Due to a woeful lack of management and housekeeping of the wiki on our part and the build up of huge amounts of spam bots and their edits/pages, I have taken the unilaterial decision to take the Data Bunker offline until I can undo the edits/pages and delete the bots.
When I say "offline" I mean it is closed to all edits, new pages and just as importantly, new users. Once we (and by that I mean probably just me) have cleaned it up I will investigate ways to prevent this in the future.
Everything can still be viewed, but only SysOps/Bureaucrats have any ability to make changes now. If this causes any problem for members, chiefly in connection with mod manuals and pages, then please let me know via PM/Steam/IRC and I will try to find a temporary solution, but only if this is urgent and cannot be delayed.
If anyone has anything useful share or wishes to assist then let me know.
Data Bunker Offline
Started By Wizard, Sep 13 2012 10:40
Wiki Spam Editting New Registrations Suspended
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