CJ, on 02 May 2013 - 08:11, said:
General, on 02 May 2013 - 07:46, said:
CJ, on 01 May 2013 - 20:17, said:
General, on 01 May 2013 - 16:27, said:
Chyros, on 01 May 2013 - 16:14, said:
CJ, on 01 May 2013 - 14:09, said:

No, you are lucky if you only get stoned, before that they gang beat you with fist and kick, there is a different style of muslim lynching, check Gaddafi death for reference, RIP man, I don't know a shit about that man but if he is lynched by these idiots then that means he was probably a good person and every bad thing we heard about him was a lie ...Oh I forgot to mention they always, I mean ALWAYS! say God is Great in arabic when doing this...
Well, if you don't know the man, then you'd better off not be taking his defense. FYI, Gaddafi massacred entire villages and families just to send a message to single members of said villages because hey were opposing him.
He got rid of any semblant of education in Lybia and replaced all classbooks with his "green book" (his own version of Zedong's Little Red Book, but entirely full of bullshit)
He also removed any form of entertainment in the country, outlawing football clubs for example, and preventing any comedian/actor of playing anything.
Basically he was a tyrant who singlehandedly turned his people into vegetables who are still mocked by everyone else in North Africa for being so stupid.
And the worst part is that it actually worked, I have family there who were brainwashed and were supporting him during the uprising of the rebellion. They're so fond of that killer that it makes me think of George Orwell's 1984.
Excuse me but I am in a bit dark here, there is two completely opposite storyline about Gaddafi, this one says exactly the opposite of what you say :
I know that MSM is lying about Libya and Syria, I've seen their exaggarations about Syrian situation as if Bashar Al Asad responsible for every single killing and bombing in the country, while it is exactly the opposite!
And I am shocked to see how west HELPing Al Qaeda terrorists in Syria, they will acknowledge the idiocy if they ever get their hands on chemical weapons!
Of course innocent people die and get in the crossfire, but why one should hate Asad more than killing done by Predator Drones of USA? Is it any different ? Why we don't get medie hype about civilian deaths in Afghanistan committed by Nato but instead they portray Asad as killer allday long? hm?
Well it's not the same thing between both countries, I don't know much about the details of what's happening and who caused what in Syria, but I'd tend to agree with you on that point. However Gaddafi was a tyrant, there's no point in denying that. As for people saying that Al Qaeda is behind the revolution in Libya, I'll just tell them to look at how the Libyans outed the islamists after the revolution, and how some of the first laws they established were towards gender equality and similar stuff that Al Qaeda doesn't want to hear about.
If you want the truth about libya, I suggest you talk with its inhabitants, not listen to the media and/or YT videos. And if some tell you they love Gaddafi, ask them why and they'll answer "Because he gave us money", but never because he gave them a decent education or something like that. Hard to educate people in a country without universities...
You are somewhat right and have a point but answer will be different to whom you are asking this question!
For example, a lot of people in Turkey thinks Turkey is in a trouble which never seen before and we are going right for a dictatorship! If you ask other half of the country however you will hear Turkey going better and better and they were never been in a better situation before!
You see, now which one we gonna trust, we all know media lie to a certain degree and of course we can't trust Youtube videos which nobody can know who actually prepared it. And then from the example I have given, we can't trust people living in there aswell, because answers will vary person to person.
So what we have left ? I think we are in dark there again, there is nobody to trust, we only have the "ANALYZE" , analyze the situation, all the media hype, combine all the lies and truths and you will see the Big Picture.