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Power Plant Upgrade

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#1 ni.va


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Posted 23 October 2010 - 07:16


... In order to add more variety in game & visual fxs, I suggest to have power upgrade for Both Allied & Imperials.

This mod already has power tweaks for both of them (Imperials 125 each & Allies Upgrade to make +50 more power) But in my Idea:

- Have a global upgrade in conyard that is unlocked in Heightened Clarance (or by Ore Refinery) & upgrades all Power Plants to provide X% more power

Empire of the Rising Sun:
- Have an individual upgrade on each Instant Generators to provide A% (here 25%) more power, & requires Ore Refinery. An upgraded Instant Generator glows in different color (blueish green)

PS. In my Idea the added effect for Allied Power Plant is too bright.
PPS. I don't mean the upgrade have to be in percentage.

Edited by ni.va, 23 October 2010 - 08:22.

#2 vader333


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Posted 10 November 2010 - 02:05

This is an issue of balancing, which can be very sticky if you're not into it. Personally, I do feel this powerplant upgrade should be availed to the Allies and Japanese, given the Soviet Super reactor. But exactly how much power should be increased in the upgrade is an issue of contention that cannot be proven or disproved merely by academic (if you can call discussion on a game 'academic') discussion. So we'll have wait until the devs are ready to enter balancing to consider this.

On the Fx's part, I would really like to see the upgrade change the model itself, rather than just the fx's. Perhaps the middle portion of the Instant Generator could be made into a tower with glowing tubes or something.
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#3 ni.va


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Posted 10 November 2010 - 08:10

...Well, I agree. But as I said there are some tweaks ( than they may e a matter of ballancing too) I just mean to replace them to fit tech structure of each fraction.

For Ailled since tech upgrades are global, I thaught this should be too.Also the upgrade could be MCV related like the other ones but since it prevents the MCV from packing ( unless u lose large amount of power) I preferred to omit that.

& For Empire since u have to upgrade each structure individually, The Power Plant upgrade should be the same. & for a chance to have visual upgrades, I suggested to make it upgrade instead of adding at first.

#4 Com-Link


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Posted 10 November 2010 - 21:31

View Postvader333, on 10 Nov 2010, 3:05, said:

This is an issue of balancing, which can be very sticky if you're not into it. Personally, I do feel this powerplant upgrade should be availed to the Allies and Japanese, given the Soviet Super reactor. But exactly how much power should be increased in the upgrade is an issue of contention that cannot be proven or disproved merely by academic (if you can call discussion on a game 'academic') discussion. So we'll have wait until the devs are ready to enter balancing to consider this.

On the Fx's part, I would really like to see the upgrade change the model itself, rather than just the fx's. Perhaps the middle portion of the Instant Generator could be made into a tower with glowing tubes or something.

Well, not sure what ideas TheWorms has with the power systems of the Empire and Allies, but model-based upgrades would require a new/improved model and texturing. So it would take a lot of time before we can add those kinds of improvements (seeing that it took us quite a long time to get a Chrono Tank model).

But I'm dragging this topic "behind the scenes".

*Moderator Terror Drone walks in, grabs a copy of the topic and runs away* :D
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