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#1 Zhao

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Posted 05 December 2009 - 07:08

Oops Ment UVW D: its a bad habit.

I was following screaming crickets tutor on how to UVW a object so I was ready to skin it, and I ran into some problems . He said in his tutor to not attach anything to X part of model like Tires or other gun turrets so i didn't , i got the UVW thing for the model I made and I got this

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used Collasp all , as said in tutor and then clicked the other Object.

But when i did it with this object it didnt add toward the other one

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i want it all to be together but i dont know how |8

i used pictures , because i fail at explaining 8|

Edited by Zhao, 05 December 2009 - 07:10.

#2 Sgt. Rho

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Posted 05 December 2009 - 11:19

select the faces you want to unwrap, hit "planar", "box" or whatever, then the "angle" (X,Y,Z) and then move and resized it on the UVW.

#3 Pav:3d


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Posted 05 December 2009 - 12:47

In order to UV you need to understand what UV unwrapping is. It is a jigsaw puzzle of every face/side on your model. By UV-ing you are telling the model where you want the texture/skin to be.

- Attach everything (you can remove parts later, also this helps if you are skinning everything on one texture)
- Delete any duplicated pieces (IE Wheels, parts you are going to skin the same anyway) and leave one of the pieces to be duplicated, you can unwrap it and then just duplicate it afterwards (saves you unwrapping 8 wheels for instance)
- Modifiers -> UV Co-ordinates -> Unwrap UVW
- (In the "Edit UVWs box") Select all the UV's (they should all be red now)
- Mapping -> Flatten Mapping -> OK
- Now everything is all flattened out infront of you, all the sides of the model. You can probably make out a few distinct shapes that look like part of your model.
- Any face you select in the Edit UVW's window will turn red in the main viewport
- Now you can start putting together pieces in separate parts, you can put them anywhere you want when you are working on them, but when you have finished you must put them all within that blue box (the thick blue lines) (unless you are doing repeated textures, but this is something to do when you understand how to unwrap more)
- When you have finished and want to detach different pieces (IE, wheels, guns, turrets, etc) make sure to right click and COLLAPSE ALL on the Unwrap UVW modifier, otherwise the UV map will re-set when you detach something and it wont work.
- Duplicate the duplicates you deleted earlier, and you will notice they will all have the same unwrap

Im going to do a proper tutorial one day |8

Edited by Pav3d, 05 December 2009 - 12:48.

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#4 Gen.Kenobi

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Posted 05 December 2009 - 13:21

View PostPav3d, on 5 Dec 2009, 10:47, said:

Im going to do a proper tutorial one day |8

I can't wait 8|
"The entire ocean. The entire world. Wherever we want to go, we'll go. That's what a ship is, you know. It's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs but what a ship is... what Tidal Wars really is... is freedom."
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kudos to Pasidon for this awesome avvy and siggy!

#5 Zhao

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Posted 05 December 2009 - 13:59

i select all the UVW thingys and the mapping -> flatten texture is disabled

is it ok if i move the faces around?

Edited by Zhao, 05 December 2009 - 14:14.

#6 Pav:3d


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Posted 05 December 2009 - 14:27

Make sure you expand the UVW modifier and select "Face"

And yes thats the whole idea that you move them where ever so theyre all properly aligned n ready for skinning |8

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#7 Zhao

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Posted 11 December 2009 - 15:12

Its kind of hard since 2010 and 3ds max 8 are a little different so yeah. D:
I don’t get that white menu any more :(

#8 Pav:3d


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Posted 11 December 2009 - 15:17

Itll be somewhere in tools or somewhere in the UVW menu

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