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Need duplicates of game models

whiteknight's Photo whiteknight 11 Jul 2005

Hello, I've been working on a mod for several months now, but am finding there are limits to what I can do without knowing how to do 3D modelling...

In my mod I've reskinned Black Lotus for one of the China sides, but I need a duplicate of NIHERO_SKN.w3d that has a different name and references a skin file with a different name (zhca_niblotus2.tga, for example). This would allow me to have just this one Black Lotus unit be reskinned, while the ones for the other sides are normal.

I would definitely do it myself, if only I could figure out how. If someone would rather take me through the process (I have RenX + w3d importer) that would be a welcome alternative. All help is appreciated!

Deathstrike's Photo Deathstrike 12 Jul 2005

It's probably better if you edit the model in a Hex Editor, rather than with RenX. Here's how to do it:
The original Black Lotus model is called NIHERO_SKN
The original Black Lotus skin is called zhca_niblotus

Make a copy of the Black Lotus model, and give it a different name (eg. NIHER2_SKN. It is VERY important that the name length stays the same!). Do the same with your texture, give it a name equally long as the original (eg. zhca_nilotus2)

Now, open the NIHER2_SKN in your favourite Hex Editor (I use Hex Workshop, it's awesome!). Find the Replace command (Edit -> Replace in Hex Workshop). In the "Find" field enter NIHERO_SKN, in the "Replace" field enter NIHER2_SKN. Click OK, and click "Replace All". Do the same for the texture, and you're done! It may not be easy, but it's a lot better than going through the hassle of importing skeletons, binding them to spacewarps, and more gibberish like that :lol:

whiteknight's Photo whiteknight 13 Jul 2005

Hmm... I can certainly try that, but I'll have to find myself a hex editor (that's just as new to me, but it sounds a whole lot easier to master). Thanks for the tip!

Deathstrike's Photo Deathstrike 13 Jul 2005

No problem, glad I could help :drunk: