Just A Few Questions:
1.) I Need A Team To Spawn And move to attack a base, but the team never spawns. So no attack...
2.) In A Skrimish game i need a "Player" To spawn and attack The Other Players. When The Team Spawns It doesnt attack,
3.) What In The World Is A Subroutine Script, and how i make them?

Teams, Attacks, And Subroutine Scripts
Started By Genrail, Sep 20 2010 02:07
4 replies to this topic
Posted 20 September 2010 - 02:07
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Posted 20 September 2010 - 11:50
1 & 2) please elaborate your scripts. we can't found the problem if you don't give us the information about your codes.
3) Subroutine Scripts are the scripts that used by a unit/team at the time you call the script(s) to run. the IF condition will be checked when the script is called, not everytime.
for example, you make a subroutine "IF True THEN This team begin hunting" the team will not hunt when True, but when the script is called on the corresponding team/unit/other script (e.g. when the team is built). the script condition only added when you need to skip the subroutine action in certain condition.
to make a script a subroutine, when create a new script, tick the "Script is Subroutine" tickbox and untick the "Deactivate upon success" in the Script Properties tab.
3) Subroutine Scripts are the scripts that used by a unit/team at the time you call the script(s) to run. the IF condition will be checked when the script is called, not everytime.
for example, you make a subroutine "IF True THEN This team begin hunting" the team will not hunt when True, but when the script is called on the corresponding team/unit/other script (e.g. when the team is built). the script condition only added when you need to skip the subroutine action in certain condition.
to make a script a subroutine, when create a new script, tick the "Script is Subroutine" tickbox and untick the "Deactivate upon success" in the Script Properties tab.
Edited by n5p29, 20 September 2010 - 11:51.

NProject Mod -- Recolonize -- Tidal Wars
Posted 12 November 2010 - 23:06
Thanks for the Subroutine Scripts part. 
But, scrach #1,
#2, i just have a player on the "Player" screen to have it as an hostile player, but playing skrimish it doesnt attack me
Pics and scripts:
Human/Other AI:

When My team comes out of the plane the tanks an stuff just fall out with out a parashute... but the inf. come out fine
Here Are the Settings:

But, scrach #1,
#2, i just have a player on the "Player" screen to have it as an hostile player, but playing skrimish it doesnt attack me
Pics and scripts:

Human/Other AI:

*** IF *** True. *** THEN *** Team 'teamAttack' attack anything in area 'Attack Area B5' <-- {I Go There}
When My team comes out of the plane the tanks an stuff just fall out with out a parashute... but the inf. come out fine
Here Are the Settings:

*** IF *** True. *** THEN *** Spawn an instance of Team 'Commando Team' at Waypoint 'Waypoint 2'.
Edited by Genrail, 12 November 2010 - 23:22.
This place still exists?
Posted 13 November 2010 - 07:01
maybe they're using wrong parachute object?
The AmericaParachute only can contain unit with KindOf INFANTRY. the one that can carry the VEHICLE is LargeParachute.
maybe this can fix, put in a map.ini that alter the AmericaJetCargoPlane to use LargeParachute by default.
The AmericaParachute only can contain unit with KindOf INFANTRY. the one that can carry the VEHICLE is LargeParachute.
maybe this can fix, put in a map.ini that alter the AmericaJetCargoPlane to use LargeParachute by default.
Object AmericaJetCargoPlane ReplaceModule ModuleTag_09 Behavior = DeliverPayloadAIUpdate ModuleTag_09a DoorDelay = 500 MaxAttempts = 4 DropOffset = X:0 Y:0 Z:-10 DropDelay = 300;500; time in between each item dropped (if more than one) PutInContainer = LargeParachute;AmericaParachute <-- so it can deliver vehicles too DeliveryDistance = 150 End End Locomotor = SET_NORMAL B52Locomotor End

NProject Mod -- Recolonize -- Tidal Wars
Posted 13 November 2010 - 16:07
That fixes that, Thanks

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