So, let's begin with weapons.
Taurus Raging Bull .454 Casull Revolver - It's a render of new weapon made. It has real firepower, but only 5 rounds in cylinder.

Model is completely done, but no textures are made currently.
Next weapon is a Dagger for vampire stealth class character.

This weapon will be fast and deadly, also It'll feature backstab ability.
Another weapon is thrownable bottle of Holy Silver Liquid.

Silver is against werewolves and holyness against vampires. This liquid will weaken those beasts.
That's all about weapons for now.
Next thing is items: health pickups.
First Aid Kit - Human health pickup.

Texture is temporary, It'll look much much better with new nice texture.
Blood Bag - Vampire health pickup.

Texture is not final.
Rib Eye Steak - Werewolf health pickup.

Currently no texture.
All health pickups are coded into game and working fine.
Next thing will be powers.
„Holy talk“ - Human, the Father character ability 90% done. (visual effect and 3rd person animations are not done yet.)
„Bat polymorph“ - Vampire, 1st class character ability 100% done.
„Howl“ - Werewolf, 1st class character ability 95% done. (minor visual effect is not done.)
Other powers will not be revealed for now.

Bat render:

In-game it looks better.
(video demonstrating powers will be in part 2 of this update, you'll have to wait for it for few days)
Let's move to Map props: Candles!

Textures are not final, but good enough. The candles will be an alternative source of light in maps.
Other map props are currently being developed.
Vampire and werewolf „vision“/scent/sight were improved, faster shader effects, players are blinking while in „vision“/sight mode (this effect will probably be changed into better one) . Additionally werewolves with help of scent will be able to track other players.
(video demonstrating „vision“/scent/sight will be in part 2 of this update, you'll have to wait for it for few days)
I started using particle systems in RTC.
So far Particle effects: for powers, whole feeding system, fires... were done.
(video demonstrating particle effects will be in part 2 of this update, you'll have to wait for it for few days)
Sound effects: so far RTC has 84 custom sounds, but only 1/4th of all sounds were covered.
Mapping: rtc_trade is 85% done, rtc_catacombs is 75% done.
Here are some new screenshots of maps:
rtc_catacombs new section of map.

This section connects catacombs to werewolf spawn place/cave.
rtc_trade: Map overview

Both maps will feature HDR.

Lanterns in map are breakable. Torches are extinguishable. Some visual effects are dynamic in map. (one round it will be there, one not, etc...)

The bell tower is now smaller and more important structure.

The tower is now accessible, Five floors and sixth is rooftop floor.

Vampire spawn place from one side.

Vampire spawn place from another side.
(video demonstrating rtc_trade map will be in part 2 of this update, you'll have to wait for it for few days)
Programming: Lots of programming was done, however it's not worth to mention those things.
Media Update to be continued in part 2. (It'll be continued few days later.)
Ok that's „all“ for now. In the end I want to say sorry for such long time of inactivity on Forum and Moddb.
I was very very busy during those months... School and driving school... Luckily I finished driving school. And this month I hope to have more time to develop than during past 4 months.
You see, it isn't very easy to develop whole Total Conversion Multiplayer mod by self, however my Brother and my Cousin helped me a lot making concept of features, testing and etc...
Edited by Elitic, 01 May 2010 - 10:42.