The staff are undertaking a review of the resources available to the modding community here on FS atm and one outcome of the discussions is that our tutorial list could use some new content, but also would benefit from [some/more] external links. This subforum houses all of our tutorials and links to outside resources, however we are sure that more exist in other parts of the ether that is the internet that would be of use to both seasoned modders and those starting out alike. So our plan is to not only build up as comprehensive a list of these as we can, but also to store the raw components of these tutorials in the event that domains aren't renewed, links become dead (credit and permission allowing) or other communities prune their FTPs, so they are kept alive for the community.
In order to make this task both easier on the staff and cover as many as possible it would help greatly if all you modders out there would let us know the tutorials you've used and seen so we can then run off and collect as many as we can.
So link away please, it's all for a good cause after all!