1. Restoring homing to the javelins, Reapers, and multigunner IFV's
2. Fixing the Giga fortress splash animation bug
3. Cryo legionnaire self freezing bug
4. Temporarily doing away with the radar issue
5. Temporarily disabling the Greater King Oni. Kenji uses it too often, making him very easy to defeat.
6. Either decreasing Twinblade's rocket range, or increasing the machine gun range. It doesn't really matter which, as the difference is so small.
7. Fixing the Naval bug where units bob up and down without attacking (this happens most often near shores). I had a Superreactor in the water, with no defenses, and it was under attack by 5 yari mini subs. After, i dunno, five minutes, my superreactor hadn't suffered any damage at all!
8. Slightly increasing the damage for the Striker VX. It is now too much nerfed. (this test was conducted with the refinery as a target. If the health of the refinery was increased, then maybe the test was a false positive)
9. Fixing the frozen ore collector's no one hit KO bug.
This would make Shock Therapy "1.01c Fixed" more playable. And I won't be able to play for the entire of next school year due to examinations.
P.S: The Underlined points are the ones that are more important.
Also, could a dreadnought testing mod be made as well?
Edited by vader333, 01 January 2011 - 12:54.