It's a free Civ clone.
It's pretty fun, but the last time I played a Civ-like I was at most seven. So, as might be expected, I'm really bad at this. I think I'm getting better at it though. Have a game with two other players, both friendly or neutral, and I control half the map through weed-like Settler spam. No wars yet, still early. But at the worst, my sheer size will allow me some time to react if either of my enemies get funny ideas.
But yeah, earlier I was having issues. I had five basic AIs, and four of them wanted me dead on the spot, like clockwork. The fifth was friendly, so there's that, at least. It was probably because I tended to be pretty weak, being a complete and utter noob who still doesn't know where all the controls are or what they do.
Anyone heard of this?

Started By Areze, Jun 02 2011 20:45
4 replies to this topic
Posted 02 June 2011 - 20:45
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Posted 02 June 2011 - 21:07
I would suggest you go out and find Civ IV (it should be under $10 for the complete set these days), you'll get a far better AI and a more comprehensive experience.

Posted 02 June 2011 - 21:08
Alias, on 2 Jun 2011, 16:07, said:
I would suggest you go out and find Civ IV (it should be under $10 for the complete set these days), you'll get a far better AI and a more comprehensive experience.
I might look into that.
EDIT: Where might one find it for $10? I'm only seeing it for that price on Ebay, and I'm leery of it, to be honest.
Edited by Areze, 02 June 2011 - 21:23.
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Posted 05 June 2011 - 15:22
I'd look at gamestop/EBGames, i found it for $12 (i think) there once. Didn't have the foresight to actually buy it though.
R.I.P. Luyo, I will never forget you.
Posted 05 June 2011 - 16:48
Um, I'm not seeing for less than USD$40 here.

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