+++++ Normal Buildings +++++
Bio Reactor
The Bio Reactor is Yuri's standard power plant. However, Yuri cannot live on electricity alone, and must feed the Bio Reactor with infantry units to get additional energy to meet his base's voracious power needs. Up to five infantry units can provide extra "battery" power for a Bio Reactor, providing the building with up to an additional +20 in power. Thus a Yuri player would do well to go on the offensive early to harvest enemy units and save himself a few credits that might otherwise be spent on another Bio Reactor. Note that the units placed inside the Bio Reactor do not die; in fact, if a Bio Reactor is destroyed, the freed units will appear, instantly controllable by their original owners.
Prerequestes: construction yard
Notes: Supplys power
With the Grinder, Yuri can send in a mind-controlled unit and cash them in for extra pocket money. This building rewards the aggressive Yuri player, who can boost his economy considerably and get an edge on the race up the tech tree by wisely "cashing in" enemy units that aren't useful on the battlefield.
Prerequestes: war factory
Notes: Converts units to money
+++++ Armoury Structures +++++
Citadel Wall
Walls are passive defence system designed to stop enemy infantry and vehicles. Multiple pieces of wall section can be placed at once for quick building.
Prerequestes: barracks
Notes: none
Tank Bunker
When placed, this structure has no method of defence on its own. However, any turreted vehicle except a Magnetron can be garrisoned inside the Tank Bunker, giving it both added defences and additional fire-power.
Prerequestes: construction yard
Notes: none
Gattling Cannon
At its best, this stationary anti-air and anti-infantry weapon is a deadly defence that can chew up incoming lines of infantry, tanks and even air units. With variable firing rates, the Gattling Cannon spins its barrels faster the longer it's in use during a combat situation, making it deadlier the longer the conflict lasts. While it's vulnerable to hit-and-run tactics and fast assaults, the Gattling Cannon is overall a formidable defence weapon against both air and ground targets.
Prerequestes: barracks
Notes: none

Yuri's Army
Started By Slye_Fox, Aug 08 2010 13:56
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