Dragon Age 2 demo out
Posted 10 March 2011 - 04:21
EA is playing the same trick as with CnC. They will ruin the franchise.
Posted 10 March 2011 - 11:15
Raven, on 10 Mar 2011, 4:21, said:
EA is playing the same trick as with CnC. They will ruin the franchise.
Tbh, I think blaming it on EA is not fair to EA. As bad as EA has been in the past it seems like Bioware should take the blame. From what I have heard so far it seems more like Dragon Effect, I really doubt it was EA's decision to do that.


Posted 10 March 2011 - 11:39
Besides, they're still much better than Activision.
Imagine a group of people who are all blind, deaf and slightly demented and suddenly someone in the crowd asks, "What are we to do?"... The only possible answer is, "Look for a cure". Until you are cured, there is nothing you can do.
And since you don't believe you are sick, there can be no cure.
- Vladimir Solovyov

Posted 10 March 2011 - 18:52
SquigPie, on 10 Mar 2011, 11:39, said:
Besides, they're still much better than Activision.
Bioware is as much to blame as EA imo, during all the coverage bioware said again and again it wasn't mass effect with swords, when it blatantly is. Thats the reason for the backlash, if Bioware had straight up said - "The direction of this game is very different to its original, it will not appeal to the hardcore RPG crowd nearly as much and will cater more towards an action orientated gameplay. " then most of those dissapointed wouldn't have bought the game in the first place. Sure some would still bitch, but you can never please everyone anyway. I don't much like one of my favorite franchises being dumbed down, but if they had at least admitted it instead of stringing people along the backlash would be much less severe.
Edited by Ion Cannon!, 10 March 2011 - 18:53.
Posted 11 March 2011 - 02:54
Posted 12 March 2011 - 01:23
Seems like the people that play Rogue and have a lot of backstabbing goodness are very very much enjoying the gameplay, which in turn appears to be the only detractor for the other two classes in reviews. The story is apparently polished, the enviroments decent enough (although apparently the city is somewhat meh), and it's just the jilted gameplay mechanic built into the two other classes that seems to fuck everything up. Going to try the demo as Rogue, just to see what it's really like.
Posted 12 March 2011 - 02:55

Edited by Raven, 12 March 2011 - 02:55.
Posted 12 March 2011 - 07:29
Well, I must agree with most people here, the gameplay has obviously been dumbed down (the fact that the easiest difficulty setting is labeled casual speaks for itself). The graphics are not that great (I'm using the HD texture fix btw), the environment is way too empty, especially during cutscenes.
Some places are simple copy-paste of other zones, especially the caverns I visited. In fact you'll see lots of sealed doors in those caverns, and the ones that are open vary from cavern to cavern, basically they just made one big cavern and are using the sealed doors to create the illusion of having done a great job of it.
The rogue attacks animations are quite enjoyable, as long as you can get the frickin camera to point in the direction you want it to, I found myself pausing the game every 5 seconds during battles to adjust it.
The spell/competence system has also been overhauled, it's sorting is better, but some great abilities got removed...
You can't bloody equip any armor on your companions, they're doomed to wear the same one, anything you might find you'll just end up selling cause it's not made for your class. The only items you'll keep are accessories and some weapons (which your party members can use)
The only thing that keeps me going is the story, but I've only reached level 10 and I feel that the story will soon end, therefore I started working on the side quests, but abandoned that due to their stupidity, it's always the same : stumble upon a loot which you cannot sell even though it looks like a regular crappy loot, take it to a random person which will turn out to be the owner of the loot (I mean, it's not even like you were assigned this task by the owner, you just find the item and your character will magically know who's the owner...)
EDIT : Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that you can't talk with most NPCs, you can't even click on them to make them say random lines, that and also the characters in your party interfere a lot less during conversations, most of the time you've got an option to force them to talk, otherwise they'll just stay silent.
All in all, good work on screwing up such a great game BioWare. In fact this quote of lead designer Mike Laidlaw already warned people of the soon-to-be failure that this game was going to be :
Also, no toolset or SDK will be released (which is quite normal if they ditched PC gamers), so there won't easily be a way to create a mod to repair the camera...
Edited by CJ, 12 March 2011 - 07:36.
Posted 13 March 2011 - 03:24
Posted 13 March 2011 - 21:03
Posted 13 March 2011 - 21:57
someone kick these guys in the head, they're obviously delusional.
Posted 14 March 2011 - 08:30

This thread is filled with
End of Line.
Anyway, anyone heard about the guy that couldn't activate his game because he criticised Bioware on the forums? They 72-hour banned his account. When he tried to activate the game it wouldn't let him.
After a massive backlash. It turned out that it was due to a clash between EA's and Bioware's respective rules. They let him activate his game after that.
Imagine a group of people who are all blind, deaf and slightly demented and suddenly someone in the crowd asks, "What are we to do?"... The only possible answer is, "Look for a cure". Until you are cured, there is nothing you can do.
And since you don't believe you are sick, there can be no cure.
- Vladimir Solovyov

Posted 14 March 2011 - 18:49
There truly is "consolification" symptoms and such, but taking them aside; gameplay, plot, companion developments and the variety what ending you will have by doing something differently is just...... Jawdropping.
and the ending? It just gives me the *chills* aahh, the epicness. (yes, im a fan of this game)
There were points where i just stared at the screen for about 5-10mins doing nothing and trying to think that what the hell happened there, and what to do to to even fix it a little.
But i agree on people talking here on that it might have little too much of an Mass Effect affection... But (this is my personnal opinion) i can live with that IF they keep a gap between Mass Effect and Dragon Age francise.
I really hope that Bioware doesn't continue with this "you can only customize your main character this much and only pieces of your companions" policy, it just makes you feel bad.
Even these small drawbacks here, after this experience what i've had here, i really hope that Bioware will make DAIII.

Well, off to play it second time, maybe this time "Angry" Hawke.
Edited by Magma, 14 March 2011 - 18:50.
Everyone needs believe in something. I believe I'll have another beer.
My greatest weapon is my knowledge.... And laser beam eyes.
Posted 14 March 2011 - 18:52
Edited by Ion Cannon!, 14 March 2011 - 18:52.
Posted 17 April 2011 - 22:23
I still hope that DA3 comes out and It's more like DA1, and please for the love of god fire Mike Laidlaw, he hasn't got a fucking clue. http://uk.gamespot.com/pc/rpg/dragon-age-2...&pid=988968
Edited by Ion Cannon!, 17 April 2011 - 22:25.
Posted 18 April 2011 - 02:37
Posted 18 April 2011 - 04:31
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