I^Love^Mixery said:
Multiplayer Mini Mission Map Version 78
Hello folks,
This is my latest project: A Multiplayer Mini Mission Map.
It can be played by 1-4 players.
It is by far my hugest project and its still not finished.
I worked on it for about a year now and it took me about 200 hours.
As any other of my maps it doesnt contain an .ini file.
Which means:
100% online support without the need of a game restart. NO missmatch.
Features of the map:
Dont forget to invite your friends:)
Click here to download this file
Hello folks,
This is my latest project: A Multiplayer Mini Mission Map.
It can be played by 1-4 players.
It is by far my hugest project and its still not finished.
I worked on it for about a year now and it took me about 200 hours.
As any other of my maps it doesnt contain an .ini file.
Which means:
100% online support without the need of a game restart. NO missmatch.
Features of the map:
- Map properties:
- About 600 scripts
- Only 120 objects
- 656 waypoints
- 6*6 platforms
- 10 unique missions:
- All missions can be played by up to 4 players simultanously or alone offline.
- All mission objects will be streamed. This means: The objects for a specific mission will spawn when a player reached the mission and they will be removed again if all players finished that mission.
No matter if a players leaves midway through, this script is unfailable and will remove any unneeded mission objects. - The missions will become harder and harder. The first mission is pretty simple, the 10th mission is insanely hard.
- There are many very destructive missions with a huge load of explosions but also a few where you have to prove your mind.
- All missions are done from scratch. I never seen any of this missions anywhere before. I did not copy a single thing that wasnt created by me.
- If you fail at a mission it will restart instantly and automatically.
- Once you accomplished a mission you will be brought to the next mission instantly.
- I assure you that all mission are beatable. Yes even the 10th
- All missions can be played by up to 4 players simultanously or alone offline.
- Scripting, script usage and mission inventions:
- I tweaked the map ad nauseam
- The scipts are ordered very clearly.
- Only a moiety of the 600 scripts are active at the same moment. Entire folders get (de)activated instantly once they become (un)necessary.
- I get up to 300 - 800 fps while playing the map. I guess you can consider this as "not laggy"
- The scipts are ordered very clearly.
- Picking up, escorting and delivering moving, interactive ox's.
- I managed to tether the camera to a unit with you still being able to control it.
- Mirror AoD
- Traffic chaos simulation
- Professional usage of random variables
- Survival missions
- Train dodging missions
- And many more
- I tweaked the map ad nauseam
- Screenshots:
- Mission 1: Read the briefing
- Mission 2: You have to reach the other side of the area
- Mission 4: Survive 60 seconds while getting raped by particle cannons and overlords
- Mission 5: Collect Ox's and bring them to their pasture while avoiding tanks. You can hide in forests too
- Mission 7: Random field: There will spawn 15 traps on 16 fields. One field will be without a trap. You have to drive onto it fast enough. You have to survive this chaos for 60 seconds.
- Mission 9: Traffics chaos with automatically controlled camera
- Mission 1: Read the briefing
Dont forget to invite your friends:)
Click here to download this file