Hey Fallout Studios,
I've been tasked by the creator of KAG to create a trailer for the up and coming steam release. I was wondering if anyone had the game and would be willing to participate in filming for the trailer.
If you don't have the game, but still want to help out, I have two keys to give to anyone who is up for helping out (first come first serve). You can also keep the game after the filming.
I will be filming on the early evenings of this week (GMT time 7pm-9pm or later depending on who wants to be involved).
It would be preferable for you to have a microphone so I can relay you instructions.
The trailer will be going onto Steam, so it's a chance for your pixelated actions to become famous!

King Arthur's Gold - Help filming Offical Trailer
Started By TheDR, Oct 08 2013 12:52
2 replies to this topic
Posted 08 October 2013 - 12:52


Posted 08 October 2013 - 15:04
I can help today, all other evenings I'm either busy or not in the country. Can also do next week sometime after monday

The brave hide behind technology. The stupid hide from it. The clever have technology, and hide it.
—The Book of Cataclysm

The brave hide behind technology. The stupid hide from it. The clever have technology, and hide it.
—The Book of Cataclysm

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