Uprising in the Middle East - Or A Big Game for War With Iran
Posted 21 October 2012 - 13:49
Do you think it is only the people there who bored from the shitty governments or there is an obvious foreign intervention ?
It is so obvious that they are paving and clearing the way for Iran. Any country where support may come to Iran is falling one by one! Lebanon was the last step and now it is beginning aswell :
Posted 22 October 2012 - 09:48
Other than that, the Lebanese situation is probably not representative: Hezbollah (Proven to be Iranian backed) isn't going anywhere, and won't be without a very bloody fight. It looks more like this terror attack got used by some politicians there to attack the current government. They always wanted to, now it's their big chance.
Sareen said:
Posted 22 October 2012 - 10:01
The only countries that are supporting Iran are actually Russia and China, and the other countries on your list didn't even care about Iran to start with (and still don't)
Posted 22 October 2012 - 12:19
Posted 22 October 2012 - 20:52
Ion Cannon!, on 22 October 2012 - 12:36, said:
Indeed, this is not what the governments want. But oil industry wants it.
Any of you guys watched the Lord of War ? Well, I have news for you, this is still going on today, and doesn't seem to be ending...
Oh and of course Libya Tunisia Egypt were not supporting Iran, but if Israel( or USA) were to attack Iran, shia Iran's terror arm should've been very active on those regions to reach Europe! But what is the common thing happened in all the riots in Middle East ? They are completely made of Sunni sect! Even thousands of Al Qaeda militants in this war!
Shia Iran and her allies vs Sunni terror groups ( or call them rebel if you wish )
And yea it is probably a coincidence that all these governments fell in two year only. While geopolitics of all these countries while not vastly different, were still different, people living there have different culture and way of life despite the similiarity, there is no way this is just a simple movement turned big. Foreign backing is so obvious! No need to mention mainstream media hysteria about the events.
Anyone still remember BBC showing photos from an Iraqi massacre and claim these children killed by Syrian army ? well, you probably not, it is easily forgotten.
You just watch it, no need to be a prophet of some kind to know what is coming. War with Iran is just so obvious and all we are seeing in middle east now is part of it!
Posted 22 October 2012 - 21:05
Lots of the governments ousted were pro western, or at least had neutral relations with the west, in the case of egypt an islamic based government has taken over. Why on earth would western governments do that?
"there is no way this is just a simple movement turned big"
Of course there is, if people show solidarity, if they show they're not afraid the government has two choices - resign or start a civil war. In either case the movement only stops when the people are satisfied or have been repressed, however with foreign governments formally recognising the rebels and then backing / helping them this then makes the outcome more likely that the civil war will go their way, if there is one.
So on that last point, yes foreign backing comes in when it is clear the incumbent regime is not liked, but I hardly think western governments created the situation in the first place.
Posted 22 October 2012 - 23:54
Ion Cannon!, on 22 October 2012 - 21:05, said:
Let's look at Iran for a minute. Iran was once one of the most civilised and westernised countries in the middle east. Soon, the Iranians elected a president that had policies that the UK didn't like, so they and the US overthrew the elected representative and the Shah became a dictator rather than western-style monarch he used to be. Eventually, the people got sick of the Shah and the Islamists took over, and now we have batshit-crazy Iran these days, which is easily the worst of the three outcomes. Ideally, if the west hadn't deposed Mossadegh there's quite a possibility that the Islamic unrest would never have led to a full scale revolution.
It's not surprising that many of the Middle-Eastern countries are untrusting or strongly against a Western-backed leader, and I think the collective action against certain leaders was caused by the previous policies of intervention.
Edited by Alias, 22 October 2012 - 23:55.

Posted 23 October 2012 - 04:42
They claim that they support it for the betterment of the ppl in those countries. But if you look at all of them, now its just a piece of rubble. People may have been unhappy or the regime may have been harsh, but at least they had basic necessities for them. Now they have nothing, even their homes are in rubble. Do you think a regime changes would be able to heal those scars. The people replacing them would not do miracles turn things round. They would also be corrupt and brutal tbh. If you are following the stories, the Libyan and other opposition forces are also charged with HR violations and abuses. It just that these people are trading a devil for a devil at the price of their own country's infrastructure and blood. The West would get all the new contracts.
If the west wants to really help people suffering turn to Africa..IMO If a military intervention is needed anywhere right now it should be in Somalia.
Edited by Raven, 23 October 2012 - 09:50.
Posted 23 October 2012 - 05:11
Raven, on 23 October 2012 - 04:42, said:
THIS! But why it is not happening despite the so called humanitarian crisis going on for decades there ? Because Somalia is not part of the plan, it is easy to deal with when the time has come. But Iran going stronger every year, she gotta dealt with before getting out of control and reach... This is all that simple.
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