General, on 12 August 2012 - 12:51, said:
Chyros, on 12 August 2012 - 11:59, said:
Krieger22, on 12 August 2012 - 11:40, said:

*Begins humming Act on Instinct*
Such a nice game, back when EA hadn't got their crubby hands on Westwood yet...
It is not ! I don't know which one was that but I remember playing a Red Alert game on PS and one particular mission driven me crazy since it was too hard or I mistakenly played it on hardest mode or something since I'd no sufficient english skills to understand what is going on in the games at that time

( Not that it is perfect or something now

Those where the days! When games hadn't yet been dumbed down to the level of 4-year-olds, when they still had complexity and baffling mechanics, when the levels were often ridiculously hard and the games unforgiving. Wouldn't have it any other way. Nowadays, all the difficulty in games comes from not how hard the game is but how stupid the controls are or how hard it is to make the game do what you want.