Most models of the original game have been redone or reworked to increase their overall quality as well as wargear and weapon upgrade options, tons of units have been added like Thousand Sons, Plague Marines, Noise Marines, Great Unclean One, Plaguebearers, Daemonettes, Bloodletters, Screamers, Chaos Land Raider, Sternguard vets, Vanguard vets, Land Raider Redeemer, Land Raider Crusader, Land Raider Prometheus, Vindicator Siege Tank, Ironclad dread, Venerable dread, Autarch, Striking Scorpions, Scorpion Grav Tank, Griffon, Medusa, Banewolves, Devildogs, All Leman Russ Variants and much more.
At first glance one of the most noticeable changes that the mod introduces (aside all the graphical overhaul), is the new units caps and limits, reworked to represent TT Force Organization Chart.

Like in TT, only Troop Choices can capture points around the map, although most of the others classes can decap points. This represents that the garrisoning duty is left to the generic grunts while the other specialized units go ahead to fight the enemy.
Stats for units, weapons and abilities are taken directly from the TT rulebook and codices, translated to RTS through math and probabilities, this is to assure that they work the closest as possible as they do in TT, however due to the DOW engine limitation and the RTS nature there might be some of these stuff that work a tad differently while keeping its spirit of course.
Reinforcement and upgrades are also different than the original game, when in soulstorm you could reinforce and upgrade your troops anywhere any time, in Purgation of Kaurava you can only do this if you are near Listening Posts, Transport Vehicles or at your base. This adds another strategic dimension to the mod as well as making transport vehicles much more useful than just toting squads from a point to another.
Base Building is simplified, buildings dont have a cost with the exception of the HQ, and all are available at since the beginning of the match without tiering needed....however tiering is still required to expand you units and weapons options.
Edited by Melooo, 08 April 2011 - 13:39.