Yeah, I know, the engine is really weird about Strafing(at least when I've been trying this), If it doesn't unload all of its bombs before it reaches the target, it stops unloading them and then goes and leaves the map as normal, except after it turns, then it drops the last few.
It drops them way early because I've edited the weapon so many times, its not even funny. It drops its bombs that far away because it had double that clip and went all the way there. But I halved it and took the video, and it went like that. I have fixed it, and it will be in my next vid(should be within the next week or so). I've taken a quick liking to making vids of the mod
I should get another vid though once the vehicle drop(the new support power) for the soviets is working properly. Then another for the two empire powers(I have made an offensive and passive power for them already, although the passive needs much nerfing xD).
I pretty much classify power as being one of three thing: Offensive(only for attacking purposes), passive(doesn't do any damage, but helps you), and support(helps out, but doesn't directly do damage). The Bombing Run I have done in the video in the first post is obviously offensive. Although the two coded(one is being worked on right now though) Empire powers are the Offshore(read: off-map xD) Bombardment(obviously their offensive power) and Backup Funds(working name for now; it grants 500-1500 credits every 90 seconds, but has to be clicked to gain the funds just to make it require more attention).