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Posted 19 April 2011 - 16:50

Could we make suggestions?

If yes I have one. If not, delete this post |8

The suggestion is it: make grey knights as a diferent faction of battle sister. The new codex is only for GK, maybe sisters will have their own codex, and maybe is easier to do a playable race whithout sisters.

Edited by Melooo, 20 April 2011 - 13:55.

#2 Melooo


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Posted 20 April 2011 - 13:54

Sure you can xD

Im considering that, although witchhunters wont be around in this mod for a while so....inquisition will practically be Daemonhunters only until i update sob models.

#3 General

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Posted 29 April 2011 - 07:45

Would be good if you design your own power weapons instead sticking with codex, its always good to see something good and different D8

#4 KnightInFlames


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Posted 22 June 2011 - 22:39

 Gabriel Angelos, on 29 Apr 2011, 8:45, said:

Would be good if you design your own power weapons instead sticking with codex, its always good to see something good and different |8

although I agree with you, to some point, we must keep in mind that this is a "closer to codex" mod...

now, my suggestion:

as i haven't played this version of the mod yet, I am still unsure to which point what I am about to suggest has or not been implemented or even suggested so far, AND how much of the FoK features (such as "army specializations", that thing you choose at the HQs to determine overall bonuses ) are present here.

anyways, here it goes:

Implementing the renegade militia in the game would be awesome.
I've heard that part of it was already integrated in the latest FoK versions, even though I hadn't been able to check them out, but, as I understood by browsing through the forums, they were some kind of upgrade to chaos cultists in the chaos faction?

well, if this was true, i thought of a different way to implement them: As an Imperial Guard Specialization.

this way, units like Militia Enforcers, Ogryn Berserkers and Malcadors could be added...

I'd really love to model those btw =P

give it a thought guys 8|

#5 Melooo


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Posted 26 June 2011 - 16:25

Well currently Siege Masters trait for Chaos Undivided can have Griffons, Medusas and Basilisks along the renegade militiamen, but yeah i know is not enough to recreate a full Army of renegades, as is more designed to represent Iron Warriors captured Artillery vehicles.

I'll see if in the future i can add such extra doctrine that allow to get all those extra units as well as Leman Russ variants and chimeras.

#6 KnightInFlames


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Posted 27 June 2011 - 18:41

 Melooo, on 26 Jun 2011, 17:25, said:

Well currently Siege Masters trait for Chaos Undivided can have Griffons, Medusas and Basilisks along the renegade militiamen, but yeah i know is not enough to recreate a full Army of renegades, as is more designed to represent Iron Warriors captured Artillery vehicles.

I'll see if in the future i can add such extra doctrine that allow to get all those extra units as well as Leman Russ variants and chimeras.

I'd be glad to help with any modelling/animating.... and texturing of course, even though texturing is, for the time being, what I'm worse at, of this 3... but hey, I'll put as much effort as i can in every and each one every-time I'll be working on them =)

Edited by KnightInFlames, 28 June 2011 - 02:27.


#7 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 09 July 2011 - 00:49

A bit of a dredge, but this is on topic, I promise.

I had a look at some of the models and screen shots, and from what I can tell, the Ork weapons all look the same. Not between Nobz or Boyz, but within the caste themselves. For example, the new Tankbustaz all seem to be firing the same rokkitlauncha. Is there a way to vary the style of rokkitlauncha between the Tankbustaz in the same squad? Would add to the cobbled together nature of the Orkz.
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#8 Melooo


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Posted 10 July 2011 - 00:59

Yeah that can be done, though not too different from each other as it would require to make different animations for each rokkit launcha variant.

For example the front shield could be randomized and the colors too

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