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will the internet kill us all?

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#1 moab_there_butt


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Posted 14 August 2005 - 00:37

(before you read relise that im an american so this is from my point of view.... you will soon relise why I had said this to start off the topic...)

hmm.... this is somthing very frightening indeed... the actule internet does not have the ability to kill peaple on its own... but if used in such a way it could start a colaberation of things that could lead up to total chaos...

politics for starters.... no im not talking about if you like bush or kerry... and im not talking about if we go to war with anouther country or not... when I say these words... what do you think of?

jihad - The struggle to establish the law of God on earth, often interpreted to mean holy war.

terrorism - The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence against people or property to coerce or intimidate governments or societies, often to achieve political, religious, or ideological objectives.

terrorist - is a label for one who personally is involved in an act of terrorism. Terrorist tactics may also be used by dissident groups or other non-state actors to achieve political ends or for purposes of extortion. The term "terrorism" originated from the French 18th century word terrorisme (under the Terror).

fanatic - marked by excessive enthusiasm for and intense devotion to a cause or idea; "rabid isolationist"

if you were thinking of the internet you might be more right then what you think you are...

what im worried about is how to best deal with potential threats using the internet as a means of an attack...

beleave it or not... in the washington post (a newspaper in my country) had written an artical about terrorists using the internet to spread the propaganda.... if you think im already full of bull shi* then look at the following links....




should we the peaple of this world be worried about this? and why hasnt the goverment stepped in to stop this? how will you think this will affect what goes on in later years? tell me waht do you think?
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#2 JohnMidnight


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Posted 18 August 2005 - 15:58

If they use the internet then things go easy for the military when finding places to bomb.

#3 kaiserpanda


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Posted 18 August 2005 - 18:19

You don't give our armed services enough credit. :)
Those sort of sites are goldmines for information to use against terrorists.
Also, we are prepared for "digital warefare." Two prior service guys in my ROTC detachment recieved comendations for their work in digital warefare exercises, dangit if I can't remember the name of the thing. Big joint-service cyberwarefare thing...

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