In the coming days/hours, FS will be moving to a new server as part of a server upgrade for Nagini (our current server). The new server, Dobby, is a far faster and more capable machine, and thus should result in far less timeouts, server errors, and generally provide a far better experience for you guys.
As a result of this move, FS will at some point in the next few days go down for maintenance whilst the move is carried out. Therefore, if we are down when you try to log on later, you shouldn't be alarmed, and we will be back in the near future. IF we are down, you can check on the status of the transfer process at the Revora twitter here:!/revoranet You can also log on to our IRC channel as usual to have a chat with those of us that will be on there

If you'd like some more information on Dobby, you can find that information here: http://forums.revora...te-server-move/
Hopefully, we'll see you folks soon

AJ, on behalf of the FS moderating team.