Oasis of Nomads is a map set in, surprisingly, an Oasis/desert setting. It's been designed for either Free for All play or 2v2 in any form possible (North versus South or East versus West)
Each base has access to a single supply depot with another supply depot at the frontlines near the middle lake.
Between the northern and southern bases stands an Oil Derrick and between the western and eastern bases stands an oil refinery.
The middle island has been connected to the mainland through the use of bridges which span the width of the lake. It also has a house which can be garrissoned with soldiers to prevent passage in the early-game.
Near the southern and northern bases are both "landbridges" and normal bridges spanning the river.
Here are a couple of images to show you what the map looks like in-game.

This image down here is the original concept of the map, drawn by MDW, also known as Rayburn, in 2007 for the Mapper Guild.

You can download this map right here.
- Nem, who has helped me with the lighting of the map
- Chyros, for some help with map balance.
- Playtesting: Zhen, Aaron, Brad and Nem.
Edited by Amdrial, 07 August 2010 - 22:32.