After summer I'll resume development of Return to Church. And I hope I'll be able to release RTC during autumn.
Reasons why not released summer:
* Mod is not bug free and unbalanced.
* Mod would have cut features. (like 1 class per team cut, etc...)
* No fast bugfixes could be released during summer.
* Mod is not popular enough!
New features in mod will be added:
Regular & Silver Holy Bullets.
Advanced melee combat system, realistic hitting (You hit where weapon should really hit, minimum of 4 attack types per weapon). (like in PVKII;AOC). (This feature was almost done. 75% done.)
Thanks everyone for helping and being with RTC.
Good luck and see you in autumn!
(I'll be community. Feel free to post any ideas and suggestions.)
Thanks to MagnumPi the First Aid Kit was textured.

Edited by Elitic, 27 September 2010 - 16:46.