Enough with the chit-chat, lets get to the point, shall we? Here we go!
GLA - Me-262 bomber:

"Sorry, no tracking number"
The Me-262 replaces the slow as hell cargo plane of the GLA to make the anthrax bomb special deliver faster and more efficient. The GLA cargo plane however, still remains for the tech reinforcement pad.
And here's a spoiler: This plane is used for Juhziz's anthrax bomb special power replacement. Further info will be released in future updates.
Superweapon General - Fox APC transport:

"Lets Fox them up!"
The Fuchs / Fox APC transport is a moderately armoured transport armed with the new ObamaMaster II 50mm Auto-cannon and a secondary Nixon anti-vehicle rocket launcher; Not only that, this vehicle can also load 6 soldiers safely across the battlefield.
This vehicle fills the missing gap between the humvee and the XF-32 F.I.S.T for Alexander, pretty much like the crusader tank.
Superweapon General - Aurora II bomber:

"Special delivery!"
Gen. Alexander requested another type of Aurora bomber since she always expected to get the best tech available.
The result was named the SB-98 Aurora II. It was a radical change in design from the original Aurora. It offers scramjets and pulse detonation engines which allows it to go even slightly faster than the original Aurora and a strenghtend aluminium alloy for the hull. It carries 1 high yield fuel-air bomb internally.
Still the Aurora II has the same problems because it has to throttle it's speed due to overheating engines and to safely release it's payload making it vulnerable to enemy fire.
Nuclear General - T-56 "Wang Long" anti-air tank:

"Hit 'em hard!"
T-56 "Wang Long" anti-air is one of the most recent vehicle in nuke gen's asernal, replaces the gatting tank; The vehicle is armed with Yuho-4 flak gun system and it's known for it's long range and hard hitting firepower. Not only that, the Wang long is powered by a nuclear engine giving it a long combat range.
MiG 1.44 (Revision #2):

Because the 'revision #1' was lacking abit. So we revised it yet again to a more higher quality version.
....And as an added bonus for this update, we present to you guys two high resolution wallpapers made by Keksz!
SB-98 Aurora II sattelite image 1920 x 1080*
MiG Squadron 1280 x 720*
*Model is 100% ingame model quality
C&C Untitled is looking for beta testers! Your job is to search for bugs and balance the mod, we can play it in a enjoyable environment and all experience are welcome.
Being a beta tester includes:
1:) Access to internal development version.
2:) Voice input on ideas and suggestions.
3:) Access to the staff board.
4:) Having fun playing.
The following criteria is whats needed to qualify the tester position:
1: We will be doing PvP primarily.
2: You need to have a relaxed, timid, mind.
3: Willing to learn the game.
4: You need to be a socialable person and must be fluent in english.
5: You must be active 4/7 days of the week.
6: Must get log me in hamachi in order to play PVP matches.
TL;DR: we need testers n shit yo!
For interested applicants, please send your applications to:
That's all for now and hope you guys enjoyed this update!