Fans of the game were quick to take notice, and an open source project started to compile the code into a workable game.
After much work, the game was finally playable again, and many bugs in the original engine were fixed that couldn't have been done before.
In Warzone 2100 you command an organization known as "The Project" in a battle to rebuild society during the aftermath of a nuclear disaster that has destroyed civilization as we know it.

(Click to go the main website's screenshots section.)
(Click play to see the game's intro sequence.)
I myself had been a fan of the game when it was first released. The originality of the game really sets it apart from others in the genre.
After all, you don't get to design your own units in many RTS games, and I've yet to see the concept in another RTS.
The game has a working lobby system, and it's easy to find others to play with if you have the same version. As you might guess, this makes it very easy to play with your friends.
The game's tech system is very expansive, and there are over 400 researchable items.
These range from simple upgrades such as new engines and better cannon rounds to entirely new weapons and superweapons.
It's pretty fun to start out with nothing but wheels and machineguns and find yourself teched up to orbital bombardment systems an hour later.
Of course, all this means a battle can last a long time if you don't start out attacking. Defensive structures are numerous in this game.
They can range from simple machinegun towers to massive howitzers with three barrels of fun.
There are even towers to make you job a bit easier. You can assign bombers and artillery units to radars so that they fire upon what the radar sees. This makes it far easier to coordinate a large attack with artillery support!
The game is truly unique, and I enjoy regularly playing it. I hope to see the rest of you on the battlefield, but until then you can check out the game on its website:
This is Hobbesy signing out!