This is what i have so far, its kinda an alpha state, still has lots of 2D art stuff saying FoK, anyway if anyone interested here it is.
Download part01 to 11
Have fun!, im including the luas in case anyone wants them.
Installation Step by Step
1- Once you downloaded the eleven rar files, make sure they are all in a same folder
2- Open up any of the .rar files either with winrar or 7zip, there should be a folder with "Purgation_Kaurava" name, drag with the mouse this folder to your Soulstorm main directory. egg "C:/Program Files (86x)/THQ/Dawn of War - Soulstorm/"
This will extract and merge the content of all eleven parts.
3- Once the extraction is done, open the "Purgation_Kaurava" folder and look for the .module file
4- Move/Cut&Paste the module file into your Soulstorm main folder
5- Run Soulstorm, look for "Purgation of Kaurava" in the mod manager and activate it.
6- Play and Enjoy

If the above step by step didnt worked for you, try this:
Explicit Graphical Guide for correct Installation
Edited by Melooo, 09 July 2011 - 15:06.