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EA Cancels Generals 2

TheDR's Photo TheDR 29 Oct 2013



Thank you for your participation over the last few months in the Command & Conquer closed alpha test. It’s been much appreciated, and you’ve been instrumental in helping define what a new Command & Conquer experience should and shouldn’t be.

Part of being in a creative team is the understanding that not all of your choices are going to work out. In this case, we shifted the game away from campaign mode and built an economy-based, multiplayer experience. Your feedback from the alpha trial is clear: We are not making the game you want to play. That is why, after much difficult deliberation, we have decided to cease production of this version of the game. Although we deeply respect the great work done by our talented team, ultimately it’s about getting you the game you expect and deserve.

Over the next 10 days we will be refunding any and all money spent in the alpha. If you have a question about your refund, please contact help.ea.com.

We believe that Command & Conquer is a powerful franchise with huge potential and a great history, and we are determined to get the best game made as soon as possible. To that end, we have already begun looking at a number of alternatives to get the game back on track. We look forward to sharing more news about the franchise as it develops. Thank you again for your participation and support.
- Victory Studios

I'm not sure if it's good or bad news. Considering they also shut the studio down, maybe we could get a Commander and Conquer from someone else. I hope so.
Edited by TheDR, 29 October 2013 - 19:05.

General's Photo General 29 Oct 2013

Oh man, thats brilliant idea. Complete a game %99 and then scrap it... |8

CJ's Photo CJ 29 Oct 2013

It was hardly complete. What I've seen of it in all the alpha footage is worthy of pile of shit.
Apparently we have the fans at gamescon to thank for having bashed the game so much there that EA has finally seen that it was producing a pile of shit :D

Sgt. Rho's Photo Sgt. Rho 29 Oct 2013

I'm eager to see what alternative they come up with.

Chyros's Photo Chyros 29 Oct 2013

View PostTheDR, on 29 October 2013 - 19:05, said:

I'm not sure if it's good or bad news.
I guess it has to be good news, because they honestly couldn't've come up with a bigger pile of shit than they did with this. I doubt what they'll come up with next will be worthy of a CnC title, but I honestly doubt it'll be as bad as this.

Alias's Photo Alias 30 Oct 2013

And nothing of value was lost.

Chyros's Photo Chyros 30 Oct 2013

The thing that broke the camel's back for me was the Thrax thing. I mean apart from the extremely ugly-looking world and units, how the fuck did they think they were going to get away with something like that? They would've known the press would be on it in seconds, and that they'd be selling out Gens 1 big time. Frankly I can't imagine what they were hoping to get from this other than a quick buck - it would never have lasted.

I'm extremely eager to see the alpha comments. does anyone have access to them?
Edited by Chyros, 30 October 2013 - 00:17.

Raven's Photo Raven 30 Oct 2013

I played the Alpha and it was a disaster. I never played more than 10 games simply because it did not appeal to be. The environments looked bland and game play was worse than Generals'. I think they had good intentions when they wanted to start with Generals 2 and a proper campaign, but the move to F2P just ruined it. Although bad for the guys at VG, the cancellation is a good thing for the franchise.

Krieger22's Photo Krieger22 30 Oct 2013


So the post mentioned by TheDR wasn't even approved by the devs at Victory? And the true cause was internal politics? It's Tiberium all over again. With more people watching. Brilliant.

And apparently the EALA we once knew is now DICE LA. What.

And for even more wat, I just went and looked up End of Nations and they've made it into a MOBA. A. Fucking. MOBA. That's not going to end well either...

Soul's Photo Soul 30 Oct 2013

Fucking EA strikes again, this is Tiberium all over again. While I didn't quite like they way the game was going(F2P, bringing back Thrax and such), but I don't think the team had as much control over the games development path then we were lead to believe. Over all I keep the blame mainly at EA bigwigs given the track record of fuck ups they have caused and they are simply trying to pass the buck to the devs to make it appear like they care about gamer's, when it's obvious they don't.

Wizard's Photo Wizard 30 Oct 2013

View PostAlias, on 30 October 2013 - 00:06, said:

And nothing of value was lost.

Nor a single fuck given 8|

CJ's Photo CJ 30 Oct 2013

View PostSoul, on 30 October 2013 - 14:15, said:

Fucking EA strikes again, this is Tiberium all over again. While I didn't quite like they way the game was going(F2P, bringing back Thrax and such), but I don't think the team had as much control over the games development path then we were lead to believe. Over all I keep the blame mainly at EA bigwigs given the track record of fuck ups they have caused and they are simply trying to pass the buck to the devs to make it appear like they care about gamer's, when it's obvious they don't.

Why would you blame a company for canceling a game that they knew would end in a terrible disaster?
The only people who could pay in a F2P are the fans, and all C&C fans pretty much abandoned this crappy "game". Releasing the game would have further destroyed the C&C franchise (if that's even still possible after C&C4), it would've made people angry at EA, and would have cost them lots of money to maintain servers that no one would play on more than twice.

To me, it looks more like they're trying to minimize the damage. They do not care about gamers in the traditional sense, but they still care about the fact that disappointed gamers won't be willing to pay in a F2P.

Chyros's Photo Chyros 30 Oct 2013

Frankly I don't understand some of the anger and frustration here. We knew it was going to be shit, so why do people give a fuck if it's cancelled? Oo

Alias's Photo Alias 30 Oct 2013

View PostChyros, on 30 October 2013 - 20:02, said:

Frankly I don't understand some of the anger and frustration here. We knew it was going to be shit, so why do people give a fuck if it's cancelled? Oo
Exactly I don't get it either, C&C has been dead to me since C&C3, the less EA desecrates the grave the better it will be for the rest of us.

Raven's Photo Raven 31 Oct 2013

Well I don't give a fuck about this as long as PA is getting released this year :). The only other I hope for an RTS is what Sega would do with the DOW franchise.

Krieger22's Photo Krieger22 13 Nov 2013


So TotalBiscuit mentioned the shutdown in this vid and offered his thoughts on it. While C&C F2P is probably worthy of being a textbook definition of a base breaker, he does have a point, even if I think it was completely impossible for it to make a dent in SC II's market share in e-sports.

Sharpnessism's Photo Sharpnessism 05 Dec 2013

View PostChyros, on 30 October 2013 - 20:02, said:

Frankly I don't understand some of the anger and frustration here. We knew it was going to be shit, so why do people give a fuck if it's cancelled? Oo

It would have been terrible but this shows the position of the RTS genre nowadays for traditional RTS games. Sparse or no talent capable of designing a good "traditional" RTS (all at Blizzard) and no one capable of monetizing the genre to make it attractive for larger companies to develop them.

Krieger22's Photo Krieger22 06 Dec 2013

On that note, does anyone know anything about this "new studio/development reboot" that's been rumored in some places?

CJ's Photo CJ 06 Dec 2013

It's not a rumor.

Chyros's Photo Chyros 06 Dec 2013

View PostCJ, on 06 December 2013 - 09:52, said:

? 8|

It's just internal politics anyway. Even if there's such bad feedback on it, it's not like a hot title like C&C isn't going to sell well regardless. They could ship actual turds with C&C badges on and people should still buy them.