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Buildable Supply Dock

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#1 MOA Generals


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Posted 12 April 2011 - 14:08

Iknow that i am extremly new but i am fairly experienced at modding C&C Generals And Zero Hour. I have curently ceated a working general or new faction. Ihave put the buildings, units, upgrades and generals powers and they work perfectly My problem is that i am trying to code a buildable supply dock for my faction.

My generals name is = GeneralLeangsHusband ,yep the Boss generals husband cool right he is powerfull i'll tell you that right now.

When i coded the buildings and units in the command set under the buildings command set are

GLH_Command_ConstructAmerica CommandCenter

I don't know if this helps you understand what i am needing.
I am trying to get a builable supply dock for my general and would like a tutorial on how to do so.

Please help

#2 Brotherhood_USSR


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Posted 02 May 2011 - 09:30

Recheck your command sets and command button, by the way, if you don't add an command set for it to the dozer's commandset , then you can't build it
.make sure you coded it right, or can simply use the supply dock available in Generals/ZH, copy its code and change the side ( default is civilian) to any side you want,its cost, build time,anything you want .
generally,these are list of thing to be check:
1 command button to be placed in dozer's command set to allow it to build your dock,cameo make it look better.
1 or more command buttons to be placed in its own command set to do anything you want it to.

the command sets/buttons you defined must be the same as the one you defined in commandsets.ini and commandbuttons.ini .

change its side,cost,build time and cameo as you want it to be.

but i wonder why you need an build-able supply dock even you have the similar one in game,you still get supplies from those civilian supply dock,so is it necessary to have one that you can build?
and 1 more thing, wrong topic, this for tutorial, not request help, you can post in Generals/Zero Hour modding forum which in same forum with this page( go back and scroll down, you will see it, right below tutorial forum)

Edited by Elite13, 02 May 2011 - 09:36.

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