Poly Limit for Generals ZH
Posted 08 November 2009 - 08:23
the turret direction must face the pivot's X-axis

NProject Mod -- Recolonize -- Tidal Wars
Posted 08 November 2009 - 09:59
A Draw Call is needed for every texture pass on each mesh, the total Draw Call count of a model is thus the sum of all textures per mesh - even when using the exact same texture for two meshes, that's still two Draw Calls. Thus, your primary objective should be to reduce both mesh and texture count, i.e. try welding as much of the model as possible into one single Mesh. The WWSkin modifier is very helpful here as it allows you to subdivide meshes (for example to define turrets, animate legs etc.) without breaking the mesh.
For example, the Mech seen here is just one single mesh.
Posted 08 November 2009 - 12:33

Posted 08 November 2009 - 12:47
Golan, on 8 Nov 2009, 10:59, said:
A Draw Call is needed for every texture pass on each mesh, the total Draw Call count of a model is thus the sum of all textures per mesh - even when using the exact same texture for two meshes, that's still two Draw Calls. Thus, your primary objective should be to reduce both mesh and texture count, i.e. try welding as much of the model as possible into one single Mesh. The WWSkin modifier is very helpful here as it allows you to subdivide meshes (for example to define turrets, animate legs etc.) without breaking the mesh.
For example, the Mech seen here is just one single mesh.
this is good to know, i always avoid welding to spare out polygons (in fact, most of my models consist of large numbers of separate objects). however, when i make my models into a single mesh (using sketchup this is rather easy), the outcome is literally a ton of extra polies... how does this weigh up against the otherwise high number of draw calls?
Posted 08 November 2009 - 13:35

Posted 08 November 2009 - 15:34
Camille, on 8 Nov 2009, 12:47, said:
Keep in mind that a mesh isn't limited to having just one connected "surface" of all its polygons - you do not have to weld verts and cap gaps by adding polygons; intersecting polygons work fine too. Basically, whatever object 3DsMax allows you to create as/convert to a single Editable Mesh/Poly will count as one Mesh when exported to w3d/w3x. Usually, you should be able to combine all objects using the same Material into one single Mesh without having to generate new polys.
It's difficult to give a clear relation on Poly count to DC count for Gens/ZH as the engine uses mainly single-texture materials (thus not requiring multiple passes per poly) as opposed to the 3- to 4-texture materials of TW and later games. As a rule of thumb, cutting the DC count in half should allow you to spend 25% to 50% more polys.
H4mm3r, on 8 Nov 2009, 13:35, said:
At least all you have to do on the model. You also need to define the turret in the unit's ini in order to tell the game that there actually is a turret and how to use it.
Edited by Golan, 08 November 2009 - 15:52.
Posted 08 November 2009 - 15:58

Posted 08 November 2009 - 17:19

kudos to Pasidon for this awesome avvy and siggy!
Posted 08 November 2009 - 17:26

kudos to Pasidon for this awesome avvy and siggy!
Posted 08 November 2009 - 17:28
Am I right?

Posted 08 November 2009 - 17:38
When you're ready with the animation, see this tutorial: http://www.moddb.com/groups/command-and-co...s/mechs-working

kudos to Pasidon for this awesome avvy and siggy!
Posted 08 November 2009 - 17:45

Posted 08 November 2009 - 17:54

kudos to Pasidon for this awesome avvy and siggy!
Posted 08 November 2009 - 17:57
For now I am working on a power plant, currently 808 poly with about 20 cylinders and a torus with a box.
Every object has at least 8 sides, except for the box of course.

Posted 08 November 2009 - 18:04

I could give you some tips in modelling if you wish (i'm not that good)
Edited by Gen.Kenobi, 08 November 2009 - 18:04.

kudos to Pasidon for this awesome avvy and siggy!
Posted 08 November 2009 - 18:06
btw. PM's are slow.

Posted 08 November 2009 - 20:01
Slye_Fox, on 8 Nov 2009, 14:37, said:
I use 3DS Max 2010, while applying a gray skin with Material Library. I do that so it doesn't show up pink ingame before I skin it.
Also, I just made a render of the powerplant i was working on, if anyone wants to see it, PM me.
It is my first render EVER.

Posted 08 November 2009 - 21:35

Posted 10 November 2009 - 00:37

BTW i guess your problemans are now solved. Don't forget to UV map the model and skin it.
Edited by Gen.Kenobi, 10 November 2009 - 00:38.

kudos to Pasidon for this awesome avvy and siggy!
Posted 10 November 2009 - 01:30

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