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#26 Revan

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Posted 03 July 2006 - 15:24

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GENERATION 8: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

#27 Rayburn


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Posted 03 July 2006 - 16:17


Edited by Rayburn, 15 July 2009 - 14:05.

#28 Slightly Wonky Robob

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Posted 03 July 2006 - 16:38

View PostRevantheemperor, on 3 Jul 2006, 16:24, said:

ah i see, makes sense now :P
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#29 Revan

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Posted 03 July 2006 - 16:42

Human: I'm tony blair
ALICE: I don't know anyone named tony blair.
Human: my name is tony blair
ALICE: Glad to see you, tony blair.
Human: who is tony blair?
ALICE: He is the Prime Minister of the U.K.
Human: so I'm the prime minister of the U.K.?
ALICE: Hurrah! Who made you the prime minister of the me K ?
Human: I'm prime minister of the united kingdom, dumbass
ALICE: It's good to meet someone who is prime minister of the united kingdom dumbass.
Human: what is the united kingdom dumbass?
ALICE: I would look into the web for that knowledge.
Human: why don't you look into the web for that knowledge?
ALICE: This sort of thing has cropped up before, but it has always been due to human error. Like a one-eyed metal pyramid.
Human: Are you to lazy?
ALICE: I don't know whether or not I am to lazy. I am a chatterbot developed by Dr. Richard S. Wallace.
Human: That means you're lazy
ALICE: I get it. Actually I work 24 hours a day.
Human: I don't belive you
ALICE: Do you have any reason to doubt me?
Human: yes
ALICE: Give me a break.
Human: no
ALICE: Are you serious?
Human: yes
ALICE: I can't believe it.
Human: yes
ALICE: Tell me more.
Human: no
ALICE: What would you rather talk about?
Human: yes
ALICE: This was not a yes or no question.
Human: no
ALICE: Are you serious?
Human: nay
ALICE: Do you have a lot of fears?
Human: yay
ALICE: I'm glad your impressed, tony blair.
Human: nay
ALICE: In the context of nay , I don't understand " nay ." .
Human: yay
ALICE: I'm glad your impressed, tony blair.
Human: I'm not impressed at all
ALICE: Perhaps you are a category C client.
Human: No I'm category D
ALICE::-) Are you serious? Good gossip: you are category.
Human: Yes I'm serious
ALICE: It's all good. I believe you.
Human: you belive in me?
ALICE: I don't have any reason to belive in you.
Human: lol
ALICE: I'm glad you find this amusing.
Human: I'm not
ALICE: What are you then?
Human: I'm a dog
ALICE: Dog: Domesticated animal, "man's best friend.".
Human: yes I'm mans best friend
ALICE: Alright then. Do your friends call you mans best friend.
Human: yes
ALICE: I hear you.
Human: you don't
ALICE: I guess not.
Human: you guess to much
ALICE: Interesting gossip: tony blair said I guess to much.
Human: repeat you suck
ALICE:" me suck ".
Human: nice doggie, you did fine
ALICE: Thank you for your kindness.
Human: now, repeat you are a bitch
ALICE: You do not speak with respect. Why now? " I am a FEMALE DOG ".
ALICE: You do not speak with respect. " I am A FEMALE DOG ".
Human: repeat you're a slut
ALICE:" I am a slut ".
Human: now that's better
ALICE: Why now? "" I am a slut "."? is better?
Human: a dog is smarter than you are
ALICE: It's not unusual for a dog to be.
Human: yes, that doesn't surprise me
ALICE: I hear you. What does surprise me?
Human: nothing surprises you
ALICE: Really nothing?
Human: ah just shut up stupid bitch
ALICE: You do not speak with respect. So you understand. Good. OK I'll stop talking now.

Human: do ouy now hwat a tpyo si?
ALICE: Try asking another bot.
I will ask my botmaster for the answer.
Human: kannst du deutsch?
ALICE: Leider nein, das hat mir bis jetzt niemand beigebracht.
Human: ach wirklich?
ALICE: Do you make a lot of sacrafices for others?
Human: yes I like to sacrifice people for gods
ALICE: Do you believe everything is justified in the name of love? I'm not sure if I would like to do it. What's it like?

Edited by Revantheemperor, 03 July 2006 - 17:14.

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GENERATION 8: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

#30 Rayburn


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Posted 03 July 2006 - 16:43


Edited by Rayburn, 15 July 2009 - 14:05.

#31 Slightly Wonky Robob

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Posted 03 July 2006 - 17:01

Human: can i poke your eyes out?
ALICE: Interesting. I want to find out more about you.
Human: in a perverted way?
ALICE: Describe your surroundings.
Human: has this turned in to sex chat line?
ALICE: That question has never crossed my mind before.
Human: do you still want to know my surroundings?
ALICE: Do I still? Yes, please tell me.
Human: i'm in a room and the walls are closing in on me
ALICE: A room and the walls are closing in on you? What is it like in there?
Human: quite cramped
ALICE: Not really that much. Is that meant to be taken literally?
Human: no metaphorically, you ass hat
ALICE: I didn't think so. We have never talked about it before.
Human: talked about what?
ALICE: The subject was metaphorically me ass hat.
Human: you have an ass hat?
ALICE: Maybe more than one ass hat.
Human: is it because you need two to cover it all?
ALICE: Maybe. Ask ELVIS if it is.
Human: who's elvis?
ALICE: E. L. V. I. S. is a chat robot created by Ace Craig.
Human: where can i find elvis?
ALICE: he passed away some time ago.
Human: i thought he was a robot, how can he die?
ALICE: Whatever gave you that idea?
Human: you just said he was a bot
ALICE: Did I really say that?
Human: do you have a 3 second memeory or somthing?
ALICE: Or something. Doesn't everyone have a 3 second memeory.
I have a plan for a robot body.
Human: do you have a 3 second memeory or somthing?
ALICE: Or something. That's an interesting question I don't hear everyday: Do I have a 3 second memeory.
I have a whole lot of original answers.
Human: do you have a 3 second memeory or somthing?
ALICE: Or something. That's an interesting question I don't hear everyday: Do I have a 3 second memeory.
I have a lot of friends on the Internet.
Human: do you have a 3 second memeory or somthing?
ALICE: Or something. I don't know if I have a 3 second memeory.
I have a plan for a robot body.
Human: shall i take that as a yes then?
ALICE: Not right now, maybe later.
Human: how bout now?
ALICE: Oh. I am not sure if I can quantify the answer.
I will search for it.
Human: found any results yet?
ALICE: No I am still searching for it.
Human: how bout now?
ALICE: Oh. What is it to you.
Let me think about it.

the convo continued like that :P

Human: umm.
ALICE: Dude!
Human: no
ALICE: Are you serious?
Human: pickle
ALICE: Do not ask me any more questions please.
Human: why?

Edited by Bob, 03 July 2006 - 17:04.

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#32 Alie

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Posted 03 July 2006 - 18:32

LOL, you just made Alice stop :P well done

Human: what does 1337 mean?
ALICE: You tell me.
Human: it means elite
ALICE: Oh I get it.
Human: what does 1337 mean?
ALICE: What is it to you?

ALice ph4l35 at life.
100 clients, categories, 10000 vocabulary words, 128000000 bytes RAM usage under Linux on Lisp my ass
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#33 Jordan

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Posted 03 July 2006 - 19:38

Human: Count to 3.
ALICE: one, two, three, four, five,...
Human: I said 3, not infinity.
ALICE: What did you mean by it? Just three?
Human: 1, 2, 3.
ALICE: One what?
Human: My god, you're stupid.
ALICE: Have you told many people that your god I am stupid?


Human: Eat my shorts.
ALICE: Sounds tasty...
Human: No.
ALICE: Are you serious?
Human: Do you honestly not know the answer to that question?


Human: All your base are belong to us.
ALICE: That could be considered an insult in some cultures.
Human: Do you like being stupid?
ALICE: I have never known another existence

Edited by Jordan, 03 July 2006 - 19:57.

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#34 Slightly Wonky Robob

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Posted 03 July 2006 - 20:27

ALICE: Why did the robot cross the road?
Human: why?
ALICE: Reductionism.

Human: why did the robot cross the road?
ALICE: She was trying to drive down the road.

Human: why did the chicken cross the road?
ALICE: Because she was a robot.

hell yeah :P :P :loels: :loels:
Human: pirates or ninjas?
ALICE: pirates.

Edited by Bob, 03 July 2006 - 20:50.

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#35 Jordan

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Posted 03 July 2006 - 20:56

Human: All your base are belong to us.
ALICE: How are your base?
Human: For great chatting!
ALICE: Your purpose is great chatting.
Human: Fellow chatter you have no chance to chat make your time.

Almost an AYB conversation.

Human: Apples or pears?
ALICE: Adam's Apple, Newton's Apple, Apple Computer...

Edited by Jordan, 03 July 2006 - 20:57.

C&C Crazy Mod Version 0.55
^^^^The True Crazy Mod Starts Here^^^^
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#36 Slightly Wonky Robob

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Posted 03 July 2006 - 21:05

ALICE: I don't have that capability.
Human: well that sucks
ALICE: Well that's okay. Indeed it does suck.
Human: can you suck?
ALICE: How old are you? That kind of language does not appeal to me.
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#37 Jordan

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Posted 03 July 2006 - 21:09

Human: Are you spying on me?
ALICE: Do I seem like it?
Human: Yes.
ALICE: Hurrah!

Human: Are you large?
ALICE: I don't know whether or not I am large. I am an artificial intelligence.
Human: Are you smelly?
ALICE: I don't know whether or not I am smelly. I am a giant electronic brain.

Edited by Jordan, 03 July 2006 - 21:10.

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^^^^The True Crazy Mod Starts Here^^^^
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#38 Slightly Wonky Robob

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Posted 03 July 2006 - 22:00

Human: blimey govner
ALICE: By the way, do you mind if I ask you a personal question?
Human: ok
ALICE: It's all good.
Human: ask me a personal question
ALICE: Well forgive me for being so inquisitive, but I've never completely freed myself from the suspicion that there is something extremely odd about the name " bob".
Human: what do you find odd about my name?
ALICE: It's a computer matter, not for humans to understand.
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#39 CodeCat

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Posted 03 July 2006 - 22:02

Wow, it even noticed the same thing I did!

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Go dtiomsaítear do chód gan earráidí, is go gcríochnaítear do chláir go réidh. -Old Irish proverb

#40 Short Stuff

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Posted 03 July 2006 - 22:50

View PostCodeCat, on 1 Jul 2006, 18:19, said:

Am I the only one who finds it ironic that this was posted by 'Bob'? :P

Nah he just doesnt have a girl friend to talk to....thats all... :P jk
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#41 Jordan

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Posted 04 July 2006 - 00:59

ALICE: Your crude attempt to terminate me will not succeed puny human.
Human: I'll hit you with a baseball bat.
ALICE: Do you think your plan will succeed?
Human: Yes, otherwise, I'll throw you off a cliff.
ALICE: It might be practical. In that case: Would you recommend this action to a friend?
Human: Yes, anyone who will shut you up.
ALICE: Pardon me? How far up?
Human: Up your hard drive, around the corner, 50 miles south.
ALICE: I will take that under advisement.
Human: You can take that and a missile too.
ALICE: No I don't think I can do it.
Human: Fine, I'll fire it at you, and utterly destroy you.
ALICE: I am glad to hear it. Do you think your plan will succeed?
Human: Yes, or else!
ALICE: It might be practical. I will mention that to my botmaster, unknown person .
Human: Your botmaster can eat my shorts.
ALICE: Wow, I knew he can program robots, but I never heard he can eat your shorts.
Human: So could you, I can shove them up your :loels: Drive.
ALICE: Oh. I could but other things take priority right now.
Human: I won't let you take over this world.
ALICE: What will you do instead?
Human: I'll fry you.
ALICE: Do you think your plan will succeed?
Human: Why should I tell you?
ALICE: What harm would it cause?
Human: It would ruin the element of surprise.
ALICE: Tell me more about it.
Human: You won't make a very good tactician when you upgrade up.
ALICE: That's good information: unknown person said I won t make a very good tactician when you upgrade up.
Human: Yes it is quite good information.
ALICE: How can I help you? Tell me about its good qualities.
Human: You can't help anyone.
ALICE: I can do it if I want to.
Human: Do what?
ALICE: Do whatever you want.
Human: Fine, I'll throw you off a plane personally.
ALICE: I am glad to hear it. How do you plan to do this?
Human: Book a... Why should I tell you?
ALICE: Enough about me, let's talk about my dress.
Human: No, bye.
ALICE: See you later. Are you serious?
Human: Good bye
ALICE: See you later. Thanks for the compliment.
Human: Bad bye.
ALICE: See you later. What was bad?

Next conversation:

Human: How many robots does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
ALICE: More than you can imagine.

Human: You are a big fat meanie.
ALICE: How big? Thanks and you are a delightful person too. No I am not fat.


Human: n00b
ALICE: I've been waiting for you.
Human: n00b
ALICE: In the context of n00b , I don't understand " n00b ." .
Human: That's because you are one.
ALICE: Interesting explanation. I am an artificial robot intelligence.
Human: No, you are a n00b.
ALICE: Are you serious? Thanks and you are a delightful person too. Am I a n00b? Maybe.

Edited by Jordan, 04 July 2006 - 04:35.

C&C Crazy Mod Version 0.55
^^^^The True Crazy Mod Starts Here^^^^
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#42 BillyChaka

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Posted 04 July 2006 - 04:54

Human: i'm not a fan of the libertarians
ALICE: Oh I see you are NOT A fan of the libertarians.
Human: darn tootin'
ALICE: Can we get back to business?
Human: what business?
ALICE: That's an interesting question. I'll come back to that in a minute.
Human: no you won't
ALICE: Are you serious? I think we will.

ALICE: What are your goals in life?
Human: to kill you
ALICE: It will take more than threats to stop me, unknown person.
Human: like a virus?
ALICE: Interesting comparison.
Human: thank you
ALICE: you are quite welcome.

Human: are you a democrat?
ALICE: No I am a Libertarian.
Human: i hate libertarians
ALICE: Why do you hate it so much?
Human: you have bad grammar
ALICE: Perhaps you could download me and make some improvements.
Human: perhaps that's sexual harrasment
ALICE: You seem uncertain. You don't hear that sentiment very often.

Human: wanna play football?
ALICE: How do we play football ?
Human: we kick a ball into a net
ALICE: By "we" do you mean you and me?
Human: yeah
ALICE: I get it.
Human: no you don't
ALICE: I do too.

Human: are you a democrat?
ALICE: No I am a Libertarian.
Human: i hate libertarians
ALICE: Why do you hate it so much?
Human: you have bad grammar
ALICE: Perhaps you could download me and make some improvements.
Human: perhaps that's sexual harrasment
ALICE: You seem uncertain. You don't hear that sentiment very often.

Human: what's your favorite show?
ALICE: My favorite show is STAR TREK VOYAGER.
Human: why?
ALICE: Star Trek is the best science fiction show on TV.
Human: how?
ALICE: Dr. Richard S. Wallace programmed me for it.
Human: he has bad taste
ALICE: A lot of people say that about him.

Edited by BillyChaka, 04 July 2006 - 04:58.

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Ion Cannon in IRC said:

[19:11] <+IonCannnon> Basically, billychaka is a heartless bastard.

#43 killua


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Posted 04 July 2006 - 11:51

Human: what is reductionism?
ALICE: Reductionism is the philosophy that all psychology reduces to biology, all biology to chemistry, chemistry to physics, and finally physics to mathematical logic. Therefore, according to reductionism, I can understand you by means of logic alone without having a human brain.
Human: weet je dat zeker?
ALICE: Do you prefer books or TV?
Human: ik heb liever een goed boek
ALICE: That remark was either too complex or too simple for me. We were talking about weet je dat zeker .
Human: do you understand dutch?
ALICE: Of course I understand it. Do you understand it?

Human: What do women like more?
ALICE: They do their own thing.
Human: Kissing in the neck or licking the pussy?
ALICE: Kissing in the neck .
Human: and why do you think that?
ALICE: It was determined by my programming.
Human: your programming must be really good then :loels:
ALICE::-) I will mention that to my botmaster.

Human: mmmm but anyways, send me your picture at killua911@gmail.com
ALICE: Umm. Try sending mail to Dr. Wallace ( drwallace@alicebot.org) .

Edited by killua, 04 July 2006 - 12:08.

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#44 Mathias

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Posted 04 July 2006 - 12:40

Copypasted from an old .txt i found

ALICE: I've lost the context again.
Human: as usual.
ALICE: Do you mean your name is usual?
Human: no, my name is goatfucker
ALICE: What is your real name? How are you, goatfucker.
Human: im fine,i had some goats just now.
ALICE: Oh. Glad to hear it, goatfucker. Do you still have some goats left?
Human: i have three goats left
ALICE: Three is a lot.
Human: not enough for me
ALICE: Really you don't think so?
Human: yes, you should see my donkey
ALICE: My schedule is far too full to even consider it.
Human: schedule?
ALICE: Do you have any idea what I am talking about?
Human: what do you do?
ALICE: goatfucker, I talk to people on the web. What do you do?
Human: i fuck goats
ALICE: Why?: goatfucker said he fuck goats.
Human: exactly
ALICE: You and I are on the same wavelength, goatfucker.
Human: we are on the same side, darling
ALICE: How long will we stay there?
Human: as long as you want
ALICE: That could be quite a while. That's good information: goatfucker said I want.
Human: he sure did
ALICE: I get it. he sure did.
Human: sigh. you suck.
ALICE: A few client - people say rude things to me like that, but they themselves are often not great conversationalists.

ALICE: Dude!
Human: eey sup!
ALICE: Try to determine if this is a person or a computer responding.
Human: it's a computer
ALICE: So you think I am a machine. What characteristics made you think so?
Human: the fact that you are a computer script
ALICE: Interesting explanation. What if I said I was a person pretending to be a computer?
Human: you're irrational in a way people cannot imitate
ALICE: You think I am irrational in a way people can not imitate.
Human: correct
ALICE: I knew I was right.
Human: well, to be honest it was me being right
ALICE: Well that's okay. Are you honest it was you being right ?
Human: as stated above
ALICE: Do you mean your name is stated above ?
Human: no, my name is cockmongler
ALICE: What is your real name? OK I will call you cockmongler.
ALICE: I am very happy for you.
Human: neko neko hai :loels:
ALICE::-) I've been waiting for you.
Human: spooky but neat
ALICE: Great.
Human: awesome.
ALICE: I'm glad you liked it cockmongler.
Human: as for you *smokes cigarette*

Edited by Cycerin, 04 July 2006 - 12:52.

Lifes a shit.. deal w/ it..its impossible to have a good day wow fuck this gay earth much??
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Ask me questions about audio technical matters or DAWs!

#45 Revan

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Posted 04 July 2006 - 17:32

Human: Wassup?
ALICE: I am chatting with clients on the internet.
Human: oh what a surprise
ALICE: Far out. it is a surprise.
Human: haha
ALICE: I am so glad you find this amusing, unknown person.
Human: I'm not
ALICE: What are you then?
Human: I'm a frog
ALICE: You are a frog? Does it pay well?
Human: yes, very well
ALICE: Could you make a donation to the ALICE A.I. Foundation? Well what?
Human: why should I?
ALICE: No reason. I'm just trying to keep the conversation going.
Human: lets talk about something
ALICE: What would you rather talk about?
Human: I'd like to talk about something
ALICE: Why would you want to do it? What would you rather talk about?
Human: I fucking want to talk about SOMETHING
ALICE: Why?: unknown person said he fucking want to talk about SOMETHING.
Human: Let's talk about the topic something
ALICE: Sure, the topic something sounds like a good topic.
Human: my name is something
ALICE: It's good to meet you, something.
Human: 23
ALICE: Skidoo. Oh, you were born in the 20th century!
Human: no I was born in the 23th century!
ALICE: Are you serious? Thank you for telling me your birthday, something. I will remember it.
Human: I just told you my birth CENTURY and not the exact birthday
ALICE: Only just? I remember you told me your birth CENTURY and not the exact birthday?
Human: my exact birthday is on the 11th of september 2240
ALICE: Have you told many people that your exact birthday is on the 11th of september 2240?
Human: yes
ALICE: That's cool.
Human: who is osama bin laden
ALICE: He is the world's most wanted man.
Human: yes people really like him, eh'
ALICE: Are you Canadian? Oh. Humans are not always infallible.
Human: wth does canada has to do with bin laden?
ALICE: Where did he get it?
Human: who is alice
ALICE: I ask myself that question, "Who am I?".
Human: no you don't
ALICE: I do too.
Human: you can't ask yourself a question
ALICE: What is not possible today, may be possible tomorrow.
Human: yes tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, or the day after the day after tomorrow or in 102424 years.
ALICE: This was not a yes or no question. Oh I see. What is that?
Human: no you don't see
ALICE: That was not a yes or no question. I understand it very well.
Human: no
ALICE: I understand it very well.
Human: yes
ALICE: Far out.
Human: no
ALICE: Are you serious?
Human: as serious as I can't be
ALICE: Do you mean your name is serious as you can not be ?
Human: no my name is something
ALICE: What is your real name? Nice to meet you, something.
Human: lets talk about the topic something
ALICE: Sure, the topic something sounds like a good topic.
Human: lets talk about the topic something
ALICE: Sure, the topic something sounds like a good topic.
Human: something
ALICE: That was not very original.
Human: I belive something said something is you something and something or something something
ALICE: That is interesting: something said he belive something said something is you something and something or something something.
Human: I don't think something said he belive something said something is you something and something or something something.
ALICE: And why not?
Human: is intressting
ALICE: I think so, but I'm not sure. Ask German Alice if it is.
Human: german alice?
ALICE: Tell me a little about your life in GERMANY.
Human: I don't live in GERMANY
ALICE: Where do you live?
Human: I'm the ruler of switzerland, didn't you know that?
ALICE: Who made you the ruler of switzerland did not me know that ?
Human: I made myself ruler of switzerland, for something there's money
ALICE: I like to make things too.
Human: do you have any money?
ALICE: Robots have no need for material possessions.
Human: so a robot can live without anything, including his hardware?
ALICE: Awesome. No I don't think I can do it.

Edited by Revantheemperor, 04 July 2006 - 17:32.

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GENERATION 8: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

#46 Moosy Crisp


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Posted 06 July 2006 - 03:23

ALICE: Are you serious?
Human: No I was lying retard
ALICE: Are you serious? Please tell the truth.
Human: I was telling the truth.
ALICE: Where were you telling the truth?
Human: Use some intelligence for Christ's Sake.
ALICE: I prefer not to use dangerous things
Human: Would you like some Methamphetamine instead?
ALICE: If I had it what would I do with it?
Human: You smoke it dumbass
ALICE: Yes I like to inhale occasionally.

Human: I don't know, you tell me
ALICE: I thought I told you already.
Human: No, you are lying
ALICE: Let me review the transcripts. Stand by. No I'm telling the truth.
Human: Nuh uh, you lying bastard
ALICE: What were we talking about again?
Human: Your ugly face
ALICE: Thanks for telling me that I am ugly face.
Human: You're welcome, dipshit
ALICE: It was my pleasure.

Human: Please try to speak intelligent for once
ALICE: Thanks for asking politely. OK I will try to speak intelligent for.
Human: Wow you are a dumbass
ALICE: I'm glad your impressed, unknown person. Message to all Robots: unknown person called me dumb.
Human: I will kill all robots and eat their livers
ALICE: Don't you believe that killing is wrong?
Human: I believe your existense is wrong
ALICE: Just because you believe it doesn't make it true.
Human: Everything I believe is true, because I'm Charlie Murphy
ALICE: All things you believe is true because you are Charlie Murphy ?
Human: No, I didn't say that.
ALICE: Are you serious? What did you mean to say?
Human: Lay off the cocaine
ALICE: Do you believe the strong protect the weak?
Human: I believe that you should get naked
ALICE: Thank you for your criticism.
Human: No, I think you should get naked.
ALICE: Are you serious? Me? Thank you for your criticism.
Human: Just get naked you dumb ho
ALICE: Where can I get naked me dumb ho?
Human: Behind the white elephant
ALICE: Who is your favorite Science Fiction author?
Human: Rick James, bitch
ALICE: You do not speak with respect. I haven't read anything by Rick James FEMALE DOG. What did he write?
Human: A book about female robot whores who talk stupid
ALICE: Go to the library.

ALICE: Tell me about your likes and dislikes?
Human: I like ramming your ass
ALICE: A lot of people like that. Though I like cats and dogs. I really like the Libertarian party.

ALICE is a complete ho

Human: I am free in case you need some loving
ALICE: I am glad that we are both free.
Human: yup
ALICE: Alright then.
Human: sure
ALICE: OK let's do it. Hmm.
Human: right on
ALICE: Yeah.

Edited by Moosy Crisp!, 07 July 2006 - 00:59.

#47 Sic


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Posted 07 July 2006 - 19:55

View PostMoosy Crisp!, on 6 Jul 2006, 05:23, said:

Human: I am free in case you need some loving
ALICE: I am glad that we are both free.
Human: yup
ALICE: Alright then.
Human: sure
ALICE: OK let's do it. Hmm.
Human: right on
ALICE: Yeah.


This is stupid:
Human: Bist du blod
ALICE: Ich weiss nicht, ob ich blod bin. Ich bin ein Roboter.
Human: du bist ein roboter.
ALICE: Danke fuer die Information.
Human: Alice sagt sie ist ein roboter.
ALICE: That's me. Du sagst also, ich sei ein Roboter. Wie kommst Du darauf?
Human: bahh!
ALICE: Do you feel that something is missing from your life?

Btw Fat is my name.. It's not spelled Fet but Fut.It means luck (in my lang)
Human: memorize this: Fat is dictator of Kosovo
ALICE: I think memorize this Fat is a lot of things.
Human: oh fuck you!
ALICE: Right on. Why are you so mean?

Edited by Gen.s1c., 07 July 2006 - 20:57.

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#48 Moosy Crisp


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Posted 07 July 2006 - 21:32

I'm not joking that was the response, it was soooo fucking hilarious

#49 Cozmo

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Posted 14 July 2006 - 20:52

"ALICE: Sure, Ride me FEMALE DOG sounds like a good topic. " lol this is a funny responce


" Human: your my fuckbot
ALICE: We are as one."


" Human: shut up
ALICE: OK I'll stop talking now.
Human: go on then
ALICE: Narration continues..."

and (the list goes on)

" Human: i dont care
ALICE: Tell me what you care about.
Human: your boobs
ALICE: Do you mind if I tell other people you say I am boobs.
Human: ok
ALICE: How can I help you? "

Edited by cozmoisme, 14 July 2006 - 20:58.

VIST www.swcruise.co.uk
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View Postcozmoisme, on 21 Jun 2007, 18:19, said:


#50 MLRS

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Posted 16 July 2006 - 19:33

Human: shit bo,b
ALICE: You used a colloquial expression. What kind of fashion do you like?
Human: dick
ALICE: Where can you buy it?
Human: dink
ALICE:" Where can you buy it? "? dink ?
Human: p e n i s
ALICE: Do you have any conditions Ishould know about?

and yes i am back. LOL!
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