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R3ven's Particle Testing

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#1 R3ven


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Posted 01 June 2011 - 20:34

Just going to post any particles I make that I deem good here, and if you click on them, it takes you to a pastebin with their code in it. If there is a custom texture used, it will be listed for download at the bottom of the pastebin. I only have two that I think are good right now, since I'm not very good at making good looking particles yet. I'm sorry, but I also have a low end computer, if anybody would take pictures of these in use, I would greatly appreciate it. Also, if any of these particles get used in a public mod, I would like to be informed and would like credit for them. Thank you.

Rocket Trail
Posted Image

Flame Trail(this has distortion on higher end machines)
Posted Image

Any feedback is immensely appreciated. |8

Edited by R3ven, 01 June 2011 - 20:42.

#2 Ion Cannon!

    Mountain Maniac

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Posted 02 June 2011 - 14:03

What sort of look are you trying to achieve with the rocket trail? It looks to transparent at the moment.

As for the flame trail, it's better, but I think you need some transistion or an extra element between the massive flame, and the smaller rocket. I know proper rockets have massive flames, but it seems to start out wider than the rocket itself. Either tailor that, so its less wide initially or add an initial rocket burst(or something) which turns into the larger rocket flames. I would also recommend a flare particle at the back of the rocket, gives the illusion of glare. Finally, how many particles is it using?

Lastly I highly recommend posting videos, you can only get so much from a screenshot when viewing particle FX.
Posted Image

Posted Image

#3 R3ven


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Posted 02 June 2011 - 15:14

There is a distortion effect on the flame trail, but it's visible only on high, which my computer cannot support, there are two other particles on it. The reddish particle that is actually the flame, and the smoke behind it. I would post videos, but it's basically the same thing, but moving forward on my computer since my graphics at low. I'll see if I can get a friend to make a video of it for me since he can support ultra on his computer.

The rocket trail is just on particle and that's it. |8

Thanks for the feedback :xD:

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