Fallout Studios has undergone a significant update to keep us in-touch with everything going on at IPB, our forum software provider. As a result of this, the forums have been upgraded to the latest version of IPB - IPB 3.2. You will notice there is a lot of enhanced functionality in this version, but for the most part, your experience in dealing with the forums will remain the same.
Obviously, as this is a new update, there will be bugs. As such, if you spot one, we would ask that you point it out to us right here so that we can sort it out
Bug List:
Quotes aren't working - Currently under investigation
Skins are no longer available - As a result of the upgrade, all skins are now defunct. We are looking into upgrading them in the very near future, so stay tuned!
Avatars are gone - a side effect of the upgrade, all avatars have been replaced by profile pictures, as the two are no longer separate. We apologise for this happening, however it is also an easy fix so we hope you won't feel too aggrieved!
Thanks, and enjoy the new forums!
Edited by AJ, 27 July 2011 - 21:56.