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Halo Reach In-Engine Debut Released

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#1 Nid

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Posted 06 January 2010 - 14:33

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Those of you that regularly visit GameTrailers and Bungie will no doubt have set their eyes opon, or at least noticed the exclusive first look at some of the In-Engine footage from the Upcoming Halo prequel "Halo: Reach".
The world premiere of Halo: Reach closed the show at this year's Spike TV Video Game awards.

You can see the trailer footage here (Gametrailers), or here (Youtube HD).

It looks nothing less than stunning, or at least it does to a Halo fan like myself. What you are looking at is in-engine footage, so you could be looking at an in-game segments, rather than a trailer. The capabilities of the engine look very promising. And I'm sure those of you who have read the Novel "The Fall of Reach" will have a rough idea of what the game will include, or the kind of storyline to come with it. I honestly can't wait to see more information about the game, and I'm glad that Bungie are keeping the series going through other means even though the original Halo story appears to have been finished with Halo 3.
I am currently in love with the diversity of the Spartans shown, allowing for much more in depth and interesting characters. At the same time, little is known about the character you presumably take control of. All we are told is that he is very skilled, and takes a lone wolf attitude (Hint Hint? My sources tell me that it's not actually The guy you're thinking of, but I wouldn't count on that entirely until it is confirmed).

Unfortunately there isn't much to be told in the way of how the game will take shape (RTS, FPS?) I'm hoping they don't go down the RTS path again, as Halo Wars wasn't the greatest game that Bungie have come out with. However, by the looks of things it is going to be an FPS (Pleasepleaseplease)
I'm looking forward to this one for sure.

As a parting gift, here are some screenshots for you to sink your teeth into if you are having trouble loading the video:

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#2 Jok3r

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Posted 06 January 2010 - 15:31

Two things:
1. It's been confirmed as an FPS, don't worry.
2. Ensemble developed Halo Wars, and it was published by 343 Industries (the Microsoft division tasked with handling halo from now on), not bungie.

I am, however, very much excited about this.
kinda, sorta alive.

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