Posted 26 September 2010 - 23:39
Hmm, I tend to play TF2 a fair bit, but I don't play much on the FS server anymore. This is for two reasons. Most of the time, it is because it is utterly deserted. There's not point in playing on a server when it's only you, sadly. Secondly, I like servers with a bit of action going on, unlike most people here, and thus tend to stick to my 32-player Payload whoredom a fair bit. Note this doesn't mean I don't like our games on the server, but sometimes I personally find the server a little... limited in terms of player numbers.
@CJ's point: Very, very true. It only takes one to spark essentially an exodus, and I think partly because we lock the server, we don't get people replacing the leavers. Locking a server is absolutely no good once people start to leave, because it has a detrimental effect. Furthermore, locking the server I think is in itself an incredibly detrimental concept - we want to have more people play on the server, right? Well then what is the point in not letting them in during the only current times that it is busy? Great, it's free for public use, but there's then nobody ever on there... I personally think we should abolish the locking concept, and anybody who wants to moan about it being 'for private use' or 'FS-only games' can frankly get stuffed. It makes very, very, very little sense to me as to why we lock an asset - it's like rendering the forums viewable only by members - there's something there, but what the hell it is is anybody's guess because they can't get at it. If I went on Dragon's Den, and said "Here's a cool product, and I mean really cool, but I'm not going to show it to you because I like keeping it to myself, aside from at times that you can't appreciate it.", I'd be laughed off the show. But meh, that's a personal point, really.
For there can be no death without life.