They had a nice idea, it started to print money, then it gets milked. Same goes for any popular media.
TheDR, on 19 March 2025 - 08:36, said:
I will:
Oh man, Dragon Ball Z is a legendary anime, but it’s got its fair share of weirdness. Here’s a list of some of the strangest things about it:
1. Power Levels Make No Sense
2. The Ridiculous Length of Some Battles
3. Goku is a Terrible Father
4. Saiyan Hair Logic
5. The Bizarre Aging of Characters
6. Gohan’s Wasted Potential
7. Piccolo's Role as Babysitter
8. Characters Constantly Coming Back from the Dead
9. Hercule (Mr. Satan) Being Considered Earth's Strongest Fighter
10. The Inconsistent Use of the Dragon Balls
11. Characters Forget How to Use Abilities
12. The Weird Absence of Tails
13. The Ridiculous Transformations
14. The Inconsistent Strength of Humans
15. Buu’s Crazy Powers
16. Why Don’t They Just Use Potara Earrings All the Time?
17. Super Saiyan God Ritual Makes No Sense
18. Why Does Goku Keep Sparing Villains?
19. How Does Frieza Get That Much Stronger?
20. Why Are There So Many Lookalikes?
21. No One Recognizes Clark Kent-Style Disguises
22. The Clothes Beam
23. The Z Fighters Not Training Together
24. Goku and Vegeta Refusing to Use Help
25. The Hyperbolic Time Chamber Should Solve Everything
Oh man, Dragon Ball Z is a legendary anime, but it’s got its fair share of weirdness. Here’s a list of some of the strangest things about it:
1. Power Levels Make No Sense
- They were introduced as an easy way to measure strength, but they quickly became meaningless ("It's over 9000!"). By the time Frieza shows up, numbers stop being used, and characters just "sense" strength instead.
2. The Ridiculous Length of Some Battles
- A single battle can stretch across dozens of episodes. The fight with Frieza on Namek? He says the planet will explode in five minutes... and it takes around 10+ episodes for it to actually happen.
3. Goku is a Terrible Father
- Goku loves training more than he loves his family. He ditches Gohan constantly, doesn't raise Goten, and even chooses to stay dead instead of returning to his family after the Cell saga.
4. Saiyan Hair Logic
- Saiyan hair doesn’t grow once they reach adulthood... but somehow Vegeta’s hairline changes between DBZ and Super.
5. The Bizarre Aging of Characters
- Goten and Trunks stay kids forever, while characters like Bulma and Krillin visibly age. Meanwhile, Master Roshi has been old for hundreds of years.
6. Gohan’s Wasted Potential
- Gohan was built up to be the strongest character multiple times, only to be nerfed later. He peaked against Cell, got soft in the Buu saga, and was completely sidelined in Super.
7. Piccolo's Role as Babysitter
- Piccolo, once a terrifying villain, ends up being Gohan’s nanny. He even teaches him how to fight and is arguably a better father figure than Goku.
8. Characters Constantly Coming Back from the Dead
- Death is a joke in DBZ. Goku, Krillin, Piccolo, and even Frieza have all been resurrected multiple times. The afterlife has revolving doors.
9. Hercule (Mr. Satan) Being Considered Earth's Strongest Fighter
- Despite being a joke character, humans genuinely believe Mr. Satan is the strongest fighter, even though he’d get wrecked by anyone in the actual Z Fighter squad.
10. The Inconsistent Use of the Dragon Balls
- The Dragon Balls can grant almost any wish, but they are rarely used to fix problems effectively. Why not just wish villains out of existence?
11. Characters Forget How to Use Abilities
- Goku and others have used abilities like Kaioken or Instant Transmission in battle, but they conveniently "forget" about them when they could be useful.
12. The Weird Absence of Tails
- Saiyan tails are a big deal early on, but after Vegeta’s arc, they’re almost never seen again. Goten and Trunks are full-blooded Saiyans but were apparently born without tails?
13. The Ridiculous Transformations
- Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2, 3, 4 (non-canon), God, Blue, Ultra Instinct... How many more hair colors and forms do they need?
14. The Inconsistent Strength of Humans
- Krillin is supposedly the strongest human, but he’s completely outclassed by Saiyans. Yet somehow, Android 18 (who isn’t even a Saiyan) can keep up with Super Saiyans?
15. Buu’s Crazy Powers
- Buu can turn people into candy and eat them, regenerate from almost anything, and even absorb fighters to gain their powers. He’s basically a walking cheat code.
16. Why Don’t They Just Use Potara Earrings All the Time?
- The fusion dance has time limits, but Potara earrings create a permanent fusion (unless retconned). Why not just fuse permanently and be done with it?
17. Super Saiyan God Ritual Makes No Sense
- To become a Super Saiyan God, you need five Saiyans to hold hands and transfer power. Where did this rule come from? Who figured this out?
18. Why Does Goku Keep Sparing Villains?
- He lets Frieza live (only for him to come back), gives Cell a senzu bean before the fight with Gohan, and even offers Buu a second chance.
19. How Does Frieza Get That Much Stronger?
- Frieza trains for four months and becomes strong enough to rival Goku and Vegeta in their God forms. Meanwhile, Goku needed years of training just to reach Super Saiyan.
20. Why Are There So Many Lookalikes?
- Bardock looks just like Goku. Turles looks just like Goku. Goten looks just like Goku. Are Saiyan genetics that lazy?
21. No One Recognizes Clark Kent-Style Disguises
- Gohan wears glasses and becomes The Great Saiyaman, and somehow no one realizes he's the same person who fought Cell?
22. The Clothes Beam
- Piccolo can just magically create clothes for people. Where did this ability come from?
23. The Z Fighters Not Training Together
- The world is constantly at risk, yet characters like Krillin, Yamcha, and Tien rarely train with Goku and Vegeta. You’d think they’d want to get stronger.
24. Goku and Vegeta Refusing to Use Help
- They’d rather get beaten to near death than accept help or fuse. The only time they do fuse is when the plot forces them to.
25. The Hyperbolic Time Chamber Should Solve Everything
- It gives a year's worth of training in just one day. Why don’t they just live in there and become gods instantly?
Biggest bullshit isn't there: Capsule

Edited by General, Today, 08:47.