So I thought I would do a little experiment, lets see just how much I am overeating/or not - compared to you guys. Make a list of the general stuff you would have in a day.
I'll use yesterday as thats probably about average for me.
Breakfast : 2 Bowls of cereal, 1 Yoghurt
Ellevenses : 2 scones with butter and jam
Lunch: 4 Cheese and ham toasties, followed by 1 kitkat chunky, 1 nutri grain bar, another yoghurt and half a bunch of grapes.
Mid afternoon snack : Packet of Sainsburys chocolate cookies. Sometimes have an apple as well.
Dinner : 4 BBQ chicken fajitas with salsa, peppers ect. Followed by about half a tub of ice-cream.
I usually snack throughout the evening and from the rubbish on my desk I had
2 packets of mini cheddars, 3 penguin bars, finished off the bunch of grapes, a further nutri-grain bar, another yoghurt. I also had alot of mini daim bars, call it 1/3rd of a 300g bag.
- Sometimes I'll also have a late night larger snack, like a small pizza or pasta dish, but thats rare.
- I probably only get breakfast half the time as well.
- Eating a packet of biscuits a day happens about once every 2-3 days.
I have alot of drinks throughout the day as well, usually a mix of squash, fruit juice and innocent fruit smoothies.
Oh and just for your information, yes I am trying to gain weight. I'm currently 10st, 2lbs - I'm 5'10"
Edited by Ion Cannon!, 15 May 2011 - 10:48.