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#101 SonicBoom


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Posted 23 August 2006 - 19:56

This reminds me of a certain 'Jack' guy...

#102 Eureka Seven


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Posted 27 August 2006 - 17:08

sry for post i deleted it.

Edited by Davey Jones, 28 August 2006 - 04:02.

Was davey jones, shas'O kais

#103 Shirou

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Posted 10 September 2006 - 08:55

Halo is f***king cool, Awesome to play. and what the hell are you all moaning about that its overrated...

Its just so fun to play, thats whats it all about isnt it? not because the vehicles make you think back at sunday night..... or that the Master Chief is noob because he doesnt have a face...

Omg critics :cyclops:
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#104 TehKiller

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Posted 10 September 2006 - 11:12

ummm Halo is overrated...and thats why everyone says that
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#105 BillyChaka

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Posted 10 September 2006 - 11:46

Yes, Halo sucks because so many other games are better than it. You can do sooo much better with other games, like Half Life or Doom.

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Ion Cannon in IRC said:

[19:11] <+IonCannnon> Basically, billychaka is a heartless bastard.

#106 Slightly Wonky Robob

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Posted 10 September 2006 - 11:59

i've said this before, and i'll say it again, halo is extemely overated, but that doesn't mean i don't like it :D :D
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#107 TehKiller

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Posted 10 September 2006 - 13:02

View PostBillyChaka, on 10 Sep 2006, 11:46, said:

You can do sooo much better with other games, like Half Life or Doom.

Doom or Doom3 :D

and yes you can really do much better with HL
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#108 DreadNot

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Posted 10 September 2006 - 23:28

View PostShirou, on 10 Sep 2006, 03:55, said:

Halo is f***king cool, Awesome to play. and what the hell are you all moaning about that its overrated...

Its just so fun to play, thats whats it all about isnt it? not because the vehicles make you think back at sunday night..... or that the Master Chief is noob because he doesnt have a face...

Omg critics :cyclops:

Like I have said a few times before, it is just another run-of-the-mill FPS. Nothing special about it, it's just shoot and kill while you're in a suit that enhances your abilities even further.

"But you get shields!"....So what? You get body armor in other games. Rechargable shields is just a lame way of not putting body armor in the game.
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#109 BillyChaka

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Posted 10 September 2006 - 23:58

Rechargable shields are nooby like COD2.

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Ion Cannon in IRC said:

[19:11] <+IonCannnon> Basically, billychaka is a heartless bastard.

#110 Judgement

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Posted 11 September 2006 - 04:30

Having read through the first 4 pages I am very disgusted by the constant battering of Halo. All of you say thats it or un inovated or overrated but your very much so wrong. First of all Halo and the entire series is an extremely good game. Having inspired several novels, a sequal and another sequal as well as its own movie Im pretty sure it qualifies as good. The game itself has a very deep and well written story better so than many other games out there and is comparable to F.E.A.R., Half Life 1 and 2, and Doom(although this was mostly run and gun). It had some revolutions like drivable vehicles(not the first but gave you great feel for it), unique inventory, and a great character. It was hyped up but I dont see how you people see it as not living up to the hype? Ya you look at it now but back than many of you were thinking how great it would be. YOu deny it but you were. Everyone was. YOu say that the game was just another FPS but your wrong. No other FPS inspired more FPS games to come than Halo. Look at Call of Duty, came after Halos success. Can you name one other game that came out at the same time that had a better feel than Halo? Not a single one there was. Halo was revolutionary in that it used standard things in a run of the mill FPS but it made it better.
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#111 MentalAss

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Posted 11 September 2006 - 05:03

I didn't bash Halo, I like the game and enjoy playing a LANner now and then. I just think its protrayed as this god of a game.

It does have a good storyline but you have to admit, if you have ever played any of the Unreal Tournaments, its multiplay is far better.

#112 TehKiller

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Posted 11 September 2006 - 12:48

ummm for the record COD was announced before Halo camed out (u cant claim that every single FPS game was inspired by Halo) and thus COD uses a Q3 engine...
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#113 Prophet of the Pimps

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Posted 11 September 2006 - 12:54

Halo = Great Marketing
Halo Game = Nothing new and average gameplay and lame ass story

There are other games which did the same thing way more in advance and look cooler then Halo.

For Multiplayer UT2004 FTW and single player i would go fo anything else but Halo.
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#114 Slightly Wonky Robob

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Posted 11 September 2006 - 16:16

^ exactly

and i have the farest opinion, because i do like halo, and i can't understand how some people think it isn't overated, people claim that its revolutionary, name one thing in that game that hadn't been done in a previous game in one way or another, the main reason i like it is have 8 player matches with your mates. I know other games support similar features, but halo (and halo2) just happen to be the games we have choosen and have stuck to.

Edited by Bob, 11 September 2006 - 16:17.

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#115 BillyChaka

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Posted 11 September 2006 - 19:33

View PostPunisher, on 11 Sep 2006, 00:30, said:

Having read through the first 4 pages I am very disgusted by the constant battering of Halo. All of you say thats it or un inovated or overrated but your very much so wrong. First of all Halo and the entire series is an extremely good game. Having inspired several novels, a sequal and another sequal as well as its own movie Im pretty sure it qualifies as good. The game itself has a very deep and well written story better so than many other games out there and is comparable to F.E.A.R., Half Life 1 and 2, and Doom(although this was mostly run and gun). It had some revolutions like drivable vehicles(not the first but gave you great feel for it), unique inventory, and a great character. It was hyped up but I dont see how you people see it as not living up to the hype? Ya you look at it now but back than many of you were thinking how great it would be. YOu deny it but you were. Everyone was. YOu say that the game was just another FPS but your wrong. No other FPS inspired more FPS games to come than Halo. Look at Call of Duty, came after Halos success. Can you name one other game that came out at the same time that had a better feel than Halo? Not a single one there was. Halo was revolutionary in that it used standard things in a run of the mill FPS but it made it better.

No, no game inspired more games than Doom. And that's the truth right there. Halo wasn't revolutionary in any way. I mean, you're entitled in your opinion, but Halo didn't inspire anything but fanboys. Halo has just another "oh shit we've been invaded LOL" story. I mean, he's the last-of-his-kind supersoldier, (BAM! Cliche right there) and they're fighting an alien force bent on destroying the earth. (Cliche. Shpladau.)

Call of Duty may have come after Halo's "success", but it didn't get inspired by Halo. World War 2 was inspired by Call of Duty. Duh. And it's a console shooter. It can't be compared to it's forefathers. It's definetly not that good. Besides, the Halo movie is gonna do "good", but it's not gonna be good. It's just gonna be another one of those shitty videogame movies like Resident Evil, or Bloodrayne.

Drivable vehicles? Battlefield series. And I can't say that I was hopped up on Halo fever. I was in like, 3rd Grade. But it's not like it matters. I mean, you said it gave you a unique inventory? What, a pistol with a scope on it makes it unique? Didn't think so. But whatevs. You're entitled to your own opinion.

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Ion Cannon in IRC said:

[19:11] <+IonCannnon> Basically, billychaka is a heartless bastard.

#116 DerKrieger

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Posted 12 September 2006 - 04:26

View PostBillyChaka, on 10 Sep 2006, 23:58, said:

Rechargable shields are nooby like COD2.

Actually, the rechargable shields was a good idea, because it sucks to have to go around picking up health packs that you can never find when you need them. I was skeptical of the Halo-esque health system in COD2, but it turned out to be better than COD1. Anywhay, what Propher and Billy said earlier- there are games that do what Halo had done, just better- i.e. UT2k4, Operation Flashpoint, FEAR, HalfLife, COD, Battlefield series, etc.
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#117 DreadNot

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Posted 16 September 2006 - 18:06

No rechargable shields was a stupid idea. It gives you no challenge in the game. You get hit, your shields go down and you don't have to look for health. That's not challenging at all, you just sit there after the guy is dead while your shields recharge then head on to the next guy.

The only (I guess you could say...) "unique" thing about the shields is that they do recharge, but just because it's unique doesn't make it total awesomeness. They probably got the recharging idea from Star Wars Fighter games or something of that nature and just thought "what if we gave that giant green guy RECHARGABLE shields?!"
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