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MOF # 6 Infiltrators

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#1 General Kirkov

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Posted 07 December 2009 - 16:02

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Previously on the MOF, but you're probably not gonna re-read that so just assume this is a decent conclusion to that previous episode :P


The team moved on towards the naval pier where their objective was being forced onto another modernized Kirov cruiser, it appeared to be the staple warship of the neo-communists and then a problem hit them. Only two of their members spoke fluent Russian, the others spoke only a few words along the lines of; “Here is my passport, where is the beach and I need to go to the bathroom.” Then one of their Russian speaking members was a woman and the other was a psychopathic killer, perhaps the only one that might fit in. They also neglected to pick up Kalashnikovs to hurry up and catch the ship before it left port and thus they had their mix of non-standard weapons which would be problematic to say the least. That’s when Harrison steered the group behind a shed;
“Ideas no matter how crazy, even Caboose crazy, go.”
“Disable it before it leaves the port so they have to unload the kid, then we pick him up and get the fuck out.” Garson proposed.
“Not bad, any others?”
“Claim we caught the saboteurs and want to deliver them and then take out make it aboard and improv from there?” Brookfield suggested.
“We can’t improv here, too risky, Carl?”
“Well they have a naval Hip transport chopper on the back of the deck we can escape from there but I don’t really have a plan to get us on board, that would be a good option to get out.” The pilot suggested.
“Ok that’s good, Nichole?”
“Sorry I’m at a loss here.” Will.
“I almost hate to ask, but Mike do you have a decent plan?” The team leader asked.
“Infiltration; we claim that we are prepping a team to get into the Western militaries or Para-Militaries i.e. mercenaries and were sent by the CO of the base we just blew the fuck up. We were acquiring equipment from arms dealers and by the time we got back to get a truck ride our base was whipped out. We have all the ID we need on our uniforms, and before you ask we don’t have pictures on our cards. Our English speaking comrades are trying to get in character to impersonate the MOF team and we now need a ride out of the area, a trip up the coast in the ship where we can bug out later on should be fine when we report to our employer, say the real Russians and they won’t see us again. I can play the Sniper, Mark can play the Demo guy, James can play the Machine gunner, Carl…”
“Ok good plan until the smart assness began, actually I really like it in fact since you and Nichole speak as far as I can tell perfect Russian and we can grunt maybe speak English with a false Russian accent and say we are working on it.” Harrison confirmed his approval of the plan.
“Carl I assume you can fly the chopper? You know what stupid question, Michael you do the talking Nichole, pretend to coach us in English saying something in Russian which means the cake is a lie in English and we’ll try to struggle with it ok? You can improv on that all you want. Mike drop the torque bow, sorry buddy, I’ll get you a new one once this is done with.”

No cover page yet, I promise I'll have one done for the final installment of the MOF though...
Also updates on this one are going to be erratic, probably.
This one is going to be a lot lighter like the previous one, I tried showing a darker side of the team, didn't work out well so I'll stick to what worked; Crazy sniper, big explosions, lots of face palming from the other team members and hopfully you too and of course some decent jokes and gags!

Edited by General Kirkov, 08 January 2010 - 01:37.

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#2 General Kirkov

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Posted 04 January 2010 - 14:41

Chapter 1

The team moved up confidently towards the pier where the ship was moored before being stopped by a corporal, who signalled them to halt in the universal military manner rifle pointed at them and shouted остановить! (halt). He was rather blasé about the whole thing, it seemed more of a formality then anything else they were in the same uniform despite their weapons, this might be easier then the team thought it would be. Caboose asked for a permission to board and with a presentation of their paperwork or lack of they were let on board.

Proceeding through the passage way they encountered a more considerable obstacle; officers accompanied by the guard, oops thought Harrison. “Who are you?” The senior man asked in English. Caboose had the good sense to answer in Russian; “We are members of division 31, infiltration unit.”
“What is your mission comrade?” The officer replied suddenly at ease but still guarded
“We were detailed to impersonate the MOF team as to get close to key western leaders and officials and eliminate them or disrupt their operations.” The sniper replied.
The Russian held up a photo and began looking the team up and down, oh shit Harrison thought again.
“You did your job very well except him.” The officer said pointing to Steiner, “their pilot is taller and darker and I think he is too pale, however it should not be a problem. Why are you doing all the speaking I assume you are doing the job of their sniper, they say he is crazy…”
Nichole stepped forward and began; “the other four keep reverting to Russian, they need some work in English and I am coaching them sir. We have been given orders to forbid them to speak Russian to get used to speaking English. British accents for the English members of the team, one must learn to speak with a southern American accent from Alabama I believe and the other does not need so much work except with his grammar.”
“Very well how is it coming?” He continued becoming more and more at ease so far as Harrison could tell.
“Попробуйте торт это ложь, “Steiner”, with an Alabama accent please she finished in English” Nichole instructed. This had been a key word to begin trying English words with a little Russian accent while crossing over to better and better English” Nichole instructed.
“The cake is lie!” He tried with a good southern accent.
“You forgot the “a”, in the phrase but your accent is nearly perfect, now practice your English with the others.”
“Da he replied.”
“NO FUCKING RUSSIAN!” Caboose shouted as he realized his uniform had more rank indicators than the others, thus he could yell at them all he wanted, this might be a fun mission after all.
“Very well I shall instruct the crew or those who speak English only to speak with you in that language comrade captain” The commander replied (Caboose had figured it out)
“My apologies commander but I am a lieutenant.” Caboose corrected him in a deferent tone.
“Of course you are, carry on.” Now apparently completely at ease “if there is anything you might need I am at your disposal, you might need western uniforms I doubt you will fit in with Russian ones!”
“We have some already sir”, Harrison said in English with a light English accent with a hint of Russian as he pulled out his BDUs from his pack.
“Perfect, well done! Lieutenant you may have to practice taking orders from that one, our files indicate he is the team leader.” The Russian officer said in parting “We have cabins for ‘guests’ on the next deck.”
“Ah fuck.” Caboose said under his breath.


Sorry for the delay I was on "break" I put that in quotations because I had all of four days off, the rest was work time, so you should see more regular updates now that I'm back at school.

The chapter is also a tad short but I wanted to finish it with Caboose being a tad dissapointed that his power trip was very short lived...

Comments welcome as per usual
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#3 General Kirkov

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Posted 05 January 2010 - 17:23

Chapter 2

Harrison led the team to the upper deck next to the 45 millimetre gun, thankfully it was relatively clear; they had all changed into their “MOF” BDUs. “Ok then what happened back there Mike? That officer was suspicious then you talked to him in Russian a bunch then he calmed down a bit looked us up and down pointed to Steiner after he replied in Russian, laughed then you shouted at him. You talked a bit more after he pointed at me you did your sad puppy face he seemed happy and walked off. Explanation please.” Harrison ordered.

“Ok well I had to BS at first, told them we were from their special ops section then he tried to force me to slip up…”
“You did very well by the way honey.” Nichole interrupted.
“Yes thank you, by the way guys good improv with the English practice, the rest of the crew has orders to address you only in English so reply in kind but don’t be perfect just yet. He said I was in charge until you were perfect Will…”
“Bullshit I heard the ‘Ah Fuck’ Mike”
“I heard that too.”
“Ok he said I had to practice taking orders from you, corporal I’m a leftenant by the way so I have to play that up some.”
“Fine.” Harrison replied grudgingly

Nichole continued; “I’m going to instruct you guys in ‘English’ for most of the trip until we figure out a plan to get out with the child. We have ‘accommodations’ two decks down which according to discreet inquiries would be very close to the kid so picking him up won’t be that bad. Getting out, well that’s a different issue isn’t it?” She concluded.
“Why did he point at me!” Steiner demanded.
“Well I have a plan, we say we need to be planted up the coast so we may need to borrow that naval HiP helicopter, I’m sure Steiner could convince their pilot to give him lessons, should be ok, tell him you flew Hinds in Afghanistan or something since you are familiar with the Mil-24 anyways.” Harrison began as he formulated his plan. “Then from there we just run the kid to it, lift off and get the fuck out.”
“Why did he point at me!” Steiner insisted.
“I’m sure an opportunity will come up, Caboose begin buddying up with that officer we may need to be granted some lee-way, moving about the ship and what-not. Garson, do you still have any explosives?” Harrison inquired.
“Because he said you were too short and too pale to be the real Steiner, that might have saved us by the way buddy, happy?” Caboose replied.
“Lame, so fucking lame.” Steiner answered.
“Ok back on topic, Mark still have some boom boom?”
“Hell yeah but not enough to do some real damage.”
“I’m sure I can figure something out…” Harrison said as he turned to look at the bridge.

The team began to mingle with the crew, they were good natured enough, often commenting on the need to improve certain accents particularly Steiner’s much to his annoyance since he was in fact speaking it perfectly. However he realized they were just trying to help, that thought made him feel more uncomfortable, these were his enemies. They tried to disrupt the world order more than once, the team made a conscious effort to eat with the crew. Caboose declined to dine with the Captain at first but Harrison insisted he did, they needed to curry favour with the officers of the ship. So he went up in his Russian combat uniforms saying he only had these and his MOF imitation uniform which the captain commented that it needed some work to be more authentic. Otherwise he was full of praise for the group and was impressed with the overall plan that his XO relayed to him. This was in fact a good thing because Caboose couldn’t remember half the shit he spewed out of his mouth that day.

“So what happens if the real MOF shows up lieutenant?” The captain began in Russian, “My apologies, I’ve been told that the crew was to speak to you and your team in English, far be it from me to exempt myself from the standing orders aboard my own ship! Would you prefer it if I switched to English? I’m fairly fluent.”
“The choice is yours comrade captain.” Caboose replied, his Russian was about to break down he had to pause a few times to phrase his sentences properly.
“I shall then, I noticed that you had difficulties keeping up with the conversation, it must be because you are learning to speak English and no doubt you speak other languages. Tell me how many do you speak?”
“I now also speak English, French, German and Italian sir.”
“Impressive bravo, but back to my earlier question, what is to happen should you cross the real team?”
“You are no doubt aware of the explosion at the base that we were temporarily housed sir?”
“Of course lieutenant, a complete disaster, however we had finished loading supplies and it was to be abandoned next week…”
“Well it was the MOF, apparently they were after a vip hostage we had acquired, we came up behind them as they were reorganizing and eliminated them. That is how we got their weapons to be honest quite a stroke of luck considering the cost paid for it. Unfortunately their uniforms were unsalvageable to we had to make due with what we had acquired. Standard mercenary garments were slightly modified. The woman on my team is quite the seamstress.” Caboose replied.
“That is excellent news, well done sir!” A junior officer exclaimed from the other end of the table.
“Yes well done! They won’t be bothering us anymore, however the West will be forming a new team to take their place in short order none the less… What did you do with the bodies it would be problematic should they be discovered your whole operation could be jeopardized.” The captain persisted the whole crew now had Caboose’s complete attention.
“We piled their bodies in the burning buildings with some of our men to complete the deception I was a tad disgusted with the way it had to be accomplished but it had to be done.” He replied.
“Yes very sad indeed, I have a secret I’m surprised you were unaware of our other ‘guest’” the captain said with a sneer.
“I had suspicions but without complete information I was unwilling to make a guess or comment.”
“Well then by all means guess! No one will think ill of you should you miss your mark! You have been away and killed one of our what is the expression torn in our toes?”
“Torn in our sides sir.”
“Ah yes, guess guess!” XO said with delight, clearly Caboose’s team’s stock had risen decidedly.
“I heard it was a Chinese general their strategic rocket command forces and another rumour that it was the son of the Chinese premier.”
“Wrong on the first and right on the second!”
“What do you want with him he’s a child! 15 or 16”
“Exactly, the Premier’s only child educated abroad, he loves him more than anything else, once he was in hospital with the flu the premier didn’t leave the place until the boy was released. Ignored foreign and internal affairs completely, in essence a devoted father, you asked what we were going to do with him? We are going to acquire nuclear weapons, more precisely some that can be delivered by medium range missiles like Russian Sunburns…”
“Excuse me comrade captain…” Caboose said switching to Russian for effect “I am not familiar with naval weaponry however it was my understanding that type of Sunburn Missiles required to deliver a nuclear payload could only be deployed by a TU-22M Backfire bomber or a SU-27.”
“Who said we didn’t have either?”
So what do you guys think so far? I'm certainly enjoying writting this one so far but I'm having difficulty moving the story from being centered around Caboose ideas on how to improve that or is that fine with most of you, chapter 3 is already written and needs to be proof read, so any suggestions will be implemented later on if possible.
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#4 General Kirkov

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Posted 06 January 2010 - 15:35

Chapter 3

“Ahhh fuck bunnies.” Brookfield commented.
“Do they already have the nukes? How long will they keep the kid alive? What’s their target? Details Mike!” Harrison barked.
“Well the captain didn’t really elaborate on his plans for mass destruction, it even caught his XO off guard. The missiles are the Moskit variant and have been modified to hit land targets. With the same low altitude flight pattern of the original which is about 15 ft above the ground and a top speed of Mach 3 that fucker is dangerous not to mention it has a 250km range and can hold a 200 kiloton warhead which means good times for anyone in range. Not much more in the way of details, anyways the diner adjourned after that.” Caboose said to slow down the pace of the conversation. They were back on the deck, the possibility of their quarters being bugged was too big of a chance to take to discuss plans.
“Carl I’m gonna need you to familiarize yourself with that helicopter, Mike got you a slot time for one of their pilots at 14:00 hrs this afternoon to take you up and about and don’t worry he speaks English find out what you can about their communications protocols and whatever else might help us in our escape.” Harrison instructed.

Carl Steiner walked onto the flight deck dressed in a flight suit and waited for his ‘instructor’ it was 13:55 and he hoped he wasn’t going to wait too long. Then a figure came running towards him carrying two helmets and a clipboard. She, it was definitely a she stopped looked him up and down and stuck out her hand; “Natasha Rostov, and yes I’ve read Tolstoy and no I don’t find jokes about the character sharing my name funny so don’t try or this will be the shortest flying lesson ever conducted.”
“Ivan Petrov, or Carl Steiner whichever you prefer, I haven’t read Tolstoy so I cannot make any jokes of that nature. I do not really need flight lessons so much as familiarization with the type. I’ve flown Hinds and so I should pick up the basics quickly.” He replied to the testy pilot, it wasn’t his fault she woke up on the wrong side of her bunk…
“I hate that attitude, this is not a Hind, its a Mi-8 perhaps the slowest and most sluggish helicopter to fly. It’s only redeeming values are its stability when hovering, the cargo capacity and the ease of which to land it with. Thus making it a perfect naval helicopter more or less, strap in Steiner, let me take off then you can take over for a fly around and I’ll land alright?”
“I do not mind at all, shall we?”

10 minutes later they were in the air and Steiner was getting more information about the infamous organization then he was learning the control surface control layouts. But most importantly he was learning their radio protocols, they had frequencies for the Russian Air force to call them off should a patrol come too near the same goes for the Navy and oddly enough their US counterparts. That was a crucial bit of information that would play a great role in the rescue of their objective. Finally Steiner got a chance to takeover as pilot and confirmed what Natasha had said, this thing had horrible manoeuvrability it wouldn’t stand a chance if lit up by AA (anti-aircraft) weapons or fighters; that could be a problem. Steiner hoped it wouldn’t be. When he returned to the ship he made arrangements for two other lessons and informed that his team would have to be dropped off in mainland Russia in a few days or when Caboose decided, there wasn’t really a fixed day for their re-insertion, she wished him good luck and left. After he reported this new intel to Harrison the plan was formalized and practice runs began; Garson and Nichole would grab the kid and run to the helicopter deck. So they practiced the route for the next few days starting from the cabin where he was located and ran top speed to the extraction point memorizing the route and alternate ones as well. Harrison and Steiner would be near the helicopter informing the flight crew to prep it for their extraction; Natasha would take off with the team and the kid at gun point and then she would be thrown out with a chute and a raft as they made it for safer Russian territory. Brookfield would be stationed along the route ready to act in case of trouble then hold the rear as they pulled out the kid and possibly cause a distraction. Caboose would be the one informing the captain of their departure 10 minutes beforehand and plant about a pound of C-4 underneath the captain’s chair which would be on a 30 minute timer. They only needed to know when these Russians would acquire the nuke(s) and have them ready for deployment and if possible their land target, it could go only three ways; the continental USA or into mainland Russia or China. The most plausible target however would be the US and without any warning it would seem like a Russian first strike attack which would be bad news for everyone. Even with their new President who seemed cool headed no-one could ascertain the mindset of the Russians on the other hand they always seemed to want to antagonize the West and that would play a factor in decisions in the “war rooms” around the world…

Yeah this shit is just about going to get real!

Edited by General Kirkov, 07 January 2010 - 18:07.

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#5 General Kirkov

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Posted 07 January 2010 - 15:36

Chapter 4

Caboose was summoned to the captain’s ready room on the bridge, he decided to keep the MOF uniform on, he knew what was coming and pocketed the C4 in the baggy cargo pants before leaving the room with thumbs up from Garson who inspected the primer and timer before saying; “see how easy it is when you just ask comrade lieutenant?” Caboose walked up to the bridge and the rest of the team deployed to their start positions; Steiner began talking to Natasha and was really hitting off with her which could be really useful, while their kit was being loaded by the deck-hands. Garson and Nichole waited in an alcove near the hostage trying to act non-chalantly with their weapons slung on their backs. Brookfield loaded a 200 round drum in his modified MG-42 and placed 3 pounds of C-4 under and behind a pipe of some sort. He had no idea what it was for since he couldn’t read Russian but it looked important though and should cause some mayhem on board to cover their escape. At last Caboose arrived at the bridge and was greeted by the Captain who looked very pleased with himself, uh oh the sniper thought.

“Mr Caboose!” He said warmly, “It would seem that everything will work out just fine with our plans, remember your cover, you cringed there for a moment. In any case we have acquired the weapons and they are being loaded on the Backfire bomber that will deliver them to their targets in America.”
“What about the child how are you going to return him without being sunk or killed by Chinese forces? Surely they won’t let you let you go…” Caboose asked
“Return him? Of course we won’t I have a perfect way to get rid of him, today we are going to drop you off via our helicopter along with the child where you will execute him to be found by Russian forces. This will lead to an incident between the two nations. That and the Nuclear attack on the US with our bomber, which they will not understand how we acquired it and either believe it to be a first strike or on an insane Russian commander like in that movie Dr Stangelove, have you seen it lieutenant?”
“Yes sir, however they will track your bomber and intercept it won’t they?” This mission would be much easier now, wow these guys were dumb, how they got so powerful was beyond his understanding.
“Yes normally they would, however we are having joint operations with them in the pacific, a bomber interception war game. Naturally the Russian air force won’t deploy their newer equipment and will opt to use the Backfires rather than display the capabilities of the Blackjacks and modern MiGs it will be perfect, our pilot will enter formation with the group and will only have to be there for 20 minutes before both sides realize what is happening and then it will be too late. Both sides will be using practice missiles which will be shrugged off by our bomber and perhaps some of the others… In any event your helicopter is being prepped and the child will be escorted top side by a two soldiers and you shall be dropped off. Good luck comrade!” Not so stupid as he thought, damn of course they would have planed this out

They exchanged salutes and before Caboose could turn around a bridge hand pointed out that one of his boots was unlaced, this was intentional, Caboose returned to the captain and knelt next to his chair using the arm to support him as he slid the explosives beneath it armed it, saluted again and made his way to walk out before stopping, turning around to ask one last question; “Sir won’t Russia be grievously wounded should your plan work out?”
“Yes, and once the current government is weakened by such an outrageous act who do you think will step in? It will be another glorious revolution! In October, appropriate isn’t it?” He answered
“Quite.” Ok they were dumb that wouldn’t work, but Russia would be weakened politically none the less.

He walked back to where Nichole, Garson and Brookfield were standing and said: “Well boys and girl good news and bad news what do you want first?”
“Good news.” Three said at once.
“Ok, the kid is being brought with us to the helicopter where they will drop us off and expect us to execute him. So too easy, mission accomplished we get money and beer on Will.”
“Ok now the bad news.” Brookfield asked cautiously.
“They have the weapons, and are going to nuke the US while masking their attack hiding their bomber in a training ex, we could inform the Russians with the radio in the chopper, hopefully they’ll listen and we could give a heads up to the Americans too. However we only have a 15 or 20 minute window to do this to allow for the Russian bombers to clear the air and the Americans to re-arm with live missiles…”
“Weak, really, really weak.” Garson added. “Did you set us the bomb at least?”
“Yeah, ok here come the troopers.”

The two soldiers came up to pick up the kid, he was quite emancipated and looked pleadingly to the MOF who kept a stern and contempt look on their face to keep up appearances. He turned to the Russians and said in English; “I guess I’m not going home then?”
“Correct, meet your executors.” One of the guards said pointing to the 4 members of the team present who tried to maintain a neutral look as the boy gave the saddest pleading look one could give. They wanted so badly to give him a reassuring look but that would have to wait until they got to the chopper.

“We don’t have all fucking day let’s go!” Caboose ordered in Russian to the soldiers dragging the kid. When everyone was strapped in the flight deck officer gave the all go sign and Natasha took off with Steiner next to her, his pistol ready to be pulled out shortly. Suddenly one of the troopers grabbed Caboose’s rifle and started inspecting it, obviously admiring it, but that didn’t change anything for Caboose who pulled out his berretta and shot them both dead. “NO ONE TOUCHES MY FUCKING RIFLE!” The noise of the helicopter masked most of the sound and the headsets worn by the pilots blocked it out completely.

“Well I guess that answers that philosophical question.” Garson said. Up to that moment no-one really new if Caboose would kill over the handling of his rifle by anyone but himself and since they were nowhere near the planed location that pretty much settled the issue.
The kid looked up at them with a renewed hope and asked; “Does this mean, you aren’t going to kill me then.”
“Probably not, we were hired to rescue you, anyways I have something to take care of.” Harrison said as he walked forward muttering “Jesus Christ Mike.”
“I heard that!”
Once the team leader entered the cockpit he pulled out Natasha’s side arm as Steiner pulled out his and pointed it at her head; “Hi I’m William Harrison, MOF I’ve heard so much about you and I’m very pleased to meet you however I’m afraid you will have to leave the helicopter now.” He said handing her a parachute and an inflatable raft.
Question's comments and inquiries, the idea offer is still open even if it is only a title idea, I can build something around that, but It ends later today so you have say until 5:30 as I want to finish chapter 5 and write the conclusion.

Oh and those of you who suspected Caboose wasn't crazy, looks like you were wrong :P, just kidding I'm still debating that...

-edit/announcement- Second cameo slot filled! And now I can reveal who they are when I finish chapter 5

Edited by General Kirkov, 07 January 2010 - 18:33.

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#6 General Kirkov

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Posted 07 January 2010 - 19:27

Chapter 5

“You weren’t kidding were you?” The pilot asked as she was being brought to the rear of the helicopter seeing the bodies.
“Well you know, world to save not much time and all that.” Harrison said as Caboose took the co-pilot seat and switched the radio to the Russian radio frequency trying to listen to chatter and pick up the location of the bomber squadrons taking off for the war games.

“Good bye.” He said pushing her out the back with the bodies. “Ok then Mike what’s taking so long?”
“They might be going silent…”
“They are simulating a bomber raid they won’t be chatting about how they got laid last night you know?”
“Fuck we didn’t think about that did we?”
“Nope, switching to Yank frequencies, ah there we go.”
“American pilots this is a warning that one of the Russian bombers is carrying nuclear weapons and you are to return to your bases and re-arm over!”
“Who the fuck is this?” Came a voice over the radio.
“Who the fuck are you?” Caboose responded back.
“I’m Commander Richards commanding the fighters in this op off the Carrier USS Eisenhower; you had better have a goddamn good reason to force me to recall my fighters. I do not want to lose to these Ruskies over!”
“This is Micheal J. Caboose of the MOF, you can confirm how awesome I am by contacting any flag officer, over.”
“Yeah I’ve heard of you, what’s this about a nuke armed bomber over?
“Well you know about the Commie Russian faction, they got their grubby little hands on a pair of 200kt nukes and have them attached to the air to surface Sunburn variant missiles and plan on striking the Continental US with them, hence get back to your fucking carrier and re-arm. Oh could you hand me the Russian emergency radio frequencies please I don’t have them on this piece of shit helicopter over.”
“Roger, were turning around, I gave a heads up to the Russian officer, he’s kinda pissed but is ordering a general recall of all his aircraft, 5 are not responding and have gone to afterburner looks like a TU-22M Backfire and 4 MiG-29s. He can’t catch up to them but we can get in their way, radar tracking reports that 2 Fulcrums are going for you I’m sending some F-18s to try to get them first but they have a bit of a lead try to stay alive until we get there, Richards out.”

“Good news they singled out the raid group and it looks like a pair of MiGs are coming to pay us a visit, do you think they figured it out?” Caboose asked.
“No shit Mike, Carl pedal to the metal and get us below the radar tracking capability of those guys.”
“Well I’m already going as fast as this thing can go towards the carrier group and I don’t fancy going too low, I’d prefer to have to space to move around with but we’re pretty fucked because looks like were lit up. Mike deploy flares and chaff on my go… shit they launched everything 12 missiles incoming, wait for it… Wait for it… Ok banking left, Mike deploy countermeasures.”

The missiles all missed, they were older variants, apparently they had trouble acquiring munitions which was a good thing. “They’re coming about guys, hold on!” Steiner shouted as he pulled back on the throttle and stick stopping the helicopter in mid air and it voiced it’s displeasure with the move by groaning at the stress put on the airframe as it hovered in mid air forcing the two fighters to fly passed them missing the aged helicopter with their guns blazing. This wouldn’t last forever unfortunately they were about to make another pass when a voice came over the radio in Russian…

“Ahh to whom am I speaking the real Caboose I assume, the captain called over the radio.”
“Yep how can I fuck up your plans today?”
“Well unfortunately you put a bit of a set back in my plan as my MiG pilots had to sacrifice themselves to the American air defences but our bomber passed the air screen put up by their fighters and ships and is now back on target. I will however have the pleasure of seeing you die on radar, naturally it isn’t as pleasurable of doing it in person, but I doubt the fighters dispatched to deal with you will miss a third time. Caboose checked his watch 29 minutes and 30 seconds since he planted the bomb.
“Well sir I hate to ruin your fun but if we die you will die first because you’re sitting on a pound of C-4 and now have 10 seconds to live, how do you like that cocksucker?”

An answer began on the radio but it was superseded by the sound of an explosion and then silence.

“Didn’t think so either.” He said then switched back to the American frequency as Steiner completed a second set of manoeuvres leading the Russians to miss again. “American pilots, how the fuck did you miss a big fucking bomber with nukes, wasn’t that worse than a few MiGs? Over”
“The pilots were National Guard, they panicked when they were lit up and everyone jumped on the fighters, thankfully some CF-18s were scrambled from BC and took care of that fucker for us.”
“Well now we’re happily being hunted down by two fucking MiG pilots with a billion rounds of ammo for their cannons, you guys coming to save us anytime soon over?”
“Well at least were on top of that look to your right, Richards out.”

5 ‘Plastic Bug’ F-18s flew by and targeted the MiGs with their cannons blotting one out of the sky while the second finally hit the helicopter leaving it completely inoperable, as it span towards the sea the other MiG was shot down.

“Carl, buddy please tell me you can crash softly in the water?” Caboose pleaded.
“Yeah I’ll do my best, prepare the rafts and life savers, hopefully the Navy will send a rescue bird…”

He didn’t have time to finish his sentence when a Sea-King rescue helicopter hovered nearby, as the doors slid open a husky heavily built man about 6’5 pulled the kid inside followed by Nichole then the rest of the team finishing with Harrison who thanked him; “Thanks ace, getting worried there for a bit.”
“Yeah don’t call me ace most people call me Nero, besides I don’t think we can make ace as rescue guys…”
“Yo Joker what do we make?”
“65.000$ a year and a shitty pension”
“No I mean when we get 5 kills? Do we make ace?”
“How can we get kills? We fly rescue choppers and it’s all your fault...”
“Wait up why is he called Nero and why are you stuck in rescue choppers?” Nichole asked
“Ok we did our flight training together, passed the tests for combat birds, either Cobras or Apaches, he would have been the gunner and I the pilot. One night the barracks catch fire and he’s playing his electric guitar with headsets on and can’t hear a fucking thing and the whole place is burning around him and he doesn’t notice a thing. So just like the Roman Caesar Nero shit is burning around and he’s playing music. So we get black balled as a team.”
“Anyways my real name is Lewis and my buddy with a perma grudge over there is Andrew or Joker.” Nero answered

The team brought back the premier’s son, and received their payment and got some money from the American government and the Russians to hush most of this up. Once they returned to their HQ in England before getting yet another call...
Conclusion comming up next in a few hours or tomorrow!

Edited by General Kirkov, 08 January 2010 - 01:23.

All Proud Canadians put this Mapple Leaf Ribbon in your Signature! Posted Image
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Clicking on the picture will bring you to the latest part of the stories.
The Terran Invasions: A New Threat Part 5 is now up!
MOF: Lost and Found Epilogue is now up!

Red Storm, TI-Prologue, TI-Chapter 1, MOF #1, MOF #2, MOF # 3, MOF # 4, MOF # 5, MOF # 6

#7 General Kirkov

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Posted 08 January 2010 - 00:03

And now the stunning conclusion!

“Caboose we picked up the nose camera disk from the downed Mirage Fighter get ready to provide cover fire with Brookfield and call in those two clowns already, we need to get out of here and it’s about to get hot!” Harrison ordered

The sniper turned on his iPod and began going through songs when he found what he thought was most appropriate, then he radioed in their Hind for extraction;
“Hey Joker we need a hot evac at LZ point bravo, you out there?”
“This is Joker acknowledged Mike we’re on our way, uhh don’t tell Steiner I might have broken something not sure what so if I can’t spot it I don’t think he can.”
“Hey it’s your baby now if you broke it you bought it. Nero, you there?”
“Yes, hey I really like what you’ve done with this thing, wait I see incendiary rockets, is this some kind of joke? Seriously I had to put up with that shit for the longest time...”
“Not a joke they are there for you to blow stuff, besides don’t fight the pyromaniac in you, deploy the speakers and I think song # 5 will be most appropriate on 3, 2, 1 hit it!”

A riff could be heard over the hills were Caboose and Brookfield were using to cover the team fleeing from the foot soldiers and light armed vehicles then through their headsets the AC/DC classic Back in Black was playing as bullets flew above their heads or hit the ground. Then the first sniper shots which could not be heard without the headsets but their effects could be seen by all...

I hit the sack


I've been too long I'm glad to be back
Yes I'm, let loose
From the noose
That's kept me hanging about
I keep looking at the sky

*The 25mm Hind cannon could now be heard and seen tearing in to the columns which were now being reinforced*

'Cause it's gettin' me high
Forget the hearse 'cause I'll never die

*Brookfield and his MG-42 begin firing*

I got nine lives
Cat's eyes
Usin' every one of them and running wild

*Another precision shot from the sniper took out a grenadier*

'Cause I'm back
Yes, I'm back
Well, I'm back
Yes, I'm back

*Rockets from the Hind are now hitting the vehicles and engulfing them and the soldiers around them in flames*

Well, I'm back, back
(Well) I'm back in black
Yes, I'm back in black


Back in the back
Of a Cadillac
Number one with a bullet, I'm a power pack
Yes, I'm in a bang

*Bang* *Bang* The team members could hear Caboose picking off the more serious threats near them

With a gang


They've got to catch me if they want me to hang
Cause I'm back on the track
And I'm leadin' the pack
Nobody's gonna get me on another rap
So look at me now
I'm just makin' my play
Don't try to push your luck, just get out of my way

*The Hind began a side to side strafing run*

'Cause I'm back
Yes, I'm back
Well, I'm back
Yes, I'm back
Well, I'm back, back
(Well) I'm back in black
Yes, I'm back in black

*Brookfield continued the rain of death spewing from his machine gun on the wavering enemy, taking out a SAM trooper*

Well, I'm back, Yes I'm back
Well, I'm back, Yes I'm back
Well, I'm back, back
Well I'm back in black
Yes I'm back in black

*Bang* *Bang*

The enemy was turning around, decidedly beaten was only receiving harassing fire from Caboose

Hooo yeah
Ohh yeah
Yes I am
Oooh yeah, yeah Oh yeah
Back in now
Well I'm back, I'm back
Back, I'm back
Back, I'm back
Back, I'm back
Back, I'm back
Back in black
Yes I'm back in black

Outta sight

"Outta sight" Caboose repeated

The team got to the extraction point under the massive overkill of suppressive fire coming from the Hind and the two support weapon troops and after boarding the attack helicopter which promptly made its way out of Iran Steiner spoke up; “You know at first I wasn’t sure I liked the concept of Joker and Nero flying our helicopter but when I realized Nero was your fucking twin Mike…”
“Nero is taller than I am.”
“What I’m trying to say...”
“And he has a Cajun accent”
“He does share the same musical inclinations that I do though…”
“Well, I was more concerned about Joker, since he does the flying, Nero just blows shit up.”
“I think you might want to associate Nero and Garson they like explosions more than I do…”
“FINE you are not like Nero, he’s more like Garson, I’m talking about Joker he is competent and I think we should hold on to both of them as our pilots ok?” Steiner finished.
“Why the fuck are you asking me? Ask Will if they can stay” Caboose responded
“Their fine.” The team leader responded.

“You see, everything worked out in the end! Me playing guitar got us to fly a kick-ass helicopter with a much higher pay grade after we rescued those guys.” Lewis aka Nero said to Andrew aka The Joker who was flying into Israel after a mission that never happened.
“Uh uh, so this was your plan all along?”
“Meh works for me…”

The two people who got slots were hopefully you recognized The Joker who provided an awesome cover concept which will be used in future episodes and will replace the old header in the previous ones. And Nero, most likely none of you guys know "Nero" initially I needed two people and asked the community for some suggestions, when I told my buddy about this he frowned a bit and said what about me? I realized that he had pretty much been auditing the MOF since the 4th one, and the Terran Invasions since it's re-working and I figured he does need some recognition; Lewis cheers for the support while I was writing these stories and I'm sorry for what you will become here :). At The Joker, thanks for the cover page, if you want me to develop your cameo character a tad more let me know and Lewis, you have no say whatsoever :)

Edited by General Kirkov, 08 January 2010 - 01:40.

All Proud Canadians put this Mapple Leaf Ribbon in your Signature! Posted Image
Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image
Clicking on the picture will bring you to the latest part of the stories.
The Terran Invasions: A New Threat Part 5 is now up!
MOF: Lost and Found Epilogue is now up!

Red Storm, TI-Prologue, TI-Chapter 1, MOF #1, MOF #2, MOF # 3, MOF # 4, MOF # 5, MOF # 6

#8 Jok3r

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Posted 08 January 2010 - 00:16

I'd love to see a little more development, but it's your prerogative. one thing, though: get me on MSN (I'm pretty sure you have mine) and I'll send you the cover- I'd rather you host it than me, my PB account has a lot of things going out and I don't need to spill any more bandwith :).
kinda, sorta alive.

#9 Lewis


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Posted 12 January 2010 - 18:38

Hey! I heard I was to be included in Kirkov stories, took it first as a joke but here I am! Well that is interesting! So long as I start killing some baddies soon I am sure it will be awesome! Well I just hope he won't kill me too soon... *Grins* Wouldn't want to be missing the fun!
PS: Keep on the good work Kirkov and folks keep on reading!

Edited by Lewis, 12 January 2010 - 18:43.

"Here kitty, kitty, kitty..." - Famous Last Words of the First European meeting an African Man-Eating Lion

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