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Command and Conquer: 2012

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Posted 02 May 2010 - 07:36

if u want to indeed do ur mod, i recommend this.

Start small first. Modify the factions of china gla and usa first. then add the lizard people, russian and ECA. and even that, rethink the last 2 factions as it is just a copy.

find people. ythere are many modders in ZH, on moddb and here. You need to ask people, and show people your ideas and what can you do.

Do a bit of work. YOu as the leader must do a bit of work, like model or some textures. noone will join a mod if the leader does nothng
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RIP CommanderJB

#27 V.Metalic

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Posted 02 May 2010 - 08:00

genrail: I hate when someone tease others just because they dont have English as their first leanguage, I am nearly allergic on this. What you will do when I will say you "speak properly in Czech"? Hmm? Nothing, so be happy he can write in English, even its not a proper.

And revealing all plans, did you heard about Paradox for RA3? What they done was they informed all fans about all units, buildings and structures, all info about them was revealed, just a few things were hidden. And what happened? Did Paradox ended? No, the opposite. Its nearing the first release, where they added to Allies nearly half of the current content + totally new faction. In one year. And lets take a look on the SWR. RotR just added a new faction, minimally improved China and USA, removed GLA, and how long it taked them? Around 3 years. Sometimes revealing the info isnt the bad idea.
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Also I am fan of fan-made Transformers Legacy. Even its fan-made, its really nice work. If you want to check it out, come here.

#28 Zhao

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Posted 02 May 2010 - 08:58

Oh this.... This made my day :P

Good luck to your mod though.

Edited by Aaron, 02 May 2010 - 09:01.

#29 n5p29


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Posted 02 May 2010 - 09:31

yeah, good luck.

#30 R3ven


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Posted 02 May 2010 - 14:51

*reads first line in first post*

*skips wall o' text*

Good luck, you'll need it if you expect that to come true.

Lizards..... :P

#31 Zeke

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Posted 02 May 2010 - 16:14

 Sobek, on 2 May 2010, 13:35, said:


I'm disappointed at you guys. You're all still taking his threads seriously...

best post in this thread so far

#32 Jok3r

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Posted 02 May 2010 - 16:16

 V.Metalic, on 2 May 2010, 4:00, said:

genrail: I hate when someone tease others just because they dont have English as their first leanguage, I am nearly allergic on this. What you will do when I will say you "speak properly in Czech"? Hmm? Nothing, so be happy he can write in English, even its not a proper.

And revealing all plans, did you heard about Paradox for RA3? What they done was they informed all fans about all units, buildings and structures, all info about them was revealed, just a few things were hidden. And what happened? Did Paradox ended? No, the opposite. Its nearing the first release, where they added to Allies nearly half of the current content + totally new faction. In one year. And lets take a look on the SWR. RotR just added a new faction, minimally improved China and USA, removed GLA, and how long it taked them? Around 3 years. Sometimes revealing the info isnt the bad idea.

No, No, No.

This is an english language forum. That means you speak english here. No, it's not everybody's first language, we know that, and of course it's ok to not be perfect with your spelling and grammar. However, if somebody asks you to try to rephrase something because it doesn't make sense in English, it not being your language does not give you the right to be offended by their asking. And asking us to "speak properly in Czech" is completely and totally irrelevant. This is an English-Speaking forum: that means you adapt to it by speaking English, we don't adapt to you.

Ok, sorry, had to get that out. It's not entirely specific to you Volen, but I've seen this kinda attitude a few times lately. Just sayin'. And the reason everyone is talkign about the idea like this is because of Masonicons earlier ideas.
kinda, sorta alive.

#33 Genrail


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Posted 02 May 2010 - 19:16

 V.Metalic, on 2 May 2010, 3:00, said:

genrail: I hate when someone tease others just because they dont have English as their first leanguage, I am nearly allergic on this. What you will do when I will say you "speak properly in Czech"? Hmm? Nothing, so be happy he can write in English, even its not a proper.

watch it dude, I'm just saying if he wants help better English would help him get more people, (here)
That's all. Im not "teasing" him I'm just giving him a bit of help.... my god.... :P

Edited by genrail, 02 May 2010 - 19:18.

This place still exists?

#34 Zhao

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Posted 03 May 2010 - 11:19

 V.Metalic, on 2 May 2010, 9:00, said:

What you will do when I will say you "speak properly in Czech"


Edited by Aaron, 03 May 2010 - 11:19.

#35 Pandut

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Posted 03 May 2010 - 13:10

This thread is full of lawls.
Formerly Sobek

#36 pirate

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Posted 04 May 2010 - 00:02

Ok I feel so like quoting the entire first post :D......

Ok my suggestion try some small stuff first before you are going overboard with all of this 8|

Also @ Volen, the reason y Paradox isn't failing, is because they already have a solid team, if you can get an entire team committed to doing stuff, even if it in the end takes a lot of time, you can get it done... The only problem here is, how can you get people committed when no one is going to read the entire post because of the length....
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#37 Masonicon


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Posted 19 August 2010 - 01:46

Here the logo for this mod:

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#38 GuardianTempest


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Posted 19 August 2010 - 08:43




And also...didn't I see some of the plans here before?

Masonicon, on 23 Jun 2009, 11:54, said:

Here are The New upcoming Updates for ShockWave 0.96 Version:

New Chariot for GLA (Works Just Like Combat Cycle, Excepts it won't self destruct as infantry leaves and it come out empty when it created)
New Rail gunner for Replacing General Townes Pathfinders
New Flamethrower infantry for China
New Smartgunners For Replacing General Alexander's Rangers (Attack Several Enemies at once)
New RAH-66 Comanche With pulse cannon(replaces Machine gun) and BFG 9000(replaces Rocket pods) For General Alexander (Replaces Standard Comanche)
New Melee Attacks Ability for GLA Angry Mobs and Its Equivalents: Axe and Hammer Before Receiving "arm the mob" Upgrade, Chainsaw and Sledgehammer After "Receiving "arm the mob" Upgrade (only Prince Kassad's Fundamentalists that still don't accepts chainsaw after "arm the mob" upgrade)
New Carbon Nanotube Upgrade for increasing USA Aircraft Hit Points (without Decreasing aircraft speed)
New Sword Attack for GLA Rebels
New Magnetorheological fluid Body Armor upgrade for USA Infantries (Researched in Strategy Center)
New Jet Man (Jetpack Equipped Flying Infantry) For USA (trained in Barrack)
New Powered Armor Upgrade for General Ironside's Infantry (Researched in Strategy Canter. Increases infantry's armor, Firepower, and Speed. and Replaces Magnetorheological fluid Body Armor upgrade)
New Radiation troopers for General Tao (Replaces Flamethrowers)
New Shaped Charge Upgrade for General Juhziz's Explosive Weaponry
New Plastic Explosive Upgrade for General Juhziz's Explosive Weaponry
New Jetpack equipped Flying Infantry (Rangers, Missile Defenders, and Pathfinders) for General Granger (Replaces Airborne Ranger, Missile Defender, and Pathfinder plus Jet Man)
New RAH-66 Comanche With Rail gun(replaces machine gun) and High Powered Laser Cannon (Replaces Rocket Pod) for General Townes
New Railgun Platform for General Townes (Replaces Fire Base)
New Fusion Railgun for General Alexander (Replaces Fire Base)
New Stealth RAH-66 Comanche With Gattling gun (replaces Machine gun) and Metal Storm Machine Gun that Fires Armor Piercing Bullets(Replaces Rocket Pod) for General Granger
Ion Cannon General Power for General Townes
Organ Transplant Upgrade for GLA Infantry (Researched in Black Market)
Viral Warhead for Dr. Thrax's SCUD Storm (Assists Anthrax Gamma Warheads)

Edited by GuardianTempest, 19 August 2010 - 08:44.

OC's and stuff
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"I am an artist of daydreams. With just a little material, be it a picture, audio or a simple thought, it could fuel a derivative masterpiece."
And I also do Walfas Comics...when I feel like it.

#39 Masonicon


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Posted 01 September 2010 - 04:11

 GuardianTempest, on 19 Aug 2010, 15:43, said:




And also...didn't I see some of the plans here before?

Masonicon, on 23 Jun 2009, 11:54, said:

Here are The New upcoming Updates for ShockWave 0.96 Version:

New Chariot for GLA (Works Just Like Combat Cycle, Excepts it won't self destruct as infantry leaves and it come out empty when it created)
New Rail gunner for Replacing General Townes Pathfinders
New Flamethrower infantry for China
New Smartgunners For Replacing General Alexander's Rangers (Attack Several Enemies at once)
New RAH-66 Comanche With pulse cannon(replaces Machine gun) and BFG 9000(replaces Rocket pods) For General Alexander (Replaces Standard Comanche)
New Melee Attacks Ability for GLA Angry Mobs and Its Equivalents: Axe and Hammer Before Receiving "arm the mob" Upgrade, Chainsaw and Sledgehammer After "Receiving "arm the mob" Upgrade (only Prince Kassad's Fundamentalists that still don't accepts chainsaw after "arm the mob" upgrade)
New Carbon Nanotube Upgrade for increasing USA Aircraft Hit Points (without Decreasing aircraft speed)
New Sword Attack for GLA Rebels
New Magnetorheological fluid Body Armor upgrade for USA Infantries (Researched in Strategy Center)
New Jet Man (Jetpack Equipped Flying Infantry) For USA (trained in Barrack)
New Powered Armor Upgrade for General Ironside's Infantry (Researched in Strategy Canter. Increases infantry's armor, Firepower, and Speed. and Replaces Magnetorheological fluid Body Armor upgrade)
New Radiation troopers for General Tao (Replaces Flamethrowers)
New Shaped Charge Upgrade for General Juhziz's Explosive Weaponry
New Plastic Explosive Upgrade for General Juhziz's Explosive Weaponry
New Jetpack equipped Flying Infantry (Rangers, Missile Defenders, and Pathfinders) for General Granger (Replaces Airborne Ranger, Missile Defender, and Pathfinder plus Jet Man)
New RAH-66 Comanche With Rail gun(replaces machine gun) and High Powered Laser Cannon (Replaces Rocket Pod) for General Townes
New Railgun Platform for General Townes (Replaces Fire Base)
New Fusion Railgun for General Alexander (Replaces Fire Base)
New Stealth RAH-66 Comanche With Gattling gun (replaces Machine gun) and Metal Storm Machine Gun that Fires Armor Piercing Bullets(Replaces Rocket Pod) for General Granger
Ion Cannon General Power for General Townes
Organ Transplant Upgrade for GLA Infantry (Researched in Black Market)
Viral Warhead for Dr. Thrax's SCUD Storm (Assists Anthrax Gamma Warheads)

I think you finds something in my posts traumatic for you?

#40 Masonicon


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Posted 01 September 2010 - 04:37

 GuardianTempest, on 19 Aug 2010, 15:43, said:




And also...didn't I see some of the plans here before?

Masonicon, on 23 Jun 2009, 11:54, said:

Here are The New upcoming Updates for ShockWave 0.96 Version:

New Chariot for GLA (Works Just Like Combat Cycle, Excepts it won't self destruct as infantry leaves and it come out empty when it created)
New Rail gunner for Replacing General Townes Pathfinders
New Flamethrower infantry for China
New Smartgunners For Replacing General Alexander's Rangers (Attack Several Enemies at once)
New RAH-66 Comanche With pulse cannon(replaces Machine gun) and BFG 9000(replaces Rocket pods) For General Alexander (Replaces Standard Comanche)
New Melee Attacks Ability for GLA Angry Mobs and Its Equivalents: Axe and Hammer Before Receiving "arm the mob" Upgrade, Chainsaw and Sledgehammer After "Receiving "arm the mob" Upgrade (only Prince Kassad's Fundamentalists that still don't accepts chainsaw after "arm the mob" upgrade)
New Carbon Nanotube Upgrade for increasing USA Aircraft Hit Points (without Decreasing aircraft speed)
New Sword Attack for GLA Rebels
New Magnetorheological fluid Body Armor upgrade for USA Infantries (Researched in Strategy Center)
New Jet Man (Jetpack Equipped Flying Infantry) For USA (trained in Barrack)
New Powered Armor Upgrade for General Ironside's Infantry (Researched in Strategy Canter. Increases infantry's armor, Firepower, and Speed. and Replaces Magnetorheological fluid Body Armor upgrade)
New Radiation troopers for General Tao (Replaces Flamethrowers)
New Shaped Charge Upgrade for General Juhziz's Explosive Weaponry
New Plastic Explosive Upgrade for General Juhziz's Explosive Weaponry
New Jetpack equipped Flying Infantry (Rangers, Missile Defenders, and Pathfinders) for General Granger (Replaces Airborne Ranger, Missile Defender, and Pathfinder plus Jet Man)
New RAH-66 Comanche With Rail gun(replaces machine gun) and High Powered Laser Cannon (Replaces Rocket Pod) for General Townes
New Railgun Platform for General Townes (Replaces Fire Base)
New Fusion Railgun for General Alexander (Replaces Fire Base)
New Stealth RAH-66 Comanche With Gattling gun (replaces Machine gun) and Metal Storm Machine Gun that Fires Armor Piercing Bullets(Replaces Rocket Pod) for General Granger
Ion Cannon General Power for General Townes
Organ Transplant Upgrade for GLA Infantry (Researched in Black Market)
Viral Warhead for Dr. Thrax's SCUD Storm (Assists Anthrax Gamma Warheads)

we not talking about Shockwave mod, we talking about Command and Conquer Generals: 2012 here

#41 GuardianTempest


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Posted 01 September 2010 - 05:55

Well, seems that the ideas here are similar.^

Although...that's very ambitious.
OC's and stuff
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"I am an artist of daydreams. With just a little material, be it a picture, audio or a simple thought, it could fuel a derivative masterpiece."
And I also do Walfas Comics...when I feel like it.

#42 deltaepsilon

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Posted 01 September 2010 - 10:58

I love Masonicon.

The name's Bond.

Covalent Bond.

#43 SquigPie

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Posted 01 September 2010 - 11:25

This thread is priceless!

Why have I not been here before! 8|

Edited by SquigPie, 01 September 2010 - 11:27.


As long as the dark foundation of our nature, grim in its all-encompassing egoism, mad in its drive to make that egoism into reality, to devour everything and to define everything by itself, as long as that foundation is visible, as long as this truly original sin exists within us, we have no business here and there is no logical answer to our existence.
Imagine a group of people who are all blind, deaf and slightly demented and suddenly someone in the crowd asks, "What are we to do?"... The only possible answer is, "Look for a cure". Until you are cured, there is nothing you can do.
And since you don't believe you are sick, there can be no cure.
- Vladimir Solovyov

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#44 R3ven


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Posted 01 September 2010 - 20:24

The thread has been here since May, where have you been 8|

#45 Wizard


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Posted 01 September 2010 - 20:56

Alright, leave the thread to c&c or nothing at all.

Edited by Wizard, 01 September 2010 - 20:57.

#46 cccdfern


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Posted 01 October 2010 - 01:04

Well, that was ahh an interesting read; but yes even measly old me knows that fairly large chunk of what you have proposed is un-code-able,
unless you could edit the sage engine..... :), but EA would never let us :(.

On the subject of using other peoples models and content, I dare say you will have limited success as most mod leaders and their teams will be
against releasing any of their work which they spent many hours making. No, I doubt that you will get many from the main Total Conversion mods,
perhaps try modeling your own models, its actually quite fun and rewarding. Or you could search through some free model threads and use them
(crediting the creators of course), thus you may be able to modify them to your needs. Also at times you speak of "us" or your people? How many
people have you managed to rope into helping work on your mod?

Just my 2 cents, hope it all works out
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#47 Masonicon


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Posted 02 October 2010 - 07:59

 cccdfern, on 1 Oct 2010, 8:04, said:

Well, that was ahh an interesting read; but yes even measly old me knows that fairly large chunk of what you have proposed is un-code-able,
unless you could edit the sage engine..... 8|, but EA would never let us :(.

On the subject of using other peoples models and content, I dare say you will have limited success as most mod leaders and their teams will be
against releasing any of their work which they spent many hours making. No, I doubt that you will get many from the main Total Conversion mods,
perhaps try modeling your own models, its actually quite fun and rewarding. Or you could search through some free model threads and use them
(crediting the creators of course), thus you may be able to modify them to your needs. Also at times you speak of "us" or your people? How many
people have you managed to rope into helping work on your mod?

Just my 2 cents, hope it all works out

I has changed this thread to makes it more code-able to SAGE engine, well there's good reason of using other peoples models and content(often edited): it saves time and effort while anything that made up for this mod are mostly up to us

#48 Sgt. Rho

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Posted 02 October 2010 - 10:48

Yet it kills the originality and quality of your mod. Have you ever seen any good mod made completely without their own content? No? Thought so.

Edited by Sargeant Rho, 02 October 2010 - 12:05.

#49 Zhao

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Posted 02 October 2010 - 12:52

 Sargeant Rho, on 2 Oct 2010, 10:48, said:

Yet it kills the originality and quality of your mod. Have you ever seen any good mod made completely without their own content? No? Thought so.

Yes i don't want to be reminded of playing the Destructive forces or project raptor or shockwave mod everytime i hit the EXE for yours.

#50 Umbrella Secrets


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Posted 02 October 2010 - 12:53

Try to come up with something new and original for your mod. Get creative...

Edited by Umbrella Secrets, 02 October 2010 - 12:54.

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