Kind of Old news, were postes in Relicforums a lot of weeks ago, but putting them here as well to show of something xD
Chaos vehicles textures:

New ork tankbustas and bombsquigs, actually the tanksbusta model is part of an entire update of Ork boyz models, has a higher res texture and a tweaked anatomy, almost imperceptible in these images.

Modding has been very slow lately but it is still being worked on

, so no worries for the lack of updates.
knightinflames/t51ny. hi! and welcome to falloutstudios

if you havent seen it already, there is a test version of patch 1.5, it contains much more updated stuff like New SM terminators, which are also missing textures on some parts, if you want to give them a go, feel free to do so.
Edited by Melooo, 29 June 2011 - 16:18.