Rich19, on 20 Apr 2010, 10:52, said:
Abolishing the tax on the wealthy elements of society means cutting funding for social programmes, or making up the lost revenue in other taxes.
To pay for services that wealthy people do not use (mostly, slight generalisation there, but you get the point). So why should the wealthy pay more for it than others? How is
that fair?
Rich19, on 20 Apr 2010, 10:52, said:
I would certainly rather that government policy tries to help people who are struggling to pay bills, rather than helping the millionaires inflate their bank balances.
So you're policy would be "rob from the rich to give to the poor"? Why be rich then? Why work hard and make money, only for it to be taken away and given, and let's face it, the following is true, to lazy bastards who can't be fucked to work a day in their life.
Rich19, on 20 Apr 2010, 10:52, said:
Wizard, on 20 Apr 2010, 10:45, said:
Bottom line, life isn't fair, why should wages be?
"Policy is made by the richer elements of society, so policy should most benefit those richer elements?"
Is that what you're really saying? I'm 99% sure that you yourself aren't a millionaire...
Whether I am a millionaire or not is irrelevant. I earn pretty damn good money, and God willing, will continue to do so. Why should that money, that
I earn, go to pay for everyone else when I've earnt it? I don't mind paying for a National Health Service, or the police, or education, but I do mind paying for people who are unemployable and want-to-be-unemployable. So my point still stands, why should I pay more?
Chyros, on 20 Apr 2010, 10:58, said:
I think you're kind of missing the point. The point is that if all economic growth of a country is being poured into the top ten percent and everybody else gets less, a country's economic situation is said to be unsound in that it gets close to slavery.
But it's not though. The disparity is in the proportions of top and bottom, not the total amount spent. Mr Fatcat gets x bonus, Mr Average gets x bonus divided by the number of other people on his pay grade. It costs more to employ people than a person.
Alias, on 20 Apr 2010, 11:00, said:
Wizard, on 20 Apr 2010, 19:45, said:
You try and convince 'everyone' that they will never be in the 4% some day and that those policies will never apply to them. Also, the conservatives don't favour the richers classes, they favour free enterprise and capitalism, allowing business to make money, which in turn produces more money for everyone, proportionally of course.
Key word here is business. People aren't making money. The greedy corporations that employ people are making money while the rest of the world suffers.
Ofc people are making money. If they aren't making money it has nothing to do with wages but lifestyle. If you spend more than you earn you'll be poor. If you spend less you'll make money. Money makes money. In a Capitalist system this is how it works.