awe of some of the amazing objects and unique creations that people can create, and are still creating. When I first got into modding I had to make do with either common models or download
ones that people had discovered or made public as free use models. I envied other modders of their abilities to cook up a good model in a very short time. That was until this year.
At the beginning of term 2 or perhaps even earlier I decided to start spending my frees in the PC Lab and learn to use 3DS Max, In doing so I have ended up gate-crashing the Computer Graphics
Class, though the teacher doesn't mind and thinks its a pity I didn't originally take the subject, he's even joked that I could probably take the exam and pass (probably would if I could

to the actual things I've been doing; To start with I knew nothing whatsoever of the programs mechanics, so I set myself a goal and got a bit of help from one of my friends, and continued from there.
My first project was to create some sort of tower to replace the speaker tower (well not really replace as this is what I'm using currently as my lightning tower, just needed something better), so I started
with the basic aspects and as I discovered more features in the program I made it better. After completing my first attempt I checked the poly count, bit high at 7k, considering general limit is 1k in generals?
From there, my friend instructed me in how to reduce poly counts by being minimalistic with the smoothness of cylinders and how many edges are wasting space/polygons.
The brown model is my first one, sadly I attached everything together not knowing that later I would be unable to detach them :(
And, the multicoloured one is that of a reconstruction with about 700 polygons.
The other building is something that never really went anywhere and was later deleted.

This other image is my real first attempt (the blue tower) the other bits and pieces are what my friend made in a fairly short time.

After that I decided to create a vehicle as I seemed to show no obvious skill in the area of designing buildings, so I decided to look to making models of tanks and such that I have in a useful model-kit magazine
which I've had for ages. I made a good start by modelling a true Paladin tank (Self Propelled Howitzer), by using following tutorials on making tanks, these helped greatly to improve not only the look of the model, but also expanded my knowledge of the possibilities that I can achieve with this program. Here's what the end product was, I'm quite proud of it.

And the original off which I based my model

During that project I also did some smaller ones, a tutorial for animating tank tracks and how to make a quick tank in 3ds/gmax; the tracks were hard to pick up at the beginning but I got it in the end and worked from there; the tank was good as it enabled me another perspective and introduced me to a horde of other interesting tools and methods which I have now pput into use.

Tracks; need to actually add a screenshot, or perhaps the animation itself.
At the moment I have have started work on a high-poly model of a German NebelWerfer 41 from World War II, So, I have been searching through books and the web for plans, pictures and anything which may aid in a reconstruction of one, I am really enjoying this model and was even wondering if it could ever be used somewhere.
Some pictures of current progress.

The sole reason why I have only recently gotten into modelling is that I still only own a Mac, and if you know anything to do with the back/forth battle then you shall be aware that no official (good) modelling software has been released for this operating system, so I have been restricted to wishing and planning. I keep a notepad with me at most times and jot down some ideas of what to make next or sketch rough copies from books in the school library, I have decided to keep my focus contained within that of the military.
As I make/add more things I will upload them and add them here.
All "pictures" that I mention are actually renders, saved as Jpegs. I'd be happy to upload any of my .max files if someone wanted to use them.
Edited by cccdfern, 23 August 2010 - 10:05.