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Router inquiry

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#1 GuardianTempest


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Posted 12 January 2013 - 15:24

(11:25pm as of posting, I could be flailing mentally right now)

Okay, give me some assurance here since a new router arrived a few days ago. My family agreed on the idea of getting a router some time ago so that I can share some internet for the household and it just arrived and I'm installing it tomorrow. I'm quite fond of my reliable wired broadband connection, I'm very worried about it. I believe firmly in performance reduction, increasing a river's width will decrease it's depth. Before you say that it depends on the router, my stepmother said that she got it from a reliable source(FUCK THAT SHIT) Is it good enough to divert my direct feed from my laptop to it? Also, most of the other devices using the connection will be iPads/iPhones, along with another laptop generally used for web browsing.

The router in question is a Cisco Linksys E1200- you know the rest.

I just checked before posting this, online reviews worry me, I assume at times I will (selfishly) turn off the router and go for a direct connection or not even bother at all (but then I have to face consequences). If not, how do I make it suck less and make the most out of it? I'm going to sleep and hopefully enjoy the replies tomorrow.

If my Chinese Zodiac is correct, then 2013 will be a bad year already and this is an example of it. Pig and Snake don't mix, says my sister.
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#2 Alias

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Posted 12 January 2013 - 15:42

If you have a decent enough connection it will hardly make a difference.

Most people share (wired) internet with at least two or three others.

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