Insert irony:
So Gordon is the way forward and they're going to win it under him. Milliband's an annoying little shite who's so far up America's backside you can only see his feet. Oh, and if this Labour - Lib Dem coalition does go ahead, we will, ONCE AGAIN, have an unelected PM (yes I know constitutionally that we do not have an elected PM, but Milliband was not campaigning for the Party, he was not the public face of his party). Frankly, if this coalition goes ahead, and this little bugger gets into any form of power (frankly he has too much of it already), I will entirely give up on this country and its sodding politics, as it's foul, corrupt, and genuinely useless.
Minority government won't work constitutionally really, and an early election will likely result in most people saying exactly the same thing. The country's political system is up shit creek without a paddle (or a majority government), and we're going to go to hell these next few years. Countries/big business will not invest. The financial crisis will not be solved. The value of the pound will drop (which as a result may see us adopt the Euro). And we will have a mess of parties in power who can't agree on anything, which in turn may result in damaging Parliament further (PC and SNP will tear the country to pieces (literally) if they get a whiff of power). And we will have the biggest Party in the country, as elected by the people of Great Britain, leading the opposition.
Best we can hope for now is that Milliband and his Lib Dem buddies absolutely screw up the system, so we can go back to a majority government next election.
For the record tho, any queries on constitutional law gladly received

You posted a video of what Milliband said about the supposed PM challenge from sometime last year? I expected better of you AJ. I don't see whats wrong with Milliband tbh, other labour MP's who have always come off as quite good people are - Alan Johnson, Jack Straw and Ed Balls. I'm afraid I can't really think of any torys that have done the same.
I ask a question of you though, as a tory does it not annoy you that Cameron says pretty much nothing? I know its what all politicians do to an extent, but he pretty much never answers a question.