Unfortunately, the keyboard/mouse combo that I currently use from my old HP computer doesn't seem to be made any more (that is if it could be bought separately in the first place), and the closest alternative seems to only be sold from the US HP website, and I really can't be arsed to go through the hassle of ordering from there (that is if they even ship outside of US anyway).
I'm pretty fussy when it comes to keyboards and mice, so here are my requirements:
- A standard, fullsize, UK layout
- A number pad
- A fullsize return key (i.e. the return key is 2 rows tall)
- Relatively flat keys
- Volume control
- Doesn't look fugly, i.e. a bog standard qwerty layout and without shed-loads of buttons that I am never gonna use
- Preferably wireless, but I am open to it being wired if it's a good keyboard
- £70 is my budget (but I would prefer less)
I'm also likely to get a new wireless mouse, it will most likely be a bog-standard wireless microsoft mouse, but if there is a wireless keyboard/mouse combo out there, I would certainly be open to it.
Anyone got any suggestions?
EDIT: Here's my current keyboard... something as close to that as possible tbh.

EDIT2: I'm liking the look of this atm: http://www.ebuyer.co...oard-920-002382
Edited by Bob, 02 April 2012 - 19:11.