I'm currently playing through mostly renegade, because some of the interactions are hilarious, like
and I really liked punching the newslady in the first one for some reason...

The reason I'm not going full on renegade is because some of the conversation options look like they come off as whiny, and because I want to be nice to certain crewmembers
Also letting wounded people die through inaction is... silly, so I take the paragon points.
Don't really care for having to hold down the right mouse button to scan... my finger starts to ache after scanning a sector with 4 systems

but atleast I now have about 300k of iridium and platinum, and 150k palladium, so I doubt I'll run out in the near future.
It's good fun all around, I got the headshot kill achievment during the intro/tutorial area using the dinky pistol

(and in the next few battles I proceeded to punch-n-shoot everybody

Edited by Dispenser, 07 February 2010 - 11:20.