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How to make Rivers [CCG/ZH]

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#1 Kris

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Posted 27 July 2010 - 13:45

How to make rivers in C&C Generals and ZeroHour

Here's a tutorial on how to make rivers and / or streams in CCG, CCG:ZH.

STEP 1: Dig a path where your river would flow using the terrain tools (under Texture Sizing, top left corner):

STEP 2: Now the actual river making begins! First off, make a square water using the river tool manually like so:

STEP 3: Select the ENTIRE water polygon you've created. Then click the "River" button on the water tool:


Now, your river would flow...in a mess...So, how to change the flow to the way you want it to flow? Simple, play with the polygon points 'till the desired effect (trial and error). For example, the red arrows is where I've moved the river points:

STEP 4: Now to increase the river length! To do that, determine where your river flow ENDS. Once done, add two polygon points where the river flow basically ends. The end result would be something like this:

Step 5: Now select the newly added points and slowly follow the path you've created. Like what i've done here:

Repeat Step 4 and 5 to extend your river to something like this:

Congratulations! You've just created a river system using the water tool in Worldbuilder for Generals! Now feel free to experiment with the steps and with trial and error, you can create something like this:

Comments, Suggestions and questions are welcome. D:D

Edited by Kris, 29 May 2017 - 05:10.

#2 Pav:3d


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Posted 27 July 2010 - 13:50

Very nice tutorial there Kris

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#3 Gen.Kenobi

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Posted 27 July 2010 - 14:48

Nice tut!

It'll be very suefull for us!
"The entire ocean. The entire world. Wherever we want to go, we'll go. That's what a ship is, you know. It's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs but what a ship is... what Tidal Wars really is... is freedom."
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kudos to Pasidon for this awesome avvy and siggy!

#4 Nid

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Posted 27 July 2010 - 21:38

An interesting point to note is that in his example pic, Kris helped to disguise the seams where the rivers joined together with rocks and shrubbery. This always helps to make your rivers look not only more natural, but seamless too :P
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