This is a compilation pack of all terrain textures (over 1200 of them) from C&C Generals all the way to C&C4 Tiberian Twilight. This means you can now make maps using Worldbuilder with unlimited terrain textures from Generals/Zero Hour, C&C3/KW, RA3/Uprising and C&C4. These files I am giving you works only for C&C3 and KW. This updated last release pack no longer includes the C&C3 terrain textures and is now including snow textures as a category.
Instructions are in the readme file.
When browsing the terrain textures, both C&C3 and KW Worldbuilder will slow down, depending on how fast your computer is. Yes, that's a lot of terrain textures being put together into one.
There are some rare issues after doing this. Do not attempt to load old replays, campaign files and saved game files once you put those files in. Recent ones after this are okay. Because then otherwise, you probably will get a crash ingame. Some skirmish maps I have collected and released in the C&C3 or KW skirmish map pack to the public may have people some trouble opening the maps into either C&C3 or KW Worldbuilder. They may or may not contain terrain textures that are not part of C&C3/KW. Be aware of that.
Also keep in mind if you are giving created and modified custom maps away to the public using these terrain textures as they will be assured and informed that they need this compilation pack to work ingame and to be edited in either C&C3 or KW Worldbuilder correctly.
Credits to Davoplayer for giving me the C&C4 terrain textures (since I don't own C&C4) and to the Omega Group for the snow textures from HaloRTS.

The Ultimate C&C Terrain Texture Compilation Pack
Started By Zocom7, Feb 16 2012 17:13
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