camp. It permitted them to fire from a distance and it also gave a good route to make their advance on the “base” perimeter. Caboose opened up the duffel he brought along and there in all their glory hundreds of specialized brass .50 cal rounds, he then selected a round so far reserved only for Sea Gulls in the Atlantic... Every third bullet is going to be a “long range dispersal round.” He declared.
“So that’s what your calling your shotgun sniper bullets then eh?” Brookfield teased.
“Well it does sound more professional doesn’t it?” The sniper replied.
“I guess.” The team gunner replied as he unpacked his new favourite toy, a customized MG-42, altered to be lighter and more accurate and he attached a C-73 scope on top waiting for Caboose’s approval.
“£50 says that thing falls off in the first 10 minutes”
“Meh I just want to use it to get my bearings on the target.”

The 4 other members waited for nightfall and Caboose’s signal to get ready and go; traditionally a rock song, usually the standard was Shoot to Thrill by far a team favourite as Caboose timed his shots to coincide with “pull the trigger” lyrics, usually insisting that it should have been squeeze the trigger and so on…
“What do you think he’s going to go for tonight? He said he saw some guys with those big hats and he might start with them he said something like faces? I think he’s finally gone over the edge…” Steiner began then the song started;

“I thought that love was only true in fairy tales”
“Made for someone else and not for me”

“Is that the fucking monkeys?” Garson said.
“Awww” Nichole started
“Don’t start trust me it’s not to be cute he’s fucked up when it comes to shooting people” Steiner insisted.

“It seems the more I gave the less I got”
What’s the use in trying? All you get is pain…

*BANG* The tower guard’s head disintegrated as the .50 shell hit him on the nose

“When I needed sunshine I got rain”

*BANG the other tower guard was no longer in this world

“Wait didn’t he say something about this is going to be much better than shooting sea gulls?” Harrison said as they slid into the compound, while the troops were all in their barracks the lights off.

“You don’t think? Oh this is going to be fucking awesome!” Steiner exclaimed

Then I saw her face!

*BANG* Three men where taken down by one of the custom rounds.

Now I’m a believer


With out a trace

“Nothing on that line” Nichole started
“Reloading” the 3 others replied unanimously

No doubt in my mind!


The perimeter guards were all getting dropped, then a GaZ truck was pulling into the gate

“Oh shit” Garson mouthed

“Now I’m in love whooooo!”

The ‘shotgun bullet’ took out the driver, the passenger and the guy on the mounted RPD machinegun.

“I couldn’t leave her if I tried…”

“Ok I think you guys are clear, uh make sure I didn’t kill the premier’s son there” Caboose said over the headset radio.
“Steiner go” Harrison ordered

The ex seal ran up looked at the wrecked vehicle ‘damn mike’ he said under his breath upon looking at the mutilated bodies then; “No we’re good they all have round eyes!”

“Jesus Christ Steiner!” Brookfield said.
“Um no were not related.” He replied.
“Well I’m a fucking believer Mike, good job, Harrison out. Nichole I think you should have a talk with the man that is by far the most messed up song he’s picked before going postal, or at least since I’ve known him.”
“Oh what was number 2?”
“Um no clear winners I do believe however that; ‘you can’t always get what you want’ by the Rolling Stones was rather chilling because he sung along…” Harrison replied
“He can sing? Awww” She replied cuddling her G-36 as if it was her husband.

“Fucking made for each other, the perfect fucking psychotic couple.”


Comments welcome!

Edited by General Kirkov, 20 October 2009 - 00:31.

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#4 General Kirkov

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Posted 20 October 2009 - 00:28

sry double post

Edited by General Kirkov, 20 October 2009 - 00:30.

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#5 BeefJeRKy

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Posted 20 October 2009 - 14:29

Story seems to bne developing nicely. I always appreciated the humor element in MOF.
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#6 General Kirkov

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Posted 21 October 2009 - 14:46

View PostViseur, on 20 Oct 2009, 10:29, said:

Story seems to bne developing nicely. I always appreciated the humor element in MOF.

Thanks that's what I think makes the MOF more or less original, chapter 4 on the way!
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#7 General Kirkov

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Posted 22 October 2009 - 15:58

Chapter 4

“Ok were in, Caboose stand down but be ready I think we will start with that main building, if I wanted to keep a VIP hostage it would probably be there, keep this line open but stay off it, Harrison out”

The team moved in groups of two more commonly known as ‘fire teams’, luckily the sniper had removed whatever was in their immediate way, however they had to remain vigilant any kind of random factor might force them to act fast.. They moved through the compound, things were rather quiet, had they been on any other mission it would be considered too quiet, however they were in Siberia in September and the troops clearly wanted to stay in their barracks nice and warm. The one problem would be the Sentry switch.

“Oh shit it’s 03:00, new batch of bitchy sentries coming out to relieve their buddies.” Steiner warned as he backtracked to the wall of a munitions hut. “Dial up Mike??
“Fuck, I don’t think so, they’ll see the bodies then we’ll have a fucking emergency alarm set off. How many did you see come out?” Harrison inquired.
“Dunno, how many did caboose off?”
“Shit we have a problem gentlemen… and woman, ok pull out your side arms our primaries have too much of a flash even with the silencers, make it quiet and fast. Caboose, change of guard mate be ready and wake up Brookfield.” Harrison ordered.
“Roger.” You could hear the bolt of the massive weapon being pulled back and sliding a fresh round into the chamber over the radio. “Oy, James wake the fuck up we might need your… whatever the fuck you do…” Caboose said as he nudged the machine gunner.
“What I do? I waste mother fuckers at 1800 rounds a minute, that's what I do, fucking load and lock one 500 round belt!” He replied with a big smile,
“Ready at our end Will.”

The four other members of the team drew their Berettas silently crouched behind the wall flipped off the safety but kept their fingers off the triggers which were all extremely sensitive. One shot to the head and two to the chest was SOP for them and in fact for most or all special ops teams. As the Guards turned the corner they moved off without seeing the men who were about to kill them. Four were taken down simultaneously and the 5th as he turned around to see what happened took one in the forehead and two right in the heart by Nichole.

“Damn, nice shooting Ms Black err Mrs. Caboose, what the fuck am I supposed to call you?” Garson asked incredulous at the perfect shot and grouping pulled off in less than 2 seconds.
“Whatever you like dear.” She said as she holstered her weapon.

As usual I appreciate feedback sorry for the relatively short chapter I stopped it at that line, to allow for an easier transition to the next portion of the story.
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#8 General Kirkov

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Posted 28 October 2009 - 20:24

Chapter 5

“Ok, Garson do your stuff with the munitions building.” Harrison ordered
“Oh what would that be?” He replied shuffling his feet and looking in the air trying to look innocent”
“Listen Mark, only Caboose can pull that that innocent puppy shit off, so get ready to blow the shit out of this base, lay some claymores, pass around your spare nades…” Harrison ordered tersely.
“Ok ok, well let’s start with the grenades… What the fuck?” He whispered only loud enough for the team to hear. “That mother fucker!”
“What now?” Steiner replied exasperated.
“Caboose nicked a bunch of my shit again!”
“Uh uh and how do you know that? You always blame him when some of your kit goes missing.” Harrison shot back silently while Nichole was leaning against the wall grinning.
“Because he left a fucking I owe you letter this time!”
“Oh I said he should be more considerate when he borrows your stuff.” Nichole replied giggling.
“So you think it’s funny?” He said getting angrier and angrier. “He flips if someone touches his fucking rifle, but if a few grenades go missing and I get a letter, written in iridium ink that shows up only with low light amplification goggles and it’s fucking funny?”
“Yep” the other 3 members of the team present replied holding back tears.
“What does the letter say dear?” Nichole asked trying to keep a strait face and failing all together.
“Don’t call me dear for the rest of this mission! I’m not fucking happy with the two of you!” Garson growled. “Ok let’s see what he wrote..; ‘Sorry buddy but I forgot to grab some grenades after the last mission and since you carry a bunch I though you wouldn’t mind lending some to me, oh I also borrowed 2 claymores and half a pound of composite B for experimentation…’ How the fuck do you borrow grenades? I won’t be getting them back will I? No he’s gonna fucking toss them, same with the claymores and I don’t want to know what he has in mind with the Comp-B…”
“Ok do you have enough to level this place or not?” Harrison asked after the minor rant.
“Well yeah and then some…”
“Then take Steiner and make it happen, don’t forget to mine the doorways in front of the barracks, Nichole come with me we’re going to go visit the CO. You two come link up with us inside the admin building when you finish up.”

The two groups split temporarily Nichole and Harrison walking swiftly and silently towards what could only be the principle building of the compound, looking around intently, the building itself would most certainly be guarded from the inside. Alarms would be unlikely however since based on the security measures outside they were set up to resist an military force not a small spec ops group with limited objectives. But should something go wrong the two elements would bail and Brookfield and Caboose would provide covering fire while they made their way out. Harrison gave a quick up and around look of the door looking for wires or sensors, finding none he went for his lock pick set.

“May I William?” Nichole asked
“Go for it” He said as he handed over the set.
“Thank you, but I don’t think that will be necessary.” She replied and simply pulled the handle down and pushed open the door. They walked in and began down the corridor towards a staircase clearing every corner where a guard could be stationed, besides they weren’t here to kill everyone despite what the sniper wanted to believe. They moved down towards the stairway quickly so far so good, a noise from the right in an office space made them stop in their tracks. A man who appeared to be a sergeant walked out yawning with some paper work and began to go outside and bumped into Steiner who acted quickly knocking him out with the stock of his MP-5. They dragged the man back into his office; he appeared to be the clerk.
“Hello comrade we have some questions to ask you, if you answer correctly you live, if you answer incorrectly or in a manner that displeases us you will still live but very uncomfortably.” Nichole informed the captured soldier in Russian who nodded in understanding.
“Ok he gets it, what do you want to know?” Nichole addressed Harrison
“Where does his CO live? How well guarded is he?”
The Russian answered quickly
“Up stairs, down the corridor to the right last room. He has 2 body guards stationed in a bullet proof booth right outside… Anything else we need to know?” Nichole related to the rest of the team.
“Nope shoot him now.” Harrison ordered
“Ok” Nichole answered as she pulled out her Berretta and shot him point blank in the back of the head.
“You know what?” Steiner asked
“Umm?” She muttered as she wiped down the blood splatter as best she could.
“Forget it…” Steiner replied hastily
“Ok, move on then?” She asked addressing Harrison
“Yep, but first I need ideas for that booth.”
“Grenades!” Garson shouted
“Gas?” Steiner proposed
“Shoot through the wooden door bellow the bullet proof glass?” Nichole suggested.
“Grenades are out of the question” Harrison said scolding Garson to a certain extent. “Gas is not practical it will wake up the CO while the CS gas burns his lungs, shooting through a door is also problematic you’re not sure if you’re going to kill them instantly, I think I have a cunning plan…”
“How cunning?” Steiner interrupted
“As cunning as a fox who has just been appointed dean of the department of cunningness at Oxford University.” Harrison replied quoting one of his favourite comedies.
“Mrs. Caboose how often do you think these guys see wom…” He didn’t have time to finish his sentence as he got a hard slap and dirty looks from the rest of the team.
“OK, fuck it let’s just shoot them through the door.”
Comments welcome as usual, chapter 6 on the way, I would really like to know how you guys think this is progressing,

-edit- spelling and format.

-edit- Half way poll added

Edited by General Kirkov, 28 October 2009 - 20:42.

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#9 General Kirkov

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Posted 04 November 2009 - 14:19


“Good morning sir we have a few questions for you.” Nichole translated for Garson who was massaging his cheek.
“And who are you?” The Russian major answered, clearly annoyed at being disturbed at 02:00 hrs.
“Tell us where the Premier’s son is.” Harrison barked
“I’d rather not to be quite honest” He replied in english Harrison almost called on Nichole again but thought better about it and nodded to Garson who pulled the man up sat him on a chair and tied him down.
“I'm glad you speak english we really don’t like asking the same questions too often, so once more sir.” Harrison asked in a strong tone of voice.
“Fuck off”
“Garson if you please…” Harrison ordered
The former Seal pulled out his sidearm and put a bullet in the knee of the uncooperative officer who did not scream but was clearly in agony. After regaining his composure the Russian who turned to Nichole and suggested something rather rude and before Harrison could stop her she shot him in his other knee.
“Douche.” She muttered.

“I know you now, oh yes I recognize you except for your woman, you fouled up our plans twice, once in the Atlantic seizing our Submersed Space Weapons Control Center and sinking our battleships…” The officer began only to be interrupted by Steiner;
“That was fun, you know we got a Hind out of that deal, a bonus for fucking you guys up.”
“Apparently not enough huh?” Garson intersected.
“Well then in Antarctica as well, however you will never be able to silence us or stop us, we will triumph. Russia’s glory will be restored…”
“Yeah whatever you say, you have lots of places left where we can hurt you, tell us where he is and we’ll just let you here, maybe call in your guards. If you have a good medic you might live.”
“He’s not here so fuck off!” He said in a defiant reply.
“Ok then.” Harrison replied a tad disappointed and he executed the officer on the spot. “Let’s get he fuck out of here, he tripped a silent alarm me thinks.” Garson said as he pointed to a blinking light under the desk.

The team made a rapid exit only killing one or two hapless soldiers along the way who came to check on their CO, 5 minutes later a Klaxon went on apparently a safeguard, if you don’t report in then a massive stand-to went into effect. As the first troops stumbled out of the barracks door the first set of troops tripped the claymores taking out about half the garrison in the three buildings leaving about 80 men to give trouble to the retreating team they were forming up in the rear of the complex to regroup and launch an attack on the undetected strike force. Suddenly Caboose came on the radio; “What the fuck did you guys do? Did you get any information on the whereabouts of the kid?”
“No he was a dead end.” Harrison replied not hiding his disappointment.
“Then he lost his head!” Nichole chimed in.
“Seriously you need to stop that you are really starting to sound, well…” Garson was cut off by the shriek of the MG-42 cutting into a group of troopers trying to sneak around the corner of the ammo building. “You know what? Fuck it.” He continued as they made it to the tree line and pushed the trigger on his detonator incinerating the ammo shed and killing about 20 additional soldiers leaving the rest exposed to Brookfield’s rain of death from his newest toy. Then a problem developed, some keeners made it to a vehicle depot which the team ignored and a pair of BMP-3s pulled out as the 4 man assault team made it back to Caboose and Brookfield.

“Uh guys problem!” Caboose pointed out as the infantry fighting vehicles approached the massive belch of flame produced by the machine gun at night.
“Pull out the M-72s?” Steiner suggested.
“They have ERA it’s gonna take a few hits to disable them.” Brookfield pointed out laying off the trigger since he made most of the enemy dead the rest were on the ground bleeding out.
“Somehow I’m not sure I want to ask but that experiment with the Composite-B, what was it?” Harrison asked dreading the answer when he saw a big grin on the sniper’s face.
"Wait is the grin related to a new weapon?" Steiner asked with a tone of anxiety
"Is it useful in this situation?"
"Not really no."
"Then why are you grinning?"
"Because the drivers are in the open sticking their heads up in my sights, I'll have this situation rectified shortly." Caboose said as he peered intently into his scope. "Let's see, umm I do believe normally this would call for a standard .50 cal round. But then again I'm not normal..." He said as he inserted two custom bullets. Both were fired in rapid succession at both drivers going through their necks at a downward angle into the vehicle and stopping it dead in it's tracks.
"What the fuck did you use?" Harrison asked
"Umm sometimes you just don't want the answer to that kind of question mate."

The team rushed up to the disabled vehicle waiting for the troops to crawl out the back as they did they were pulled out were forced to the ground.
"Take their uniforms I think I have a good idea where we can find our objective..." Harrison said as he pointed to a ship in the nearby harbour where a young man was being forced aboard at gun point.
"Oh I got it!" Caboose exclaimed.
"God Damnit..." Harrison sighed.
"In Soviet Russia UNIFORM WEARS YOU!"
Brookfield broke out laughing as he tried on his third uniform.
"Hey Nichole." Michael said in an inquisitve tone.
"Yes hun?" She said with the beginings of a grin of her own
"Did you use the lines I suggested?"
"Oh yes I think they were a tad freaked out, I had to stop myself from laughing to keep a strait serious face."
"I fucking knew it!" Garson exclaimed, "there's no way in hell she would say that shit on her own, also mike I demand to know what you did with my HE!"
"Do you like Rambo?" Caboose asked rhetoricaly.
"Yes..." Garson said in a guarded tone of voice.
"Did you like his bow with the explosive arrows?"
"Fuck yes... Oh my fucking God, you didn't?"

Caboose produced the newest item, albeight useless of his arsonal.

"Very nice sir." One of the Russians said.
"Oh you're still alive? We forgot about you for a second there." Steiner said as he sprayed the 12 men with his MP-5.


To be continued in MOF #6; Infiltrators

Edited by General Kirkov, 04 November 2009 - 15:46.

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