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New faction engineers cant capture?

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#1 jspstorm


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Posted 08 October 2009 - 03:02

I just created a mod that adds a new faction into the game, this faction is basically just a clone of the allies, their side is still "allies". All of their units are just copies of the aliies units, only a few minor changes. Everything works fine, everything can be built, AI targets my units and mine target theirs, etc. The only problem is, the engineers from my new faction cannot capture neutral buildings (only tested on oil derricks). When the derrick is in unexplored shroud, the engineer can target the building with the capture cursor, but when he gets close, he stops, and once the derrick is in sight, he can't target it at all.

Anyone know why this is? My only guess is it has something to do with relationships, and neutral is not being seen as the enemy of my faction for some reason.

Edited by jspstorm, 08 October 2009 - 03:03.

#2 JJ

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Posted 08 October 2009 - 06:44

If RA3 is anyway similar to CnC3, the engineer logic should be done using EngineerContain. If so, you need to edit the EngineerContain of the oil derrick to let your engineer capture it.

#3 jspstorm


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Posted 09 October 2009 - 03:49

Thanks for the reply, but I've already tried that, both adding my faction to GenericEngineerContain.xml and by replacing the include GenericEngineerContain.xml line in the oil derrick structure with my revised contain code, and no luck. The same problem every time, as soon as the structure is visible, the game decides the new engineer isn't able to capture/garrison the structure.

Edited by jspstorm, 09 October 2009 - 03:50.

#4 JJ

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Posted 09 October 2009 - 06:01

Hmmm, you sure you included both the GenericEngineerContain.xml and the xml for the oil derrick?

Maybe some sort of code error in the engineer?

#5 jspstorm


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Posted 10 October 2009 - 00:34

The oil derrick xml file is included in mod.xml, and GenericEngineerContain is referenced correctly in the derrick file. No errors on build.
The engineer code is just an exact copy of the allied engineer, only values have been changed, no xml tags have been added or removed, just description, health, and that sort of value changed.

Could this be map specific, I don't know anything about what kind of data maps store in themselves, they wouldn't have their own engineercontain list for the oil derricks? (I am testing the mod on an ordinary skirsmish map).

Also, I found an xml called NeutralMapSpecific.xml, which includes the oilderrick.xml file, I copied this to my mod folder, included it in mod.xml and updated its include to point to my modified oilderrick.xml file, and still, no luck.

#6 Slye_Fox

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Posted 10 October 2009 - 02:17

It is map specific.

All the maps are built separately to the game files.
All the objects, sounds, textures, ect. are built into the map itself.

The only way to get a change to one of those objects, is to recompile the map.
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